February 01, 2018

The Cops Knocked On My Door Again

Nope. A car didn't explode again.

Nope. It was not another car chase after a drug dealer.

Nope. No one was shot.

Someone was stabbed this time.

Be right back. ... maybe. My sister needs the computer for something.

1:19am - Back.

So what was I saying?

Oh yeah, cops knocking at my door.

Someone was assaulted next to my building and I saw part of it.

I'm fine. I didn't actually see the attack. I heard people shouting in the street. Too common over here. Then I heard this buzzing sound and got up to look at my new little heater that I just got last week and when it occurred to me that it sounded like a taser, I looked outside and saw a guy on the ground and another guy over him like he was checking his pockets for something.

There was a lady with him and she had something that had a red light to it. It could have been her phone for all I know. They left the guy on the ground and walked over to their house when I car left the driveway of the house they were in front of. The whole time he was shouting at the guy, who is still laying on the ground, that he would kill him if he came back into his house.

I looked around to see if I was the only one looking down on this and I wasn't. A few someones from across the street saw them too. So I figured enough people had seen at this point and that I didn't need to call the cops myself.

Then when I was about to leave, the guy came back out asking the man why he was still on the ground and that he wasn't hurt that bad. Then before he got too close he backed up and started shouting again how he would kill him if he came back into his house and that he paid for everything and he didn't want him going near his bitch, which I thought was odd he was calling his girlfriend that, and he went back inside.

For all I know the guy on the ground messed with his girlfriend and he beat him over it, and she was out there she wasn't ok with what he did to her.

Then I went back to watching tv and then I don't know how much longer it was before people were ringing my bell. I look outside and there are like 3 cop cars and an ambulance.

I went downstairs and hang out on the porch with my landlord. They woke him up it seems. I think he was a bit surprised to see the flashing lights when he opened the door. I talked with my landlord until the cops saw us and came over to ask if we saw anything. I gave them my short statement then came back upstairs. They then rang my bell again about 10 mins later to get my number. Then I actually fell asleep and they called my phone to wake me up, to come downstairs. They then asked, badly, for me to go with them to give an official statement.

I'm marveling at how my night is turning out and turn to come back upstairs to get dressed when the detectives came over. One of them takes my statement then and there while the other one talked to my landlord about getting a copy of what his cams caught.

Yeah, about two years back he got them at least two or so and stuck them on his house. I think there might be one on the porch too. I once joked about getting access to the field, but I haven't pressed for it.

That happened Monday night.

Oh. As the detective finished taking my statement, I saw snow falling behind her. It looked nice in an odd way. There were no more flashing lights and the only light I really saw was from the street lamp. The light on the porch had already gone out. All the lights in the stairwell and on the porch are turned on my motion and turned off by the lack thereof.

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