May 18, 2015

Another day

Yawning....just checking in. Sitting on the train to take me back to New York. Went to see an apt. Well the first surprise was that google showed us the wrong house on line and what we doin looked better. It's on the second floor with slightly narrow stairs leading up. It seems like he hasn't had a tenant in a while because a number of the bulbs had to be replaced. Other than that, we had a good amount of space and a pantry. We also get the same internet and tv people there too. The down side is that there is almost nothing around us but houses and empty lots and no washer and dryer.

We walked around looking for a laundromat, and I think we found one, but it was already closed before 10pm. Yeah the ones around us now have last was anywhere between 9 & 10 pm. If they have one at all.

Even with that we would take the place. We just have to see if this other person falls through or not. We will find out tomorrow or Wednesday.

Later. Just pulled in yo Journal Square.

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May 09, 2015

It's over!

It  ky took about 3 hours. Great movie. Don't want to give too much or anything about ay really. Go watch and bring pillows for your ass. 😁

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My old shoes

Every year I rediscover that I own these things. 😁

Trying to get to the moves today, but currently in the bank with my sister.

We are going to see Avengers. 😎 my first movie since I lost my job I'm sure.

I use to go almost every Wednesday once I found it. Who knows what the movie scene will be once we get to jersey.

Ok. Later.

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May 01, 2015

Made it

I broke one of the nose things on my glasses and it took me the whole week to get here.

First he wasn't open or he was but got here after he closed.

But I'm here now and he says that he have to replace both because they come as a set. I would like to say that it's only costing me $5, but I don't know how good that price is. I'm just happy I can pay it.

In other news I passed a black Jewish kid. He was wearing one of those little hats with a Hebrew word on the back of it. Bit after seeing a real female Korean rabbi on tv, he is nearly note worthy.

I only bring him up because I have heard of them being out there, black Jews, but I've never seen one. Well now I have.

Glasses are done. Later. I'll try to pick up phone blogging again. 😊

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