June 14, 2018


On a sobering note. Kinda.

I had a pap smear like 3 weeks ago I think, and I got a letter the other week saying that my results require a follow-up appointment.

I won't lie, there's no point. I first thought cancer. After all what else is a pap smear used for finding out? I thought I would look it up to make sure but I'm just getting around to it now, a week later, to see if there is anything else the test is used for.


No, I was right. It's to detect cancer or pre-cancerous cells. So when you read down the page, you get to this part.

"Depending on what the test results show, your doctor may recommend increasing the frequency of your Pap smears, or getting a closer look at your cervical tissue with a procedure called colposcopy. During a colposcopy exam, your doctor will use light and magnification to see vaginal and cervical tissues more clearly. In some cases, your doctor may also take a sample of your cervical tissue in a procedure called a biopsy."

This is where I'm at. I had to get a date for my colposcopy visit at least 3 weeks away because I can't request a day off any sooner from work. So on the 12th I'm going in find out if my cycle, that finished the day before, messed up the results or not.

And a week after that I got back for a double root canal and a repair of another root canal that seems to be incomplete. Yeah. July is going to be fun.


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