My mother has received notice that we will be called to the US embassy in mid December to get our green cards. So now we are trying to get a whole bunch of stuff done.
I'm trying to get a loan to cover just about everything and even pay off some of my bills while I'm at it. One of the things that I was banking on before I was fired what that I had a job attached to me that I had been at for 8 years, and planed on keeping as I moved to the US to assure them that I was going to be able to pay them back. Now I have a job letter saying that I've been employed since late August.
Oh, I must apologize for how I may sound today. Two days of living off an English mini seres and I'm back to sounding like I'm from England. I woke up this morning telling myself don't talk because even my thoughts were still back in when ever Pride and Prejudice was written and meant for.
I thought that I should have applied for a loan back when I was still at Ross just because I knew that I was going to need the money. But at the time I didn't have any calateral for such a loan. This loan that I am getting is a Christmas thing that you don't need to put up something for the money. Like a house or car or something close to the value of the money that you wanted from them. You can use the money for any reason up to up $15,000. I asked for $12,000, thinking that the stay in the island along with the plane fare and tests would be rather high. My sister got a much more calming estimate of what the whole thing might cost per person.
Today I had to go get my passport pictures taken. Yuck!.. But then who likes their's .
Well I was just trying to find out how much the tests are going to cost for when we got there, but I can't find details. Oh well, I should have enough to cover them all the same. If this all happens, it will happen between Christmas and new years. A week after the Christmas party for work that I've decided to attend. Which reminds me that I have yet to try out my new shirt since I bought it. I still haven't gotten the new shoes yet. Guess I'm wearing my office shoes to the thing then.
Other news being that the insects of the islands are trying to eat me in their own way. Lynn has gotten a monitor at the student sale today. I guess the laptop goes back to the real owner now. Good thing too, I've been trying very hard not to install IE7 unto that thing. And just the other day I was asking Marcus how he intended to get his music off the laptop that he was trying so hard to download. Since I don't really think he has any money to get CDs. But like the person he is, he didn't think that it was worth answering me and just tuned back to downloading his music.
I'm just about ready to go to bed now.
Oh, I changed my avatar over at yahoo. Let me see if I can get a pic to post here. I got a snap shot.

If you don't see it, I think you can get if you looked me up at yahoo profiles. I gave it some weight like I have. I thought it was wrong to have a skinny AV when I never haver, and or will never be that thin. I do hope to go down in weight a better way then I've been doing lately, but I never want to get so thin that my legs and arms can be called stems.
Well good night. :)
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