September 27, 2018

The rain...

... was so bothered by the fact that it's afternoon thundershowers was canceled yesterday, keeping me dry, then when it saw me leaving work late and not going straight home, it decided to rain on me now with paper bags in hand.

But I have my umbrella and I refuse to call an Uber. I spent far too much on them last month. I will end out September with riding one.

Just a few days left and I've made it.

So what's in the bags? I got a dress from work a few weeks ago and wished it with the intent to wear it yesterday. But I didn't try it on and once I said that out loud I realized that it wasn't going to fit. Such is my and I was right. So I returned it and got two other things. I think they both came up to the price of what I returned.

Then I was thinking of going to Shoprite, but decided to go to Whole Foods instead. Got some cassava fries, flax seed granola and something else that I can't spell to try out and to kinds of vegan yogurt to test out. All said and done, not much damage.


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September 25, 2018


Yesterday I wore a dress who's back zipper kept sliding down.

Today I'm in full rain gear and almost none of me, out side of my hair and face is dry.

On the bus now. I hope I get to work on time. There was B bus today, that I saw. That is how I got to work about an hour early yesterday. But yesterday I had to be at work for 11:30 not 11 like today.

It's not that bad. It's not yet 10 and I'm entering Elizabeth now. I should have about 15 mins to change and use the hand dryer to dry my clothes before I start my shift.

Started watching Bleach again. About 5 eps into season 4. This is one of my least liked parts in the anime. I'm not a fan of these bod souls.


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September 11, 2018

... well, one pic, for now.

Forgetful Me

Second day of me forgetting things.

It actually kinda started last week. I took my umbrella to work and forgot it there because it wasn't raining when my shift ended. No big right? So normal.

But then yesterday I was focused on switching buses on my home that I left it behind on the bus. The minute I sat down I remembered it. When I texted my sister to tell her she laughed at me.

Today I was so proud of remembering to take my pills before leaving the house that I forgot to take my shoes with me. It's still very wet from the last three-ish days of rain, so I put on my rain boots to wear to work along with my new tights since it's now "cold" and I forgot to pack my work shoes. 😰

I could just take off the tights and keep the boots and socks on. I was just not planning on doing that. But it doesn't look like I have a choice.

But I kinda blame my lack of sleep for the slip up. My sister did my hair and it lasted for hours. Way longer than it should have taken since I took that into account when I got her to start as early as possible.

Pics later.

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