My sister wanted me to let you know about her day fishing.
Granted that was back on Monday, but I'm just getting around to blogging for the week.
Let's see, she had a good day fishing. Caught about $25 or so worth of fish. A few big ones so I could get one without having to worry about swallowing a bone too easily. Nika picked the small one. The drama for my sister was when a booby got itself stuck with one of her hooks while she was fishing. She had to fight a bird, that bit her by the way, which had a four foot wing span to try and untangle it from her line and try to get the hook out of it's head.
The line she got untangled, but she couldn't get the hook out. It had pulled to hard and it was really in there. She was all by herself so she couldn't do it. It would have been nice if someone had stopped to help her. Oh, don't gut the fish in the kitchen sink. It smells as bad, for as gross as it sounds.
The next day Nika went off to school, and Jhodie went off to work. I think I tried to sleep until noon. Don't really remember if that happened. I had to look after Nika and Verey that afternoon.
Last week Friday, Nika came home with her exams. She did very, very well. On most of them she got 100, on a few she got 90's and on one she got 87. Verey not so well, and since I don't really remember what most of his scores were, I won't say anything other than not all of them where bad. But his writing was the worst. He wanted to show us since Nika wanted to show us hers, or we wouldn't have looked. So Jhodie said that we had to help him with his writing since his mother wasn't.
That brings us back to Tuesday. Jhodie had left a few things for me to do, and I was about to hang out the cloths when they came home. Verey asked for some paper to draw, and I said that he could do that once he writes some letters for me. Jhodie had done it on Monday, so I was just continuing it. The first time he came out with what he wrote it wasn't bad, but I wanted him to do it a few more time to try and get it a bit better. When he came back it was worst. He wasn't even looking at what he was suppose to be copying.
I came back inside and had to take a “z” apart so he could write it right. Thank goodness he didn't kill every letter he was trying to do. I only had to pick apart one more letter for him to try and get it right. Did I ever tell you how much he lacks an attention span at times?
Well Pearl was late in coming for Verey. So late that she didn't make it at all. Uncle Ray, who said it was her day off today, beat her to the house at about 6:30. He was talking to her on the phone when he picked him up. He said that since today was her day off, he didn't rush to come get him like he normally does.
On Wednesday, I got to work ok. I got ital for breakfast and lunch. I ate them at least 3 and 1/2 hours apart. A teacher showed up at the end of a little rain storm we had to take me to lunch. It was 12, and I was the only one there, and I had already gotten lunch, and this teacher already said that he was gong to treat me to the BBQ that the cafeteria was having this weekend. He completely forgot. It was nice that he came to take me to lunch, but I wish he had remembered so he wouldn't have gotten wet.
Thursday I got work assigned to me and I had to cover the library while they had a meeting. Just one thing went wrong while I was there. A book hadn't been entered into the new system yet, so I had to do it the old way after trying to scan the book in 5 times.
I then went back to my other task of finding head shots of students and printing them out on a sheet so they could take some kind of test that they need to take. I also tried to sneak in some configuration time with the new computers that we got. The computers for the Media Center are now here, and we are just waiting on the desks. Sadly they aren't the ones I first asked for. Oh, I was running later than normal on Thursday, and I called in twice to let them know. One was a voice mail. He (Collin) wanted to se me when I got in. He said that I can't come in late if I want to move up to the Media Center. I got his point, and later that day, I figured that I would just have to come in a bit earlier, and maybe put up with E a bit more, to get away from her. Thursday's lunch was an egg salad sandwich on wheat. No fries. Sorry, $10 was all I could spend. The reason why I was in late that day was because I woke up feeling shattered. As I got up I saw things around me like my head had fallen apart. It was very odd and my head did hurt. That got me off to a slow start and at one point, I just lost 10 mins when I was getting ready.
Either which way, I went to bed a little earlier then normal since I had to show Collin that I could get there early, since just about everyone else expcected me to be in charge of the media center when it's up and running.
I got to work on time, and Collin was happy, but a few things from the day before came back to get me.
... It wasn't Thursday I covered for the library, it was Wednesday. On Thursday we had an exam in the LRC which gave me more reason to get away from E. Today she got cross with me. I had made this great wallpaper to be up behind the long on script. I put up like 2 weeks ago. I thought she might like it, and if she didn't she would tell me so the next day. She didn't say anything until today, and started branding the computer as her's. Her's my foot. Twice she had killed since I stopped taking care of it, and she is telling me not to touch her computer. And why the heck is she now telling me to take it down???
As for the rest of my Friday, I had to do like 4 new sheets of students who said that their pic didn't get printed. Some weren't on the list at all. One had down the wrong name the sheet I was given so I couldn't find him at all. One I missed checking the first name on and only checked the last name so I printed the wrong pic, and for three of them, I just missed that line when I was copying the pics. I think something happened to throw me off. And one or two more I just missed the second time around to place their pic on paper.
I worked on two laptops. One because I knew one was coming in and the other because no one had touched it, and she was coming back at 3 for it. The last on just needed to be configured to access the network, and then make some shortcuts and remove her AV and installed ours that she paid for. Her's got done in good time, but the other one is causing more problems then giving answers. By the end of my shift I called up the guy and asked him to bring two dvd's so I could back up their stuff for them because our fixes weren't working and I think he should have a copy of their stuff that was on there. So once I've backed up their stuff, I'm going to use his restore disks and re-build it. I also have to find out who the computer belongs too. When they talked to me, they would say that it was her's, yet her profile on it was almost empty while his was over 6 gigs.
I closed up a little late due to that phone call, and ended up standing in the rain for a bus. A teacher picked up as it started to get bad, so I wasn’t soaked to the bone by the time I got a ride. I got a ride into school today also, so I saved $4 today. *grin*
I watched a little tv, and I watched a movie on the computer, had mac and cheese with stewed chicken for dinner, and Nika has been asleep since sunset my sister tells me. She did wake up back around 9pm for about 10 mins then she was asleep again.
Tomorrow I'm off to town with Nika to get a sound card for the first computer. I think the one I have, finally had it. Sometime this week I'm not sure, the power turned off and on like 8 times in a row, after it came and went like 3 times with a short full min outage. I've held on to $50 that was part of my shoe money and I'm going to get a new sound card for about $20 - $30. I hope it's not more than that.
Ok, time for me to go to bed. I'm not posting this now just because it really, really needs to be spell checked and I can't do it now at 1:43am.
See ya tomorrow.
I didn't need the sound card anymore, I just needed to fix how the head set was plugged in. I may still get it. We are getting too much background sounds from the computer when nothing is playing. I can't really get one now anyway, the place that had the cheep sound cards were out. The day I come to buy one they don't have, but they have routors.
Nika got upset that I didn't buy her something because I told her to get go ask for it herslef, and she didn't want to. I got Jhodie a peice of upsidedown pineapple cake. She didn't like it so I ate it before coming to work.