I just saw “Interstella 5555”. For those of you who know what this is, you are more then likely asking yourself “What took her so long?”.
True, this came out way back in 1997, but I didn’t know it was out there until today.
I went looking for Daft Punk. That’s a band for those of you who don’t know, and went looking to see if I could find the continuation to the few anime bits that I saw for the band about 5 years ago. So I was looking and found bits here and bits there, then came across a review and that person talked about this 'movie’. So I looked it up and found out that the anime bits I saw were carved out from this longer thing.
So I saw it and besides the sad part, I liked it and I liked how it ended. I am kinda sad that it took me so long to find this little film. It’s just one (1) hour and five (5) minutes long.
It was nice seeing the whole thing, and I was lucky to have gotten such a good copy. If you like the band and you have seen the bits, you should get the whole thing.
Well, I’m off to draw now.
I haven’t felt like drawing at home much. I did much more when drew at school, yet, I have more to get done now and I’ve gotten darn close to finishing some and I’ve completed two I think so far.
I’ve also been ‘read’ some audio books. I know. That sounds very wrong. But just like a real book, I keep going with the story, not wanting to do anything else. The only thing laughable is that these are ‘old’ books. I just finished the Twilight Saga. I said my stuff were old. Anyway, I didn’t understand or I wasn’t happy with the second movie so I got the books to see how they carved that up and what the got rid of. Now I’m even more disappointed with the girl playing Bella.
But I don’t know if I should be disappointed with her, or her director. I know I’m not happy with the people who come up with the movie version of the book, but I just about never like those people. That is why I’m not going to read “The Lord of The Rings”. A very nice old fiend of mine since me the set year, and years ago but I never read it. I was just so happy to have gotten a gift at the time that I left it in it’s pretty wrapping paper for years.
Well, since I’m doing Fan Fiction stories based off of Harry Potter, and leaving harsh comments to other writers, I thought it was only right that I knew how the ‘Cannon’ went. Cannon just means original. I’ve gone through all the books but the last one. I can feel death coming for so many people, and I don’t want to go there yet. The fan fictions have tied me a bit tighter to some of the characters than I would have been if I just read the books or watched the movies. It seemed they weren’t happy with them being killed off either so they kept them alive in their stories. Gave them lives, and such. Now I’m left to deal with the mental fall out.
I’ll have to suck it up sometime this month. I want to start a new book and like I said I’m done with the Twilight Saga. Besides feeling very insulted that she made vampires glitter, I loved the story by the time I finished it. A friend of mine, said it sucked dirt, but I can’t see why. The first movie was close to the first book, the second one was more off then I liked, and I would hate to see what they do to the next one now that I see what they did to the Harry Potter books. With each movie they left more and more of the book out of it. Until I ‘read’ the books, I thought people were making up all the visits to the kitchen that I was reading about in fan fiction.
I’m going to try and brave an apple cube store tomorrow. I want to touch and iPad. I was so proud of the human race when I heard it was being made. It felt like we were really in 2010. We are so far behind where we should be as a race that it’s saddening if you think about it too hard. What is sad is also my current drafting project. I’ll get to it. I’m actually writing my blog as a blog for once.
I’ve gotten around to posting some new pics. I haven’t really been out to take any pictures yet I tried once, but I didn’t get much. I don’t think I’ll be really able to do that until summer. Before I get side tracked by the word summer, I’ll finish my online update.
I’ve more or less kept up with updating my story over at FF. I have the one long Inuyasha novel still going. I’m up to chapter 60 I think. I’ve posted two short ones from DeathNote, and I now have two one shots for Harry Potter along with a 3 chapter one also. So now I have a total of 6 stories. My last I posted two days ago. it’s called “Luna’s Fairies”. That one is out there. So far 33 people have looked and or read it but no one has said anything. They haven’t told me it was bad, or if I went to far, or if I did a good job or if I forgot something. Nothing. Not happy.
But then, the only ‘review’ I have for one of my DeathNote stories came from a friend of mine who read it at my request. She really liked it and liked how I turned out. I think people out there are mostly cowards. Which is why I leave comments. The sad thing, so many of the stories have so many small errors that would have been caught if they read their stories over before or after they posted them.
Any which way. I don’t know where I’m going to be this summer. My mom want to drop me off in St. Kitts. I was thinking of going back to Seattle, but because of her St. Kitts plan I haven’t tried to get and internship type of job set up so I would some money while I’m there. I may also go over to Philly for a computer house call. I would only be there a day or two.
As it stands, I think I would like an iPad since I mostly read on line.
Later. Sorry about the typos again. To long to read over and I have to make up my mind of what I should be doing now. Bye.
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