February 25, 2021

I Always hope.

After I get back and wait about another 4 or so hours, I see this. Great. Just great. 

So I made the file smaller and I'm trying again, but that will still take like 12 hours since I'm trying to get a large render for printing. 

I'm thinking of taking my computer in to BestBuy so they can order up the right RAM for it so I can get some more memory. I'm tried of this, but I won't be able to go there until mid year I think. 

The thing is, my system is saying that my RAM is fine. See the top right hand corner? My read out is good. Maybe BestBuy can tell me why this is happening to me. I've got gigs and gigs of hard drive space, so I know that's not it. 

Oh, I didn't buy more than I expected to at Costco. In fact, I didn't bother buying the towel that I wanted. I got TP, muffins, a bag of sweet potatoes, a bag of tangerines, and my lactose pills, along with some milk and humus. That's it. Grand total was $60, and then I pulled it all home, over snow and cracked up pavement for 13 blocks.

My poor hands. 

The sun and wind were fighting today. The wind would make you cold and the sun would burn you up. I actually sweated since I had on my winter coat. I started out with a scarf too, but I had to get rid of it. It was too much. 

I got home and made something to eat and I was once again reminded that there is more than one kind of sweet potato out there. I didn't expect this kind. The orange flesh one. I was thinking of and wanted the red flesh one. Oh well. It still worked with my meal. I'll have to remake it for work. I'm going for soft foods for a while. If anything, I'll loose weight while I'm at it too. That should make my Dr happy. 

My K-drama ended. 100 Days My Prince. For some reason, I feel like the ending wasn't as nailed down as I would have liked it to be, but it was still good. Now I'm watching a new one set in modern day Korea, but it's half a fantasy show. It's called. The Devil Punisher. I think they are either trying to keep a scary story up beat with all these silly little things and sound effects, or they are trying to keep you there for when things get really grim. I'm think it's the first one personally. 

I think I'll go snack on part of a muffin. 


It's Offical

 I am a full time worker now. My boss told me today. So I'm now owed 35-40 hours a week. This kicks in next week. So no more three days off from work for me. 

I would feel better about this, if I felt better about it. Yes I just typed that. That isn't me making one of my common writing mistakes. I don't know really know why I'm not more happy about this. 

Maybe it's all my current tooth problems. Maybe I'm getting stuff that I'm not asking for. Maybe it's what my sister said years ago about finding a 'good' job instead of staying with this one. Maybe I don't want to disappoint anyone. But it's just my hours that are being up and I'm getting some kind of full time benefits. I'm not even sure what they are.

At least I don't think they can promote me to Assistant Manager without asking me. "laugh"

I can say that when she told me, I was thinking about my upcoming dental 'appointments?'. Procedures. That's a better word. And then having to take days to get them done and recover. But then I thought that people do this. They have medical issues that come up and have to be dealt with no matter where in life they currently are. And it's not like I have a history of flaking. If I did, I wouldn't have been made a lead in the first place.

So, speaking of dental work. Outside of the root canals, it seems that my past root canal needs to be treated. But it's really bad, my sister said I also have the option to extract them/it and have implants put in. Treatment would be over $1000 while the implant would be sub $500. Then she acts like I have any real choice. I reminded her how poor I am. 

Well, I just woke up on the couch, so I'm going to bed now. I was rendering out a fractal and watching that Koran Drama while my computer slaved away at rending. But it's been over 8 hours and it's not even half way yet. And since I have to go pee in a cup for test tomorrow and perhaps buy some oranges on the way back, it should done by the time I get home. 


February 23, 2021

So the dentist scares me. Big surprise.

 I got my appointment switched to 4 pm today. I was not impressed with the look of the place. I might have been a little judgmental, but none of it calmed me for what I thought I was about to go through. Which turned out to be nothing more than x-rays. 

They didn't get anything that they could use from my sister's office so I got just about a whole set taken. Then they couldn't do anything because I have big cavities that couldn't be just patched. I'm back to root canal world. For some reason the dentist thinks that my insurance will O.K. it so I have wait while the request is submitted. 

That is going to take about two weeks. He noticed that I was a bit on edge and took my pressure. It was kind high, and it dropped a little while I was kinda talking to him, but he's not happy about it ended up. So he wants my primary doctor to sign off on the root canals too, since the stuff they use to use numb me, also affects my pressure. That could be another reason I don't feel so great after leaving the dentist. 

So some more good news. I have about three that he has to work on once he gets the green light. The others, yes there are others, will need a specialist since it's under a root canal. Yeah. Me and my history of infections. 

So my nerves got racked up because of the pain I believed I was going to receive, and he tapped metal all over the mouth adding a slight headache to the pain that caused. Then I leave with promise of another visit. Great. 

So I'm playing World Above The Clouds, it's a merging game. But I don't feel like it anymore, so I'm going to go back to watching my Koran Drama. 100 My Prince. They know how to commit to a show. They suck at anything sexy, or even a good kiss, but the stories and setting and colours are really good. 


The Day Came And Went

 I got some of my implants. 

Yes it was painful. I thought before hand to tell my job that I may be out the next day. When I told them why, they helped get someone to cover for me. I was going to do it on my break, but she, one of my managers, had time on her hands and called the only three people that could have covered my shift. 

The Uber there was $40 odd. I got three put in on both sides of my mouth. One on my left and two on my right. My left one was far less painful than the other two. I had to get over 20 shots to be numb enough to survive the whole thing. 

My sister thinks I'm upset at her for making me go through this, but I'm not. They are needed, but I'm always in pain when I go to the dentist. Even for a cleaning I'm in pain. I just hate the whole thing every time. 

After I went to the city to get my scan for this upcoming event, they found cavities. Of course they did. I think I may have told you this before. Anyway, my sister wanted me to get them looked at with someone who would take my insurance. The one I told my sister about was just a block from here, but they didn't have any openings before our trip on Sunday. 

So today I tried again but again nothing, so my sister saw another place on her way home and made an appointment for me. Kind of. You can't just walk into any medical type place anymore without an appointment. So she made one for the first of the month. But she wants me to call tomorrow to see if they have any cancelations. So I'm going to be doing that for each day I have off until I can go see them. There is just one catch. The first is a Monday. I normally work on Mondays. So I'll have to call and change it to another date come Friday or Thursday when I see my schedule for next week. I don't want to miss another day of work. I'm only getting so much as it is. 

So Sunday, when I got back from getting the three implants, I held frozen bags of cherries and onions to my face to help with the pain. I was surprised it worked. But I fell asleep with one bag that seemed to have had a hole in it. So parts of my room still smells like onions. 

I'm on antibiotics and Motrin I think. I had to find a new pharmacist to get the prescription filled since my normal one is closed on Sundays. I tried not to speak much on Sunday and even though I didn't feel that bad today, I still couldn't eat well and thought that if I did go to work today I may have aggravated my jaw back into be painful. So I'm not very upset that I didn't go to work today. 

So let's see what happens tomorrow. 

Oh. It snowed today. Yeah, more snow. I thought it was raining, But when I went into the kitchen to make some soup, I saw these big snowflakes falling. and there was a lot of them too. 

But it was over with by 2 or so I think. 

Well, later. 

February 17, 2021

The Heat Finally Got Fixed

 And how did this come about after over two weeks, but I'm sure we were starting our fourth now, of upstairs not doing anything?

I saw the husband outside and in her (land lady) last text to us, she said that she was going to have him look at the unit for our apartment down in the basement. So I told him this after trying to contact 2-1-1 the day before and was on hold way too long and I had to hang up. 

He messed around with it and even flicked off our power to try and get it started. They had turn the temp up and down a few times. He couldn't get it to work. That just about proved that we weren't just complaining and that we didn't break it. It was something a lot bigger than we just turning the temp down lower than 65. 

Then without confirming it with us, she set up an appointment for someone to come look at it today. PSE&G actually. Luckily, I had today off. Granted, I was going to see my sister at her job so she could scan my teeth for my upcoming appointment with a dentist. But because of this, I ended up going in the afternoon and later than I would have liked, but that was my fault. I just didn't want to leave the house, and not because it was finally warm. 

Anyway, going to the dentist always makes my teeth hurt. Like they remember the pain from everything I've been through in such a place. Of course I have cavities. My mom told me years ago that she had  bad teeth and I got that dysfunction in my DNA too. She asked me how I'm not in pain. I'm always in pain of some kind. Lately, I've been clinching my jaw, so that is what has been bugging me lately with my teeth, but I thought that was all on me. But I've been brushing and swashing with mouthwash. A lot. But I still got new cavities and a one or two root canals. 

Really bad genes. My sister said that I should floss, but the only times I've tired, I made my gums bleed or I couldn't get it done right. 

So, I'll see how and when what get's done first. 

Anyway. When the office closed, she took me to see all these places she was bringing home food from. I got a fresh pasta dish, from one of them then we caught the last express bus home. The lucky stiff get's to ride one bus to and from work that has limited stops. While I have to contend with two buses and over an hour of travel time, not counting in the times I have to wait for the buses to show up. When there was more traffic on the streets, before the lockdown, it would take me two hours to get to work. 

Ok. Just about time to call it a night. I have a short shift tomorrow. For most of the week really, but I still have to get up and get ready and catch my two buses. I say short, but it's from 12 till 6:30. 

Anyway. Night. Or morning as the case may be. 

February 10, 2021

I Love(d) The Show

 I then read the first review and I laughed out loud. It's so true and funny at that same time. 

If you want to know / read more about this book, here are some links. 

Barnes & Noble           Amazon Books               Apple Books 

If you are wondering how found out about this book, it's these guys. Bookbub.com

February 07, 2021

I made it halfway to work before being told to go back home because of the weather


I’m posting this from my phone, so the photos are a little out of order. Sorry.
Some were taken on my way to work, and the others or from my way back home almost an hour later. 

February 02, 2021

It is still snowing

 But at least there is a path in front of my house now. 

There was a soft plan of going in to work for 12, but that got scrapped before I woke up. There was a nice text from my boss saying no work today. Then I promptly went back to sleep for almost an hour. 

It is rather quite outside. I just moved to the living room, and the only new sound is a shovel or two. Taking another peek outside and I can see some cars driving. But it's not like I live in a noisy part of town. 

I’m not made for this weather. I don't want to go out there. But I will have to tomorrow.

Staying warm and thinking of making eggs.


February 01, 2021

From one snow pic to the next


And here I had the misguided idea of going to wash my clothes today. That is my step covered in snow. It's only half a block away, but a lot of good that does me since I can’t leave the house. 

It's still snowing, so I question being able to be to go to work tomorrow. 

But we shall see.