May 01, 2008

A Better Trailer.

Hi ya.

What does this look like to you?

ulk 2

I may put this onto a black backing and call it wallpaper. :) Why?.. to make up for the fact that if you click it, it will take you to the new trailer that tells a better story of what gives in the new movie. It almost feels like this was how it was suppose to be. I didn't need the new beginning that they did in the first movie. I like the one from the tv show. The one in from the 70's where they changed his name to David and made Bruce his middle name because at the time they said that made it sound "gay". Sad but true. You can see it in the intro when he's looking at his grave before they split the screen and you his normal self and the hulk.

Other than being up late again. I went shoe shopping yesterday with my sister and mother. My mom because she had the money, and my sister because she wanted to to make sure I got good shoes and a pair for the gym. I should be getting the membership thing soon depending on when my sister-in-law sent it off the paperwork.

I'll get pics later. I may or may not be dressed up at the time. I'll see. I also swung by greyhound and asked them how much to go to Key West. $300. Hah?! I can fly there for cheaper. I also asked about Ohio, but they needed to know where in Ohio, and I couldn't remember the place, so no dice there. I'll have to look up the places on line.

I'm thinking of going to the movies this Tuesday. I may ask Hayden to come with me if he doesn't have "homework". He's a teacher.

I think that's it. I do have to make up a new cover letter maybe to drop off with my resume. I have the shoes just in case I'm asked into an interview when I got to drop it off. Not really expecting it, but who knows. At least I will have something to show up in when I am called for one.

Well that's it. Going to find a short story to help put me to sleep, or at least to help me dream of something nice.


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