So two days ago, I was on my way home and starving. So I decided to order something through Uber eats so it would get there around the time I showed up.
I had some money so I got a plate of food from this new place. Meatloaf and crispy onions and green beans with mashed potatoes. It was $20, but I decided to give it a shot. There was this other place that gave great potions for the price and I hoped this place was the same.
Maybe it was the container they sent the food in, but I didn't think the value equaled out. But it tasted good. Not great enough to make up the difference. But good.
Then yesterday I left the house without having to go to work. We were out of hand soap, so I tried to Newport Mall to find Bat and Body Works to get some more. They were still having the 6 for $26 so I got them and came back home. I even got a few mins to take some pics of Manhattan.
That night my sister was bellyaching that she was hungry. So I opened up Uber eats again and told her to get something. I told her I wanted Chinese food, she found an outback steakhouse.
Her part came up to $20 and mine, burger and fries, came up to the same. Tack on all the fees and whatnots and it was over $50. So I 86’Ed my order. I couldn't afford both.
Then wonders of wonders she canceled everything and we got Chinese food from grub hub on her phone.
Today my first bus ghosted me so by the time I got to where I was suppose to catch my second bus, I had to call an Uber to get to work on time. That cost me about $14.
Then at the end of my shift I got four shirts. Well, two shirts and two polos. The grand total for that was $20.40. Not bad considering how much they could have cost me.
Now I’m on my way home and I was asked to show up early if possible. Considering I showed up an hour later than I was suppose to two days ago because I remembered my schedule incorrectly, I told her I would see. I was already thinking that I would have to make it to the bus stop earlier than I did today since I can’t keep paying Uber to get me to work. So I’ll see how early I can get there.