Here are some shots of my ... finished model. :)
I would have liked to have the 3D version for you to look at, but once I added the water, the trees on the side and the green roof top, it was too big. There is this 10meg limit and I'm well over it with all the extra greenary.
So I took some shots.
The presentaion went well. It was on Wednesday btw. I just have to make my floor plans bigger and to draw my sections. I need at least one section to keep my grade out of the B zone. He liked what I came up with. I just made one mistake. I printed out the type of stone that I wanted to use on the outside of the building, but he didn't like that. I should have showen these pics on the computer instead to show the white stone against the blue glass even is I said it was meant to be clear. I can still change that part on my drawn elevations. Make it a nice blue tint. :D
I added in the water fountains near the end when I was reading over what was needed in my project. I have two since I have such a large space between the two areas out front. At first I thought that it was bad thing that I had that big of a space, but now I see that they could have tables and chairs out there for some kind of out door event. :) I'll write that in some where. :D
I am very disapointed with myself for not remembering how to use auto cad. I just need to stop using something and it gets pushed aside, if not out of my head, in favor of new knowlage. :(
Why do I bring up auto cad? I was thinking of saving some time by doing my floor plans in there, but I quickly found out that I don't remember as much as I should have and now, I just feel lost and not want to use it. Which is not good since I need to use this program. But the thing is once I start to work with it, it will be ok. The knowlage will be back and in constant use. I was already thinking that I needed to take some auto cad classes anyway, I just need to start back over again. It could be a good thing. :) So you know what I'm doing this summer. It's too late to file fin aid for a different school this winter.
Now, as for my day, I went to school, got some home work done. Picked up my skectch book and went to get some pictures scanned. Then after waiting in line, twice, scaning my documents without problems and saving them in the format that I really wanted, all got shot down when they tried to charge me $10 for just one pic to be copied to my thumb drive. $10 to move a file off a computer unto a thumb drive that I came with. $10 per coloured scanned. $10!
I told her she could keep them and walked out. I don't care if I acted or sounded like me mother at the time. $10 to give me the scan of a pic that I made and scanned myself. Each. I fougot that part. Each. I had 6 scans. Three were in colour, and I wasn't going to spend over $30 for my own stuff to be given to me.
I went to another place that was close by that I knew about, but they don't open on the weekend. I was on my way to the next place, that was as short bus ride away, but I was just hungry and went home instead.
For some reason I've been skipping meals lately and I'm not all that sure why.
Ok, I'm going to read something and lay down. It's 1am and I've been up since 9:30am.