January 07, 2010

24 hours? How long have I been awake?

Let's see. Yesterday I got up at about 2pm, waited for the bathroom to get ready to leave to find my friends. I got there an hour late I think.  I think. I don't remember what time I got there now that I try to think back. It was suppose to be three girls and one boy. They boy couldn't make it.

He is having issues at home and his folks are sending him to a place that helps him move into being self dependent. So those of us who stayed in the city went to Ikea and then took the water taxi over to Manhattan after sunset, and then walked around the piers for a while. We had gotten something to eat back at Ikea so we saved our money for the train ride home.

They went home and I went to see the boy who should have been back home by now. We hung out and talked until I left just after 11pm to catch the bus for home...

Home yes.

I finished up that girl’s story. I did my chapter, you should review that on line when you get a chance, then I got an update for two stories. I did the shorter one first. I just started reading the second one because after my review of the first one, she asked me to beta her story for her. Dear G**. I told her that I would until I started classes come Feb. BTW, I have to make sure that I'm registered before the first of Feb, since that is the first day of classes. I'm thinking of registering on the 12. You know, start my b-day off with a bang.

Well, I did her story, which was short thank goodness. After all of that reading and editing and my eyes started to scratch when I looked up and started to watch Sun Rise Earth on HD tv. They were in Cambodia today. So I waited for Phillys to finish getting ready and out of the house. I don't like being in her path when she's getting ready. That is my sister by the way. She will stay in bed until she has 15 mins to be out of the house, then she is up and rushing to get everything done to leave just in time. She started taking showers at nights so she can just get up and get dressed in the mornings.

Oh, before the whole cleaning and repacking and such I was helping my sister with her laptop. It's floating in a pool of it's own circuit fluid. Ok, so it wasn't that bad, but it looks fairly dead. You turn it on and it would blue screen, restart, blue screen and restart again until you turned it off. So I went through every xp install cd that I had. One won't get past installing the dll for the keyboard, then the next one couldn't get past this sector of the hard drive, and the next one said that it couldn't even find the hard drive to install the os. Oh, I almost forgot that somewhere in all this it told us that the fan wasn't working. Great. I help her take the laptop apart. We made sure everything was seated, and we cleaned it as much as we could. There were dust bunnies hanging out with hair in there. No wonder it said the fan wasn't working. She put it back together and we turned it back on but it still blue screened, so I'm saying it's dead.

So after that, with the sun up and I started to clean the kitchen. Then when I was done with that I cleaned up the mess that was left of this shelf that was next to the bathroom. The day before it was broken down and scrubbed, but it seemed like I was left to put it back together and put the stuff back onto it.

So as 10:59am came around I crawled into bed, texted one friend and went to sleep. For 4 hours. I didn't want to up, but no one would let me sleep. They couldn't get that I just went to bed.

Some how I was able to stay awake until now, but I just think that, that is because I ate around 5pm and I couldn't get back to bed.

I'm now up because this is my up time. *grin*.


So now, I'm looking at "Launch My Line" on Bravo and I'm thinking of getting something to eat and I need to find a fingernail clipper.

That is my day. :)

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