May 01, 2017


That is a hospital bracelet. I'm in the emergency room. I remember someone saying that I could get free heath insurance at the hospital.

Last night I couldn't sleep even after getting home after 10pm. I went to Penn and everything. Anyway, I was trying to massage my leg and foot, bit it didn't seem to be helping so i started to stretch and I thought it was kinda working, and even thought i tired myself out enough to fall asleep, I ended up aggregating my muscles again, so now I'm back to where I was two days ago with a numb leg.

That is really why I went to the emergency room. I asked about the free health insurance and I was sent to another building. It wasn't a busy place, could have been the time of day,  but the one person that I saw there told me to call a number to make an appointment. It was a voice mail.


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