March 13, 2022

The Weather and A Photo Of Mine

 Hi ya. 

A few days ago I woke up to near white out conditions from low visibly fog. I don't remember if it was forcasted or not, but it surprised me as I stepped out of the house on my way to catch the bus for work. 

Clearly I had enough time to take some pics, because I took a few with my phone and even sent one off right away to a friend. 

I posted one of them two days ago and it has actually proven popular and it's gotten quite a few faves. I haven't seen numbers like this in a while and the sad thing is, it's not that much. That just proves how hard it is to be seen if you aren't already famous. I'm sure the famous ones say that they worked at it too, and know that it take time for them to turn something good out too, but they already have their 10k followers/watchers so they haven't lived in the world where getting 900 views over two days is a huge deal. 

So here is my little splash in the large sea of art.

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