December 16, 2010

I Am Not Happy With Myself

A few months ago I had some time on my hands and cleaned up stories folders on both computers. I had this very, very small felling that something was off, but I didn't realize what it was until about 2 hours ago.

I deleted Love's Loves from my computer. The pdf version and the .doc version. Lucky for me I shared. I went and downloaded it, then looked for a site/software that could change the pdf into some form of editable document. I found this place I think. I chose to have it changed into rtf since I'm fast at editing, but I wanted the words to be as unmessed up as possible.

So I've just looked up and saw that it's 5:41am. I was planning on going to school early. I kinda need to really. But I also know that I should make myself blog abit before going to sleep.

Let's see.

On Monday I had no class because the teacher wasn't going to be in town. That is why three out of the last 4 saturdays I've had a make up class including this past saturday. On Sunday night my sister made some custard. She didn't like it, but I ate it since I like custard and I hadn't had any in ages. I knew to take my pill. I saw the amount of cow milk she used. But that didn't save me. From the time I woke up Monday morning until Tuesday night I was fighting off throwing up. I went to the bathroom about 6 times. When I tried to eat something late Tuesday afternoon, I had to fight really hard not to throw up and instead had to take a bath, and wipe down the chair I was sitting in and the floor around it.

No where near a decent picture never mind a pretty one.

So once that happened I wasn't go school. And what class did I have Tuesday? 'Math'. It's not really math, but it's easier for me to call it that. So Some where around 9pm I tired to eat something again. Besides that last try back in the kitchen, I hadn't eaten anything since the Sunday night.

I had ginger spread on some bread. Oh, I had gotten my sister to get some of the pink liquid stuff. I had taken some before my little accident in the kitchen, and I had taken some since then so I thought it was worth a shot. Lucky me it worked. I was laying on my new bed.

I had sent a text to my friend at school telling her that I wasn't going to make it and if she could get me notes from class and tell the teacher that I was out sick.

So today I woke up fine. I was told that the supper was coming by to paint the bathroom. He was in there last week doing a very bad speckle job, so I stayed in my room and fell back asleep. But before I did, I set my alarm and 10 mins before it went off, my mom came home and the super came in the door to the apt waking me up. Great. Just great.

So I get had to use the bathroom later then I would have liked, with pant smells clinging to me as I leave the about 30 mins late.

Lucky, I got most of what was said in class and was further along than most of the students. I'm just having issues with XREF. If you don't know, you don't need to know. So after that I tired to look for my friend to ask for the notes, but I didn't see her. I told a guy she knew that if he saw her, tell her that I was going to get something to eat.

Now you may have heard that we are like shaking in our boots, this north on the east coast right now and it's true. They tell it's it's officially 20 degrees out, but it will feel like 8. Great. Just great. So I'm in my three shirts, and three pants one being pj's with my coat, and hat that borrowed from my mom and I go to get a fish sandwich with real onion rings. But their fryer is up right now. Great. So I think of where to go. I change my mind once I think and ended up at this place where the heat is coming at you through the food and the glass. I get what I picked back to school and it's just warm.

I only walked 2 and a half blocks.

Well I got to hand in my math work to the teacher since he was there teaching another class. He explained where I messed up on a quiz I thought I had Aced. That should have been my first clue. I don't Ace anything. I messed myself up when I did, I was going fine until one part then anything that needed that information was wrong.

So I tried to make sense of the notes and stopped a few pages in and just xroxed it.

Today I'm going in early to get someone else's notes and maybe working on some of my home work. Then I have to draw up something for my intro to design class. If I wasn't sick I might have done something on Monday. I was planing on some school work that day.

Now tonight I came home a little early, met a lady from upstairs on the S train and gave her the seat next to me. We walked home together, and complained about the weather. I rocked out a few songs until my mom left for work. Then I decided to put a cover on my pdf of Love's Love and to my dismay and over an hour of looking, I couldn't find it.

Now I've blogged and I can crash for a few hours until I drag myself through this cold, cold snap. Heck if it did snap it would break into more than two pieces.

Now if you think I'm going to read this over, you are very mistaken.

Night, I'm out of here.

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