April 11, 2010


I believe that FF along with part of the net have been having issues. I had no contact from anyone in any form for three days. No traffic at FF no spam at hotmail, no comments at Caedes and no new deviations at Deviantart.

I was in a black out of nothing. Today I finally got something. Some spam,  one comment but still nothing from FF or Deviantart.

I know that Never thinks that the traffic page over at FF doesn't work right and most of it's data is wrong, but am I the only one that the world forgot about for the past days?

Besides the lack of communications I've had a slightly disappointing last few days. I've felt bad for days and I didn't know why until Friday. I hate aunt flow and all her friends. Then I lost one of my sheets that I need for my drafts then I tried going to school to get my book that I made the copies from, but I got there too late both times because I took me took long to feel well enough to leave the house.

But since I did leave the house Saturday night I tried to make getting up, dressed and the bus fare worth it. I tried to go to the library, but they closed the same time I got around to leaving. So I tried the Barns&Nobles store that was closest to my school, but that was a few blocks away. I got there there and looked for my text book, but before I even went inside I knew the place was too small to have my text book. It has two floors, but it wasn't a main stream book. So after walking around a few sections I went to leave and decided to stop and look at the Nook. It was out of stock the last time I was there, but they had two there for you to mess with, so I stopped to look at one, but both were being used so I had to wait a while before one was free.

While I was the people who is suppose to talk to you about the device came back and he walked with the guy next to me who was living on his, then we talked for a long while. I kept him company for over 30 mins I'm sure. I thought we were getting along rather well, but at one point I felt bad that I wasn't buying it, but almost right after he asked if I was buying, he told me to have a look at the the other e-readers out there because he believed that after I looked at the others, I would think that the Nook was better and come back for it.

We then had a laugh about how I was poor student, then told me how he had to buy the Nook himself full and out of his own pocket. Oh well. Then went to Trader Joe's and got a a few things. Some confused tortilla chips, some snap peas snacks, black bean dip and some crushed garlic. I then got on the bus for home at 10:06 and I left the house at 6:05pm.

Now I have to do as much as my drawing as I can since I don't have all the information to make a complete draft, then move as quickly as I can on Monday because I'm unsure as to when the draft is due because we started it late.

Ok, see ya guys.

The New Busy is not the too busy. Combine all your e-mail accounts with Hotmail. Get busy.

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