What do you think?
I got the link to make this from someone I ran into over at www.Devianart.com
The link he gave me took me here. Face Your Manga.
My hair is about that long now. I checked. I couldn't get away from a big forehead. I do have full lips and I think I got the full cheeks here. Everyone knows I have a chest. I had one hair band. I broke it, so I need to find a new one. I'm not sure about my eyes. And yes, I do have a mole/beauty mark on my face.
Other than this, nothing much is going on for me. I haven't even tried to look for something for a week or so now. My mom this week has made me into house cook. She wants me to cook before I go to bed, so that she can come home to a cooked meal. It's really dinner for everyone else, but she get's it for lunch and dinner unless she has something else she wants to eat for lunch.
My story has gotten to chapter 25 and page 100, and I've hit a wall. I can't get into Sess' head, and if or when I manage to pull that off, I don't know what comes next in the story. Maybe when I break through the wall I will see a path.
I've been reading mangas and the "Dirk & Steele" romance collection in order. I'm starting the third book now. My sister started me off on it. It's not bad. The first one had some mistakes that should have been caught by a good editor if they were looking, unless that first one had a lot of errors and those three or so slipped through. But I don't think that I saw any in the second book, and I'm just starting the third.
I've also made a few wallpapers in this time. I did a few experiments, and they seemed to have been well received. I've come to the end of one set I was doing within a set, and I'm thinking of doing some photo manipulation ones based on one I made years and years ago. It's going to be like a window behind a weather climate.
Over at http://jemspages.blogspot.com I've added another story. I had someone read over this one with me and we both made some good fixes and small changes to it.
Well I should get back to thank the guy for the link he sent me. :)
See ya.