I found a new band. :)
Check out 'Uprising' and 'Panic Station'. :)
In other news I got on my knees and scrubbed the kitchen floor with the help of a bleach cleaner and water at 3am.
Before that I was my friend Tanzi's watching an old movie. I nodded off at parts, but it wasn't because the movie was boring. I had been up and walking since 9-10 am that morning.
Phillys took me to Ikea. We brought back some stuff and got the number for a new table. But I didn't make it home with her. Nope. I had to go to the bank for my mom, so I was dropped off and then I met up with Tanzi who had found us around 10:30 when she was on her way to see Iron Man with her mom.
Speaking of Iron Man. I saw it last Sunday. Great movie. Phillys took me. We also saw the GI Joe movie. The Joe move was good, but Iron Man was better. :) I was able to find The Avengers movie on line to see before I saw Iron Man so it all made sense to me. :D I was just kinda surprised that Thor ended up fighting before finding the girl. But now I see that, that is part of the next Thor movie.
If you haven't seen the trailer yet, go look for it.
On the job front, since people keep asking me, I'm still not working. Even though this guy said that he was willing to take me on as some kind of temp intern about a month back. We shook on it, but nothing. Then I went to a job fair that the MTA (transit company) was having. Tons of us were lined up around the corner in the rain for this thing. Oh, it was a job fair for Arch's and Engineers.
I hope that I was one of the few least experienced there, so I could get the intern job that they have up, but like I said, line around the block. People came from all over for this. Long Island, up state, and I'm sure some from Jersey were there too. From what I heard, a few of them had been around for a while and were looking for work now.
At the moment I'm heading over to nyc.gov to see about a tech position that my sister heard about.
The day I get a job, you will know. :)
Enjoy the music. Later.