August 29, 2020

Not home yet

 So, there are two reasons why I’m not home yet and both are my fault.

One, I was told to recover (clean) kids at closing. For most of the day I’ve been at checkout, and someone tore their way through the boys section, but honestly I’ve seen and fixed worst. My problem was that I had less than 45 mins to make it right. So when I was asked about what time my bus was to show, I had two things go through my mind. 

One, I wanted to stay for the little extra in my pay for a full 30 mins. The next thing being, I needed to stay to clean up kids like I was asked. 

So by the time we all left the store I of course had missed the last bus that would take me to journal square. So I had to take a detour and take two buses to get me there to get my last bus to take me home. Fine. I caught them back to back.

I get to journal square and I see that have 15 mins until my bus leaves. I want to get a drink to take to work for lunch and I decided to get some chicken from this new place to go with the rest of my lunch and to have some for dinner. 

So on my way to catch my bus that is leaving in 3 mins I was stopped. Not once but twice. I couldn’t believe my luck. So I got to my ‘terminal’ in time to have it roll by me.

Now I have to wait 20 mins for the next one. And that is where you find me today.

Other than work that I have been waking up at 5:30 am for, I guess I’m doing ok.

I got some new fractals made. I impressed myself with the last bit of writing I posted yesterday. It was my day off so I got to polish it up to my liking. 

Yesterday my sister also had PSE&G come by to look at our heating system. Well she thought that they were coming to inspect our heating system. They checked our boiler and its  connection to our floor. Nothing outside of the basement was looked at. 

He said he did something to make sure the heat wasn’t blocked from reaching all the rooms. We shall see. In Newark I got the heat and she didn’t. The next place she had a radiator in her room, I didn’t. And this time she seems to be getting most of the heat again. Her room was a sauna and I had to employ my comforter to get not cold at the start of the year.

I’m on the bus now. About 30 mins from now I will be hobbling my way down the block to my house. 

Take care people.


August 25, 2020

Who’s at fault?

 My bus app said that I had over 10 mins until the bus showed up so I took my time walking to the bus stop and paused to take a photo. Just one, even though the scene changed as I continued to walk towards it.

Do I back up 10 paces to try for what I really wanted? No. I had a bus to catch. I had less than half a block to go. Heck I was one house away from the corner. 

And as I get to the corner there is the bus breezing past me, beating the stop light with no one on it. 

So I’m waiting for the next bus. When ever that may be. 


August 24, 2020

The day went quickly

 Even though I’ve been at work since 9am today and awake since 5:30 they day went by quickly for me and I wasn’t the one one that said so. 

I guess when you have something g to really do and not a lot of customers to worry about it speeds along your day. 

Now to do it all back over again. 

August 20, 2020


 The day went very quickly for me. 

A higher up showed up at the store and walked around the store talking to a display person on the phone. My manager thought it was for one, but it turned out to be stuff that they wanted done today. So there went our plans for the day. 

On the upside, the store looks a little better and we discovered some marked down items on the women's side. But a bunch of stuff was moved around and filled. 

I was on register today, which wasn’t working since it was just me and one manager on the women’s side of the store. So we got Bruce somehow. He does not like working in women's at all, but I think he also took over register duty for me also until he left at 5. After my break I wasn't called to ring out anyone. I just realized that.

Oh. Lunch was microwave popcorn. Kettle Corn maybe. I can't have any butter or dairy-based things. It was a big enough bag that I'm not starving. 

I ended up leaving half an hour after I was suppose to. Everyone is used to me closing down the store, even me, that it was odd that I left so early. But I’ll be there for closing for the next two days. 

Overall it was a good day despite my second bus being 12 mins late this morning. What is 12 mins you ask me? It's me getting to work 4 mins late. I hope it was only 4. My first bus was late too, or I would have caught an earlier second bus. But I got what I got. Now I’m heading home. 

I feel like throwing money at someone for some fried chicken. I haven't had any in weeks. Over a month for sure. 


I don't think the food traveled well.

 Some of it seemed to have spoiled by the time I was home and ready to eat it. 

I got home before 7, and the only thing I did that took up any time before eating was taking a bath. I had to pee since halfway through my trip to Brooklyn. 

When I got there she didn't let me sit, I didn’t even think to ask her to use the bathroom. She’s 88 after all. I expect her to die soon, but I won't be the one to kill her. 

So when I got to lower Manhattan on my way back, I thought that perhaps I could use the bathroom at my sister’s office. But when I called her she said that she had just gotten on the bus. So I just missed seeing her by 5 mins. 

So the second I got in the apt I’m running for the bathroom and was only half successful. Which is why I washed my skirt in the bathroom sink and took a bath. 

Anyway, the food. At first, I thought that they had put lime on the food but by the time I packed everything up after my sister got around to eating, something else didn't smell right. I packed up the bits that I thought was still good and even sectioned out some to take to work. But I couldn't pack it with me this morning. 

I’m hours away from Aunt Flo showing up. That’s one of the reasons I felt like throwing up yesterday and this morning. I’m not adding food poisoning to my worries while at work. 

I was so happy when I got the food, now I feel like I wasted my money. 

August 19, 2020

I was wrong.

 It’s $4.50 for the bus.

Boy did I get food.

 They were open, but they had a capacity restriction of 6 people at a time. 

So, what was wrong with her phone? It was set to vibrate and I don't know if she remembers how to make a call on the iPhone. But nothing was wrong with it. 

She then said that I never told her about vibrate. On her older phone it was called silent. And I showed it to her. 

I have to spend a lot of time on a few things everytime I see her and sometimes it's rehashing what I showed and told and wrote down last time. 

If she doesn't stop to ask me about something, I may never get around to it. She is almost afraid to just use her phone and keep track of what she did and what happened when she did that. 

I spent years getting her to understand how to use an Android phone, so she is now telling me she doesn't understand how to new this iphone. But since I gave it to her like a week before all this year got turned on its head and she hasn't seen us since and didn't look up how to use it, like I showed her on YouTube, it has stayed over her head. 

What I forgot and don't like about Android platforms is that the OS version that they come with are mostly baked in there and don't update like windows or iPhone, so it says it's up to date when it's years old and shows it. 

Oh, and the odd issue she had abiut the contacts was that she hadn’t entered in any. I shieed her how to add contacts, and she was suppose to add the rest. I did reenter what was on ber old phone for her, but the numbers she had writen down who knows where were what she had left to enter. I knkw i showed her. She makes a fuss about me doing anything and not showing her what I’m doing. 

So I'm heading back home now. If I get to lower Manhattan in time, to catch the 120, I can skip a bus and the path, even if it costs me $6.


Well, (to give you something different)

 I am currently sitting in a powerless subway train in Brooklyn at Borough Hall. 

I work up at 7:30 this morning ready to get this trip over with but I had such a sour stomach and nausea that I honestly thought that I was going to throw up until I was able to fall asleep again. Oh and every time I stood up I felt like I had to use the bathroom 

I don't hate my cousin enough to make myself sick. 

So after I woke up about two hours later I just laid there until I believed that I could leave the house. I didn't even take my med until noon. I also had a yogurt hoping that might help if not come back up on me. It's been at least three hours and that funny feeling is starting to come back at the back of my throat. Great.

I caught the 10 bus to the path train. Took that over to world trade center and then made my way to the 4 train to get me to crown heights where I will change trains again to go to New Lots. 

See why I didn't want to do this? 

Ok. Power is back and we are moving. 

I don't know if I’ll feel up to taking any pics today. Oh and it's a rainy day to boot. 


August 18, 2020

So... (yes I say that a lot)

 I got to the bus stop at the top of the hour like I keep telling myself to do and today it showed up 3 mins early. So yeah for me. 

What is not ”Yeah for me” is that I have to go to Brooklyn tomorrow. I don't think it's really the fact of just leaving my house, but that is a big part of it. I had writing time set up so I could make progress. The other part is who I’m going to see. 

If you have a family member that you don't get along with but they need you for something? That is what this is. She doesn't hate me. She considers me a disappointment and the huge age gap isn't helping.

Then the trip is hours both ways. 

Since I woke up this morning I’ve managed to find two upsides. One, the Spanish restaurant around from her, if they are even open. And two, I can detour on the way home to take some photos. 

If I manage to get home before 5 pm I might be able to write something. 

Here’s to hoping. 


August 17, 2020


 I checked the weather this morning before I was 'running' out the door to catch my bus this morning so I would know what shoes to wear. 

I saw that it was going to rain when it would be time for me to go home. So my new weather boots. They aren't feeling as bad as they did the first time I wore them. :shrug:

But I'm home now and it just started raining. About an hour after I got home. Oh well. I saw the clouds on the way home so I'm grateful to have been speared the public bath, even if I had my shoes and umbrella. 

Interesting thing when I got off my bus at my job this morning. There were all these people walking across the street into our parking lot. It took me a second to realize that they were coming from The Real Real across from us. Ok. But I still didn't have a clue why they all left their building. There were no alarms that I could hear and I didn't smell any smoke or see flames. A drill? Well I had about 25 mins to get to the food van, order, have them cook it and then make my way to work before the that 25 mins ran out so I could clock-in on time. 

While I was waiting for my garlic chicken sandwich platter, I saw and heard three fire engines as they showed up to see what was going on. I think it was three. So I don't believe it was a drill. I heard something about a skunk. But a skunk wouldn't need three fire engines and the redirecting of traffic. 

We felt a little light on staff today after having more manning the shop yesterday. Two people are on vacation. We lost some people from when we closed and at the end of the day I found out that someone who was suppose to come in today, got in an accident so someone who was suppose to close today, had to come in early to cover that shift. So only three of us were there at closing today. Oh, and we seem to only have weekend workers too. That would explain the extra hours I have this week. I haven't worked that many days since live floorset. I won't explain what that is, unless you ask, because we aren't doing them anymore. 

Three of us to close and recover a whole store. Lucky us, we didn't have many people after the other 2 people, left. So it wasn't a hot of mess as it was earlier in the day. 


August 16, 2020

Got My First Look...

 At my worksheet for next week. I expected to work tomorrow, so that wasn't a surprise. Having to work on Tuesday was. Then I get one day off then I’m back at it again for three more days.

At least I get Sunday off. I hate catching the buses on Sunday.

I got my buses home back to back tonight. So that was  nice. I got home before it was pitch black.

I had leftovers for dinner, and they weren’t even mine. my sister had pizza in the fridge that she clearly didn't go back for so I asked and got it. I don't like her pizzas because she has bbq sauce on it instead of tomato sauce. 

We got the new Altice package from Optimum yesterday and we are already missing our clocks. We have a tv in every room and they each had a cable box that showed us the time. Those boxes were switched out for these new smaller boxes. But they do not show the time.

We have to get clocks now. 

Did you hear? They are planning on rebooting ”The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air”? Will Smith is helping them out and it’s going to be a drama. Yep. 

August 15, 2020

What to say?

 I made all my buses. 

My sister bought 'expensive' healthy food for me yesterday, so I took that with me to work. 

Time was a little slow in passing, but I was there from 10 til 5. I think I was being talked up by a lesbian while I waited for my #2 to show up when I was going home. I was flattered, in a odd way. 

When I got to Journal Square I had 20 mins to wait for my next bus. Then the 30 Shopper Bus pulled in so I went over to ask him if he went by ShopRite. 

But he wouldn't even look at me when you left the bus and when he came back. So I just got on my normal one when it showed up. I went beyond my house by two stops then then walked up the block to the supermarket. 

I went for milk and I got milk. Along with ice-cream for my sister. She wanted rum and raisins. I also got two yogurts, a can of vegetarian beans, grated nutmeg, dried parsley, some veggies and tortilla chips.

I then walked home and hoped that the weather forecast wasn't lying to me and that I wasn't going to get drenched on my way home like the dark clouds over head were threatening to do. I got home dry. I found a ... I don't want to say what it wanted to be, because it didn't get there, along with some fries and a dirty rice from Popeye's to eat for my dinner. 

Now I'm watching Star Trek 4 - The Voyage Home. My sister was watching it this morning, or last night, but I couldn't watch it in my room since I no longer had the Roku tv in my room with the Roku app installed. But as I type this, I realize that I could just install the app on my new tv. There's something. Either way, when the movie is done, I'm going to bed. My shift tomorrow is a little shorter. It's 12 til 6. I'll see if I have work on Monday when get to work tomorrow. I was suppose to check during my break, but I forgot to look up. 

I didn't get a register today, but I should be getting one tomorrow. Tomorrow I'll also see if I can fill in some of the underwear in the men's department. I was in women's/kid's department today. 

I might be able to start it and have someone else finish while I'm on the register. Normally one person finishes what they start, but if I ask someone who has time, it won't be a problem. 

So I'm going to have some icecream in bed.Maybe read a book that I got from Barns & Nobel to help me fall asleep. 


August 14, 2020

Made it!

 Yesterday I missed the bus causing me to wait 30+ minutes for the next one. Which lead me to missing my #2 bus to work. I had to order a Lyft to get to work on time. 

When I left the house today, I checked my bus app and it said that it was going to be here in 1 min. I’m hustling trying to catch it, but at one min I knew I was going to see it sail past me and I would have to spend another $12 to get to work again. 

But no. I get to the top of the street and I don't see it. So I push the button for the crosswalk and walk towards the bus stop until I could cross the street. There was a person at the bus stop I was walking away from and a guy at the stop I was walking towards. So I was pretty sure it didn't come by yet. 

And within a min of me getting to the bus stop I saw it coming towards us. Yeah!

August 13, 2020


I was doing well, for me, for the day. I even got out and did my wash. 

I came home, did something on line. I don't even know what. Maybe I worked a little on my current story. 

I then made dinner, and ate it before calling my sister to find out if she was still alive. She was, and on the light rail home. 

She then had me bake a cake while she tired to change the colour of chocolate and the heat got into the fridge from it opening and not fully closing one time on this very hot day. So her chocolate covered strawberries sweated and didn't go back to how they where before once we stayed away from the fridge for a while. 

She also lost the battle with the some chocolate covered pretzles. She's rightly upset that things weren't working out for her, but tack on the heat wave without AC and she's just in a mood. At least she understood that she needed to calm down and went in her room. 

I think I watched a 5 sad moments list on Youtube from the channel "Now This, and it just soured my mood too. I think one of them got to me more than I expected. It was about how this lady, who may have been a lawyer, or a reporter, I'm not sure which, went to a detention center and found it full of sick and dying kids who were sleeping on concrete floors. At least three of the five on the list were about places like that. 

Yeah, I'm ready for bed. 

So, I have work tomorrow and everyday through Sunday. So back to wearing the mask for almost 12 hours a day each day. I have that soup waiting for me at work, and as I thought about it, I started to crave some fruit. Oh well. I'll see. 

At lest most of my job has AC. 

I'm going now. Later. 

PS, don't be surprised if you don't hear anything from me tomorrow. Or the day after. Or until Tuesday really. I haven't a clue what my hours or days will be after Sunday yet. 

August 11, 2020

Day went well.

 I got projects done even though there weren't that many of us. 

We have new little duffel bags. We also got new watches and sunglasses. Some new men caps showed up, but I didn't get to put those out. One of my managers did. 

I was on register also, so the little projects took longer to get done because I kept stopping to ring people up. 

I only had one hiccup there, and that was not on me. I did everything right. 



I thought I posted this already. Ok.

So that was Sunday. 

Monday is just about over. It just turned 8pm and I've just eaten dinner. It came out well. 

The day wasn't as hot as I expected it to be until around 6pm.

Most of my day was spent in bed with the electro-massage thing attached to my knee for about 2 hours once I woke up. 

So. Later. ðŸ‘‹

August 10, 2020

Breakfast accomplished

 Deli plus was open for business and I got a veggie egg platter. I get more for a dollar less at the food truck, but I can't choose today. 

Five more mins for the buss. With luck I get to work on time. Well, I’ll get there when I get there, but depending on how fast the driver is and the number of stops we make, I can get to work between 5 til and 5 past. 

Since I don't know what the grace period is, I rather not be past anything. 

Ok. Bus is here. 



I had something to eat, but the one I get from the food truck tastes better. There, I've given my vote for the Black Food Truck. 


 I won't miss my bus to work after all. It leaves at 10:20 instead of 10. So I can downstairs and see if there is something I can get down there for lunch. 

The soup is a backup. 

Missed my bus...

 By 30 seconds. I was four feet from the designated ”bus stop” when I tried to wave down the bus, it kept going. 

So now it's 9:20 and I’m waiting for a bus that may show up in 4 mins. Any longer and I’m paying Uber to get me to work from journal square. 

I want to say something about Monday's, but this is an everyday thing for me. 

Some buses completely ghost me and things go out the window. I grabbed a can of soup for lunch in case I don't get to work early enough to buy lunch at the food truck. 

August 09, 2020

I got penciled in to work tomorrow.

 I don't remember asking or being asked to work that day. I don't even know why I looked at the schedule for next week on my break, but I did. It's a good thing too. I would have been sleeping when they call me from work to ask why I’m not at work. 

Oh well. 

My day started out rather well too. Oh, I’m on the #2 bus on my way from work now. A very long time ago I use to blog from my phone, so I decided to try today. It's different, but it works so far. 

So this morning I woke up early and took it easy and almost missed my first bus even though I had ”enough” time. My bus app told me I had 18 mins so I told myself that I would leave at 10 mins. I turned to do something. I didn’t go walking off or anything. I turned my body and when I looked down at my phone again it said I had 5 mins. 

I didn't think I would make it, but I did and without deodorant too. That left me with an hour to wait for my second bus. So I got the eggplants. I also got some Basil seed drinks for myself for work. 

I’ve eaten all the food I cooked a few days ago. I’ve had it for lunch for the past 3 days.

Guess it’s time to break out the cans of soup. 

So I work tomorrow, then I’m off for 2 days then I work the rest of the week. At least this week and next week will be good pay checks. I have to pay for my camera amount my other bills that I didn’t realize wasn’t billing me/us until last month.

I’m now on my second bus. So I’ll be home in about  30 mins. 


August 08, 2020

One More To Go

 It's wasn't that bad.

My first bus decided to show up almost twenty minutes late, but I still got to work 'on time'. I clocked in one past ten. 

We had a lot of people in on staff come noon, but we had enough customers for me to spend most of the day at register. 

I want to try to get some writing done before I called it a night around 11:30. I need to get some sleep as close to midnight as possible. 

More pizza for dinner, but I am not complaining. I'll pick up some more egg plants tomorrow on the way home. I thing I ended up making with what I had before was rather good. 


August 07, 2020

Working Three Days Straight

So most of our stock room looks like a warehouse. 

So I was asked to come in tomorrow to help with processing. Then before I decided to say yes, the manager realized that there weren't any cashiers. So I'll be on cashier duty instead.

I got home after 9 and in the rain. Lucky me, my sister ordered Domino's. I have work from 10 til 6:30 then I go back on Sunday to work 11 til 6:30 again. I don't mind working, it's just the pain I'm not happy about. 

My feet hurt now. I hope I don't have to wear my new rain booths tomorrow. They are not kind on my feet after I've been on them all shift. 

So later. And not tomorrow later either. You may not hear back from me until Monday. 

August 05, 2020

I found one of the remotes.

Do you remember when I said that I seemed to have lost two of my tv remotes during the move here? Well one turned up last night when my sister got the ok to use our portable washer and dryer. Along with a new fee of $30 a month tacked on our rent. 

The remote was in a bag, that was with other things, and in her room all this time. Of course I had just ordered two replacement remotes by that time. I ordered the remotes Sunday night I think. 

Today at work was ok. I was busy and it messed with my wacked out knee. I think I'm going to end up in a brace soon. 

I missed my first bus, so when I got to Journal Square I had to order an Uber to get to work on time. There went $13. For the first time I asked my driver to drop me off at the food truck so I could get lunch, just to find out that, Oh yeah, they're on vacation this week. Great. The guy was good about it and took me to the store. So I was looking at popcorn for lunch. 

A few hours later my managers were ordering lunch and I made a joke about what I wanted too. When I told them that I was joking and that I was broke, one of them treated me. So kind. So I got cookies for everyone as a thank you. I just have to bag them at home before I take them to work. It's those crumbly coconut cookies that I mentioned a few days ago. 

I got them on the way home today along with some little eggplants. I think I'm going to oven roast them and mix them with pesto and some fresh pasta that is in the fridge. I have to use that up before it goes bad. I didn't know how quickly you had to use those kinds of pasta until my sister got some last year. 

Oh, I finished that book. 

You don't see the cover this large when you go to page to read about the book or buy it. Or I would not have missed "Time Amazon Book One". This one is still free from B&N and Amazon. 

So, my reviews are still pending, but in 3 days, if not 2, they should be posted to Goodreads and B&N. Actually, my Goodreads one might already be up. 


August 04, 2020

What Could Go Wrong?

I kinda felt like I asked that yesterday when I woke up to a storm today.

Said storm lasted until about 2-ish. I'm not really sure. I just know that there was rain and strong wind gusts for a long time.

So now it's been quiet for a while and I'm thinking great. It may be or may not be drizzling, but it's calmed down a lot and I can go do my wash and there shouldn't be that many people there.

Well, I was right as in it had calmed down. The sky is clear and blue. Nothing is falling, and there weren't many people at the laundromat. There was no one at the laundromat. Not even the owner. It was closed.

A laundromat in Brooklyn would have been open. (grumbling)

As I was leaving the house, the lady next door saw me coming down my steps with everything slowly and decided to let me know that she believed that it was closed. She saw someone else trying to get in and the door was closed. So she offered to look after my stuff while I went to check.

None of the signs said anything about being closed that day, but the door was locked and the inside was dark. Just great. I'm very happy that I have something I can wear to work tomorrow.

Speaking of tomorrow, my package might be delayed into arriving tomorrow also. They said the same thing about the TV, so I'm waiting to see if it shows up tonight anyway. They did give themselves a wide window up until 9 pm for delivery today originally.

If not, I'll just have to remind myself to leave the front door to the building open.

Wasn't all this rain suppose to happen tomorrow? I was expecting to actually put on my new rain boots to go to work.

Oh well. 

I got out, didn't get everything I wanted done, but I got out.

I got up and had simple breakfast.

I got dressed and tied up the trash.

I went out, taking the trash to drop off in the bin outside before walking up the street.

I took the same route that I do to take the bus to work, but when I got the bus stop I kept walking.

My first stop was the Walgreens. I hoped to find the same drinks that I saw on sale at the other Walgreens about 60 blocks, if not, more away. They didn't, so I was on to my next stop. An ATM from by bank. That turned out to be inside a CVS. I've never been in one before believe it or not. If I did, I don't remember.

Then I walked across the street to ShopRite. Yeah. It only took me what? A month? It was weird. I haven't had to doge so many people in a while. This one lady was nice. She wanted to know about something she saw me pick up, but ended up showing some something that saved me a dollar on something that I was trying out for the first time. We both learned something.

I didn't get my apple sauce. I finished off the chips last night, so nothing to dip into it. Not that I don't eat the applesauce by itself, but I didn't feel it at the moment. At least not with everything else I was bringing back with me.

I got my big container of oats. I got restock of two spices. I got some tuna because I saw some quick tuna Asian recipes. There was ice cream on sale, so I got one for me and one for my sister. Oh, and I got some tomatoes and cucumbers. :) And the sausages. I was just under $30. And then there was the $20 I took out of the ATM to do my laundry.

Laundry that I had planed on doing today until I started to walk home in the heat that had me sweating so much. My poor shoulder. When I was nearing home, I realized that I could just do my wash tomorrow. I didn't have to do it today.

Dinner was lamb chops with french fries. Dispite my sister saying she didn't like french fries, she's been eating her share since she got me the bag.

I was asked if I could come into work today, but by the time I work up to read the text, it wasn't in a position to show up on time or anytime soon. Then at 10 pm some one texted to ask if I could cover them on Wednesday. I said sure. Now I'm up to three days of work this week. If I was asked on Sunday to some in today, I would have had 4. Oh well.

So,... I think I'll go taste my ice cream. I didn't open it or anything. I got home and it went right into the freezer. It's not as warm as it was earlier. Around 11 pm I think, a nice little thunder storm broke out and lasted for about two-ish hours. I had to close my windows when it got really heavy.

I got slightly side tracked with my photo post over at DA. So that went up at midnight EST. But it was a nice clean shot from my new cam.

Ok. It's 2:43 am. I'm turning in now. I'm still getting the ice cream. Just a little.


August 02, 2020

Near Perfect Day

I've got so much energy compared to how I normally feel. I'm playing music on YouTube and dancing in my chair. Reminds me of when I use to go out dancing.

I got to work 5 mins late, but that was out of my control and I'm normally on time and I let them know that I was running late so it was ok.

We had a new guy today and we were rather well staffed so I was stuck in kids and I got to take my time organizing and refolding the polos in women. I helped customers, I kept kids good and even wondered a bit more into women's when I thought I was keeping myself too isolated in the back.

I covered the register for one person so they could go on break. Come closing, we all got to leave at 6. We kept the store in order and no last minutes shoppers to not care and toss things around.

I came straight home. Well, until I was a block away. When I got off the last bus I got click happy and took a bunch of photos. I even took a block detour to see something different and see if that street got closer to the water than my street did.

Ok. I got home with only one mosquito bite and now I have a pasta bowl from my sister for dinner.


Oh... if you like Daft Punk you may like this. :wave:

August 01, 2020

True To My Word.

I did next to nothing today. 

So much nothing, that I haven't anything to write. Sure I ate something. Made fries in the oven. Got some chili from my sister. Watched news and other things on youtube. played my dragon merge game and I read a lot of stuff on line. 

And that is it. And I ate some more of those coconut cookies. I think I'll buy another set and put two in a little snack ziplocks for work. My boss would welcome them even though she keeps saying she wants to loose weight. She's already small. She can have two little cookies.

Since I have work tomorrow, I have to get my DA post up then make my way back to bed. 

And FYI, I've been out of my bed since like noon. 

Only God Knows Why I'm still Up

Hey, (typing with my eyes half open)

I got home just before 10 pm even though I left work at 7. Granted, my bus didn't show up for about 20 mins, but that is normal.

I took three buses home today and I did what I wanted to do yesterday. One, I got off in what I'm calling 'little India' to go to that supermarket. They didn't really have what I wanted. But I got three things for stopping by. If my arms weren't going to take revenge on me, I would have gotten a box of mangoes. Instead, I have a container of coconut cookies. A bag of sweet thai chili photo chips and some garlic. I've been feeling odd just sprinkling the powered stuff when I'm cooking.

I then walked down to Journal Square and into Walgreens to see if they had any apple sauce to go with my chips. Yes, I dip my chips in apple sauce. Unsweetened or Cinnamon. The normal kind comes off too sweet to me.

Then I walked towards the buses to just watch mine ride away without me. So I decided to take the 80 again and this time get some lamb over rice for dinner while I waited for the 10 or the 119 to show up. And that worked out very well. That guy does business. At 9:30 at night people were pulling up in cars to get food. I guess it helped that most other places had already closed. But I'm sure a few of them normally came there anyway.

Oh. There was no apple sauce, at least not the jar. Just those cups and I think for the price they were asking I would just wait until I dragged my ass to ShopRite next week. I'm going to sleep most of tomorrow away then go to work on Sunday. Then I will be free for a few days unless someone calls for me to cover their shift. Which I will do since I only have two days of work this week. But I hope they won't call for me to cover a Monday shift.

So I'm nearing my house and I see that there is a notice up from the police department saying that no one can park around this tree because it's suppose to be trimmed. I kinda feel like that should be its own agency or the department of parks should expand to cover that. Just at first glance it doesn't seem like something the police should be doing. Oh well.

So I'm home with my warm drink and even hotter food. It tasted good. The cucumber was nice. I miss eating cucumbers. I ate a lot of them growing up and only when I taste it unexpectedly do I remember how much I like it.

After I ate that, I tried the coconut short bread type cookies. Good. I didn't expect them to crumble as much as they did. Then I tried a chip or two. Literally. They had the texture of crisps. Then I found the ice cream in the bag that I got from Walgreens. I had only been home an hour, but the travel time wasn't kind. I guess the hot food didn't help either. It was too soft for me to eat. It was completely melted all the way through. I was over charged for that, but I didn't notice until I was waiting for the bus and I didn't think going back there to make a fuss was worth $2.

So It's been two hours since I've placed it in the freezer. So I'll go see if I can eat it now.

Oh, I'm also rendering out a fractal as I type. I posted a very old one that I made and tagged back in 2017. Yeah. I was holding on to that one longer than I thought.

Oh. One last thing. I took a pic of my lunch. It's the same as the one I got yesterday.

Guess I should have opened the wrapper. Oh well.
