A few months ago, I got this email about something called "Red".
In the e-mail I got, it was letting me know about a red edition of Vista and red Laptop from Dell. So tonight I decide to check it out since I'm cleaning out my inbox over at hotmail. I don't use it that often, so why did I have over 4 pages in my inbox?
So I'm knocking out this, and that and ditching what nots, when I opened up the said e-mail.
I clicked on it and I did not end up where I expected to. It seems that they are part of something. It's like a few companys got together and said that they will do a red line of something that they make and it's procedes would go towards this cause.
So here is the link for you to check it out and maybe even help out.
I'll also have this as a link over on the side for a while.

Yesterday I went out and today I went out. Yesterday it was for my hair and to wash a few things, and so some small shop runs for my mom. First it was for mini pita bread, then it was for sliced meat and cheese.
Last night I was also going to head out to the movies for tuesday free night and watch the next Narnia movie. But I didn't feel like going for such a late showing of 10:15pm. While I was checking to see when the last showing would be, I also saw a movie that was showing and couldn't believe it. It was only showing for two nights at 7:30pm. So I was there tonight.
The movie. Death Note. At the end I found out that it's really Death Note Part 1. I have finally made it to an anime related something. I know about Death Note, I just stopped myself from really watching or reading it. So I just had to go to the movie. They do such a good job of letting you know what the whole thing is about. I am now caught up. I just have to see how it ends now.
I liked the movie. A few things could have been differnet for me to really enjoy it. One, I wish it was subtitled and not dubbed. I'm not afraid to read and I like to hear the actor's real voice. And two, all the kids that showed up. They were making noise during the show and laughed at points that I thought weren't funny at all.
On a slight upside, some asian kids (boys) showed up as some of the people in the moive. One kid did a passable "L". I don't know what the chain was for, but I seem to remember it from some thing I saw somewhere in the anime.
Well, I had to pay full price for the show. It was a special showing and no discounts were allowed. I didn't think twice about paying full fare. I also saw that they were going to have a Bleach movie showing early June. So besides some rain, and some noisy kids, I had a good day.
See ya. :)