January 06, 2022

I made it to work...


Not only did I make it to work, but I made it there like 30 mins early. I just had to leave home like 3 hours before I had to be at work. 

So, today of all days, I woke up to a frozen rain and a 45 minutes delay alert NJ transit wide. I some how got lucky and made it all the way to Secaucus Junction just fine. Then there were no buses. I had time, like almost an hour, so I sat down and waited. 

The other two people who I found waiting for the same bus, panicked and left when it never showed. Where they went, I don't know. But I got on a bus about 10 mins later. 

I got a drink and some empanadas from the food truck and got to work with 30 minutes to spare. My store manager found out today how far and what I have to do to get to work and he said that showing up late won't be a mark against me since he now knows how far I have to come from to get to work. 

In case you don't, here is a slight break down. 

So I live within two blocks of last stop for the 81 bus. I take that to the first or last stop of the light rail at 8th street. I take the light rail up to Hoboken. I then take a train from Hoboken to Secaucus Junction. From there I get one of three buses to the same stop about two blocks from my new store. 

Oh, I mentioned the freezing rain right? When I left the house today, my steps were covered in ice and I almost fell because ice covered the railing too. It wasn't raining that much, but by the time I was waiting for the bus in Secaucus, it was a down pour. I was a wet, and slightly cold mess when I walked into work today. I was more wet than cold. At least I wasn't soaked.

Cold as heck was all of Monday. Cold was last night. Tonight was, dare I say, pleasant. Granted, I've been wearing two pairs of pants, my winter coat for the week so far, and today my top was a sweater. So there is that. 

Well, I have tomorrow off. Who knows when I'll go to bed? Who knows when I'll wake up? :D


And yes, I messed with the look of my blogs again. I fingered it was time.

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