July 29, 2020

Let's Make This Quick

This will be short.

Hi. :)

Well, keeping my fingers crossed seemed to have helped. I just, just, got to my first bus to get to work today. The second bus speeded along nicely. I didn't have to rush when I got there. I was one of two cashiers for most of the shift/day. They got to leave an hour before we closed, but he was there an hour before me. So it was even time.

We didn't have many customers, which I was grateful for. It helped with keeping the sales floor in a less chaotic state than it can normally be found in, which was a good thing since I was mostly at the register.

I got a little lift to the other bus stop since I missed my bus by the time we left the store. I was the only there to put right what was upturned by customers, so I couldn't leave a little early to catch my bus at the stop across the street.

But it was no long wait. Just 9 or so minutes. I read most of the way home. I'm reading a time traveling drama. When I'm done, I'll tell you what it is and point you in the direction of it and my review.

I try to leave reviews for most of the books I've read.

So on my way down the block, as I slowly walked home, if not stopping outright to take pics with my new cam. The sun was setting so I got maybe two shots of houses splashed with orange light.

I tried to repeat some of the close up shots I tried to take before on my phone. The menu for the Canon cams has really changed. I'm going to actually have to read the manual. Oh well.

So now I'm home. I'm going to steal some of my sister's pizza since she didn't buy me anything to eat and I tried to get something for both of us before I came home. The only bad luck of the day. The corner store was closed.

Now I'm going to work on a story and that may take a while, so I came here to post this first.

Later people. 

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