Long time no see, I know. The subject gives you a reason why for about 4 day why you haven't heard from me. As for the rest, I was busy doing some other things, then there's my mom's time on the computer. I currently do not have computer of my own.
You may remember that I had gotten my hands on a laptop not too long ago and it was said to be "mine". Well the power connection inside the laptop is not longer there it seems. It's plugged in to power, but it won't see it. So I asked around about how much would cost to get fixed. The prices are from $158 to $260 or so. If it can be replaced it's the $100 one, if it can't be replaced but has to be fixed it's the more expensive one. I'll have to save up for getting that fixed.
In the mean time I was moving my site over to the new address. I'm sure that I already told you about that. Incase you missed the address it's http://jemspages.blogspot.com I wanted to use just my first name instead of jemspages but someone has walked off with that address, so I can't use it. Someone clamed it back in 2004 and just left it. Hey, incase I can get it since it is my name, let me know will ya?
*now just a small thing about that link. Not everything I write will make it to my jemspages site. Just the ones that won't cause issues. I have a few brow raising stories, that I know a few people will have issues with. So they will stay over at my new LJ site. I'll have a link for that later*
Let see, other than that, my mom took me bag shopping with her. It wasn't a bag for anyone one of us, it was for my mom's sister, my aunt and it wasn't just for one bag. We walked for over 6 hours bag hunting in the flower district. I found some good ones, and we got bags from two places. One place was expensive, and the other place was better priced. After we started to look around, I started to think that I should get one for myself. It will have to wait until we go again next month.
We also spent some time in a hat shop. This lady that came in while we were there was very into hats. As far as she was concerned, every hat she tried on looked good on her. She tried to get me a hat that looked good on me also. She was a very happy person. I just placed one on just to see. I wasn't really looking for one. They were all church hats. Some of them would fit in quite well at a few important high tea parties in the upper classes of London.
But it seems like these are the kinds of hats that my aunt also wears to church. So we are going to send her the flyer for the place.
Today I went back to work, or at least I tried too. I couldn't clock in. You clock in on the computer, but it didn't recognize me so I couldn't work. I was hopping to get one day in for this week, and get at least enough to buy a metro card. Oh well. I have to go in extra early tomorrow and get that fixed. So I called up home and let them know that I was heading out to Macy's once again to try and find a skirt once again.
Well I got off a stop before Macy's to ask about this Betty Bop bag that I saw in the window, but it wasn't there today. I wanted too long to ask about it. But it was $35 and so was the only other bag there that got my attention.
On my way up to Macy's I stopped in this place and got a shirt/blouse and some curtains for the bedroom. Mom wanted to take down the ones we had up to wash, but something stopped her. So I got these to put up while she was gone one of these day this week.
I then made it into Macy's. I found a skirt, but not the kind I was looking for. I tried on a few things, about 7 in all, but I came out with the the two most expensive ones. The total even with my discount came up to $51.36 or something like that. Which really isn't that bad. Before the skirt was discounted it was $50 all by itself. The shirt I didn't realize was as much as it was. My own fault. I then tried to find a shirt worth being paired with the skirt, and I came across this shirt that had a scoop neck. I have a pic. I'll add it to post.
See? Looks nice right? It just didn't look that great in person, so I didn't get it. I may get it if it's still there when I go to make my first payment in about 2 weeks. :) I do think that I will look for a few shirts with scoop necks now. :) I just needed one with a bit more shape to it.
As I was trying on that "white" shirt, mom had Jhodie call me and asked me to buy her something to eat. So later when I was leaving Conway, where I was trying to look for a shirt for that skirt, I spotted an ATM, and went to see how much money was on my account. It was more then I expected, so I took off $20 and went to get myself something to eat before I caught the train home to get her something to eat.
I have a surprise for you. Do you remember Rapid Reality? Well they called me up and left a message for me saying that they are opening two new offices. One in Fort Green and one in Crown Heights, and they want to know if I'm interested in maybe working in one of them. Well doesn't that sound great? I just have to call to find out if they are asking me to work at desk help? or as an agent? I'll take it if it's a desk job.
Well to end off my day, I got home, we ate, and Jhodie was asked to take the blender to the church for something. Nika was invited to a birthday party held at the church, and the shirt I got at Conway didn't fit me. So I gave it Jhodie. I was prepared for that incase it happened. It was only $7.
I then watched two black movies with mom. I normally don't because they are either depressing or just stupid, but I liked the last one even thought it was starting to look like it was going to go belly up at one point. It was that movie abut the girl and the spelling bee. That not to say that I don't watch any "black" movies at all. It's just not normal for me.
That's mostly it. Night.
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