June 22, 2018

Popped up out of nowhere

For a moment I felt like I walked out of work and into Japan.

I'm sorry if I haven't seen a new kind of vending machine in ages.

But I was not the only one taking pics of this, so my reaction to seeing it wasn't that odd.

I had a short day at work today. 11 - 4. Tomorrow they will take it out of my hide. I work 2 - 10. I didn't bother buying anything to eat for breakfast or to eat after my shift so I will feel better when I call Uber to come get me tomorrow night.

I'm currently on the 40 bus as it makes its way through the port. A lot of shipping crates. I think that is what they are called. Those things that the 18 wheels move around the place. White wrapped cars along with a few trains and some piles of bricks and stones.

For all the lopping we make through this place we only drive by one small but of open water.

It's a nice little ride. I'm going to see if i can catch the 37 or 107 bus home on the highway. Yeah, odd I know.


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June 14, 2018


On a sobering note. Kinda.

I had a pap smear like 3 weeks ago I think, and I got a letter the other week saying that my results require a follow-up appointment.

I won't lie, there's no point. I first thought cancer. After all what else is a pap smear used for finding out? I thought I would look it up to make sure but I'm just getting around to it now, a week later, to see if there is anything else the test is used for.


No, I was right. It's to detect cancer or pre-cancerous cells. So when you read down the page, you get to this part.

"Depending on what the test results show, your doctor may recommend increasing the frequency of your Pap smears, or getting a closer look at your cervical tissue with a procedure called colposcopy. During a colposcopy exam, your doctor will use light and magnification to see vaginal and cervical tissues more clearly. In some cases, your doctor may also take a sample of your cervical tissue in a procedure called a biopsy."

This is where I'm at. I had to get a date for my colposcopy visit at least 3 weeks away because I can't request a day off any sooner from work. So on the 12th I'm going in find out if my cycle, that finished the day before, messed up the results or not.

And a week after that I got back for a double root canal and a repair of another root canal that seems to be incomplete. Yeah. July is going to be fun.


June 09, 2018

Will I make it to work on time?

Just caught the bus. And it's the 24A. I was hoping for the express.

I'm suppose to be clocked in at 11:55am for 12 pm shift.

P.S. (days later)

I made it. Clearly. Or I would have written sooner. But when I got off the bus, I hurried to buy my lunch so that when my break time came around, I wasn't going to lose at least 15 mins getting something to eat to only get about 10-15 mins to eat and rest my feet.

I was even going to send you another screenshot showing off what I was playing at the time too. Which was the point of this post in the first place. Well, one of the points at least.
