August 15, 2019

Sorry for the last post.

Yeah, that was a mix up.

It was meant for my other blog. the NSFW one.

I hope I didn't offend any one. Sorry AM.


I guess after a mistake like that I should do a real update hah?

Well, I've been trying to take pics again with my new iPhone. Did I tell you about that? I should have, but a quick bit about it.

I had a iPhone 6+ and I dropped it in the toilet and after a week of waiting for it turn back on, if that long, I got a new iPhone 7+. I am aware of what year this is, but I couldn't afford a more up todate phone. I paid $200 in cash and the other $200 something I had to place on my credit card. I couldn't afford apple care and I still don't have it.

Other than it being the half the size of my last one, a 32gig instead of a 64gig, I like it. The gif pics it took was bother, but I got that turned off.

I'm writing. But nothing I can post here about. I want get back to my books, but the one I want to work on seems to be stalled in my head and I can't seem to even make myself look up the draft I have for this very old story.

As for work they love the fact that I have no restrictions on my days to work. This week I was only set for three days that came up to a total of 20 hours at best, but I was expended for one day and then asked if I could in for another day. I could have said no. Any changes to your works hours during the week you were already working, once it wasn't an earmarked day to be extended, you can say no.

But 20 hours? I needed the money. Oh, I got a raise. 57 cents. Yep. I needed the hours. I have to make my part of the rent. and cover my payments for my cards. And food and bus card.

My leg still hurts. I thought it getting better about two months ago, but then I started to feel worst. I think I started to do more and it did me no favors. So I'm trying to stay off my feet when I get my days off, but don't get much done unless I have more than a day off. Three would be great, in a row, but there is that thing about earning money.

So I'm using my massage thing, taking hot showers as long as I can. The heat seems to help, so I wrap my leg in a blanket to keep it warm if not hot, while I sleep. Ibuprofen doesn't seem to work anymore. The stuff I got from a doc that I found to continue my heart med prescription with, gave me something that I don't feel at all. I got my hands on some sample of Alive and that seemed to have done something. Once. So now I'm trying Arnicare. I tried the gel and it seems to work, but I'm already really damaged so it helps, but not as much as it has for everyone else who had positive results.

But I'm going to stick with this for a while since it's suppose to actually help heal the injury and not just help with the pain.

I think I strayed a little. I was talking about how they like me at work. As always there was the thing about how I wasn't fast enough. But I've heard one of my managers tell other people to move faster too, so I don't think it's personal anymore.

Three days ago my sister had extra cupcakes so she told me to take the to work. Because they didn't devour all of them by the time work ended, she felt offended. There were only 6 of us there for the whole day. They were good. I got one without the buttercream frosting.

Ok. I have to go tend my was. Sorry I took so long.

Oh, the apt. We have mice now.

June 07, 2019


I have installed a coloring app. And I actually like it.

It's more of a hunt and find game for me.

May 27, 2019

Guess what?

I was on my connecting bus heading home when my sister calls to tell me that most of the power is out in the apartment.

I thought maybe a fuse blew or the kids from upstairs touched something in our box by mistake. Unlikely as that is.

I get home and went into the dark basement just as the kids show up to go down there too.

It seems that bits of both apartments weren't getting power. So now it's almost an hour later and we have most of the lights on. The microwave and the stove have power, but thing else. Anything that uses a socket is dead. Including the water heaters downstairs I believe.

And my day was going so well outside of my leg hurting me. Yeah, it still hurts. I thought it was getting better a few weeks ago, now it feels like it's getting worst. Go figure.

So, back to the crisis of no power. Of course my sister is flipping out. So unless we turn off our phones, they will be dead in the morning. That brings up how do we wake up. No phone, no alarm.

Lucky us we have old ipads that we use as clocks. Mine lasts over 12 hours when unplugged, so I told my sister to get the one from the living room.

Speaking of phones, I had to get a new one yesterday. Friday, I forgot that my phone was in my back pocket in my rush to use the bathroom when I got home from work and it fell into the toilet. And yes. I peed on it. So, I coughed up a little over $600 to get a new iPhone 7+. And I still have to pay rent. Yeah.

And this is the next day. No tv. No internet. No fridge. No doorbell and soon, no phones. I'm at 54% or so now.

So, I was going to say I caught you up, but I haven't said anything about the shower.



Sent from my iPhone

May 18, 2019

Out all yesterday

Hey πŸ‘‹

So yesterday day I had a short day at work. 10 am till 3 pm. The day before, or so, my sister told me of this thing going on at the cooulas and I callled to ask her if she want me to meet her there.

April 23, 2019

Din din

I was thinking of making some kind of pumpkin soup with chunks of fried tofu and perhaps some other boiled veggie. But that plan was a bust when I opened the package of butternut squash to find that they went bad already.

In my defense, I didn't know they were there. My sister went to Costco and she bought it and didn't tell me about it. When I got home, she had already put the stuff away

So now I was going to use it after finding it the day before, but it was a none starter. It was a slimy, disgusting mess. So what to do for dinner?

I still wanted soup, but once I roasted some eggplant and green beans in the oven and was in the middle of frying the tofu I didn't think they would work in the noodle soup. So I just made dry ramen noodles with the last green leaves from the spinach I still had.

It came out well. I can cook 😏

April 17, 2019

About My Last Post

I forgot that my texts have issues with showing pics and mixed in with the text.


And I'm sorry for taking so long to check in here never mind make this correction/addition. I think about posting more, regularly, but for some reason, the will to do it isn't there.

Anyway, Whealth, the place that I went to to get that light meal uses Square for their checkout, and I got a survey. See? I even stiffed getting to their email to me. So it's not just you.

Either way, firstly, the bit that didn't get posting with the pics.

What I ate that day, I think it was called 'Good Morning Giga'. You can see it on the pic of the chalkboard on the lower right side I think. I haven't looked at it since I wrote the post.

It was good. I might have tasted more lemon that I would have liked, but I was prepared for it from the discription and my knowledge that some people seem to think you are suppose to taste lemon in your food.

Sorry, not something I grew up with or like for that matter. I slightly blew up at some friends of mine back when I was St. Kitts and they were rosting/cooking fish, and they were just pouring lime juice over it before anyone had any.

We use lime to clean the fish, then we wash it all off before cooking it. Well, back when I cleaned fish myself. So long ago.

So now, after answering the survey from Whealth that they sent through Square, I went to look at their site, and it's kinda bare, but I found their about page. Also very simple, and it shows that they have two branches. I think the guy said something to me about that, the second time I was there.

Anyway, here is the link to their about page. It's interesting, I think.


April 03, 2019

My home therapy for my injured leg.

I got this after the icy-hot tried to do its best to cripple me. In case I didn't get around to telling you, I think I'm allergic to Icy-hot. It did this odd numbing thing to my leg and it took over 6 months to work its way out of my system.

So this is what is helping with the pain so I can walk out of the house in the mornings.

April 01, 2019

I was wrong.

It's not West but Worth. Still don't know anymore than their name and that they are expensive.

March 12, 2019

When Vodka Was Made From Potatoes

Now, where did that come from you are wondering I'm sure. Since, FYI, I don't drink.

Well, my sister just bought this little tube of Vodka for like $8 and I brought up how "normal" and "real" vodka was made from potatoes.

So that lead me to doing an internet search when she said I was wrong and I came across this article.

When Vodka Was Made From Potatoes. 

Check it out if you have any questions about this or just interested in reading what they found out. :)

March 08, 2019

I knew it.

I had a feeling I would need an Uber to get this stuff home. So much for not spending money on this.

Where am I going this time of night?

For some reason, an order from amazon hiccuped loudly and sent a package to our old address.

So my sister is sending me to get it. Yeah...

I'm not spending a dime to go there and get back. So I'm on the bus the whole way there and back. So this is going to take a while. About 2 1/2 hours each way.

What fun.

February 08, 2019

So many books!

I was just looking for these books, but I had to look through two big boxes to find all of them so I decided to "organize" all the books, so you wouldn't have to look through all of them to find the one(s) that you wants. 

So there are the shots of all the books. They aren't mine but my sisters. I don't even remember how I got into her stash to start reading the series I did.

I was reminded of them on Wednesday and I spent a while just trying to remember the name of the book never mind the author. Then I remembered that it was one of the last paper books that I read for entertainment and that it belonged to my sister.

So, now I'm here. The only real "problem" is that the author didn't write an ending for the series. I found her personal website and e-mailed her about it. If that gets answered, it won't be for a long while. And if/when she does, I don't really expect her to tell me that an end is coming or already out there. The last book she published for this was 2013 and it was a prequel. That one I will have to get.

Anyway. Later. 

January 02, 2019

Anamaria Varela invited you to support "Moving expenses"

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Moving expenses
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Part of my moving story.
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My friend has to move out by January 3rd. The movers were supposed to show up at 10 am Jan 1st, but ended up showing up at 5 pm. Now charging overtime and mileage between apartments. Credit cards are maxed, need to move out now. Just found out that the whole thing started at 5:30 pm and...
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