December 04, 2006


Ya, another long spell of no blogging.

I think you more or less know why. As for why I didn't blog when I'm in St.Kitts, I just didn't feel like it. I was just happy to be home and to sleep in a place I liked and missed. Also, after some catching up and doing some kind of shopping, it's time to get ready to go back over, wash some cloths, get Nika her news story and help write it, wash her hair and my own, then help Jhodie make dinner, then eat, then finish packing to make sure I have just about everything if not everything, then get my hair done after Nika, then go to bed to wake up in time to maybe eat something then catch a bus down to the boat in time.

That thing that bit me last week Tuesday is still bugging me. Did I tell you about it? In case I didn't, I was standing waiting for a bus Tuesday morning over in New Castle, and when I sat down in the bus that finally showed up, I felt something bitting me. I look down to see this moth type thing that has dug into my skin and staying there. I knocked it off, and just scratched my hand. That sounds like the start of something bad doesn't it. Well I wasn't too worried since one bit me before, and I was fine, but this one seems to be lasting longer. It could be that I'm just more stressed, and starting to hate it over there even if I don't see Nandy any more.

Nandy was the guy I got into a fight with that weekend I stayed over and was trying to clean. It seems that he now sleeps somewhere else. I thought that he just left, but Lynn made it sound like he still came by after I left, which I can believe since I have to be out of the house by 8:30 at the latest.

One day last week I got to work one min past 10. All thinks to Xhavion. I had to help him with homework that his mother doesn't make sure he does, but leaves for me to make sure he does before getting him off to school, since I have to be at work later than her. If the boy even tried to do what he had to do, never mind told, I wouldn't have been late to work. He waisted over 30 mins of my time with something he could have done in like 15 mins. The only way I got to work that close to being on time was because I ran into someone I knew while waiting for a bus that I found out was over 5 mins way. We also rain into someone else in my department who just got off the bus and was waiting for a lift up to work. We gave her a lift, and maybe if I hadn't stopped for her I would have been on time, but I couldn't leave her.

Now I'm waiting to see how the turns out. Will I be docked 30 mins pay for getting to work 1 min after the hour?

Other than that, one of the guys at work made me laugh when he said that drinking so much water wasn't good for me. I had to drink some sugar once in a while. That was funny. Water was bad for me. He asked if all I drank was water since that was all he ever saw me drink. I said yes. I can't get koolaid at the house. One they don't have any, two they don't have any to hold a good amount of koolaid in, and three, I don't make koolaid by the cup. I just don't. So I drink water. I don't even think that I even drink as much as I should on some days. At least my skin won't complain.

Last weekend we were slightly invaded by Lynn. I so didn't like it that I was cursing her as I was walking down the dark road to the main road from work that Friday. Sol was on his way to get me, but I wasn't happy. One of the reasons for coming over St. Kitts is to not see her, or anything from Nevis. What is the point of spending $40 to get away from things/ people that just follow you? But at least it was more then her that I was coming over to St.Kitts to get away from. Now my sister tells me that Lynn my be pregnant. What gives with that? Wasn't she just asking me about birth control? She can't have another kid. She can't really take care of the ones she has now, and she's going to have another one?!? I thought about why she doesn't get an abortion before it's too late if it's true, but even I know that, that just about never happens down here. I don't even know if they do, do it down here.

It seems that I'm going to the Christmas party that Allconnect/ClearHarbor is having on the 16th of this month. The lady that runs that place, is always trying to scar us into doing better, then make us feel guilty for getting anything nice from the company. I don't like it. Allconnect was just up there, and it didn't want to pay a real wage to someone, so they closed down a center up in the US and sold the jobs to ClearHarbor for $10EC an hour. That's not much at least not for me who has to split my pay between St.Kitts and Nevis. But I know that I'm not the only one who thinks that. Since I've been there, I know of 3 who have jumped ship. One just walked out during lunch, one got a part time job along with her side job of plating hair, and the third one got a much better paying job.

Either which way, if we don't fill the amount of orders that we said we would, we would lose their contract, and they would take the jobs to another island where they would pay $8EC or is it $8 of what ever money the use there. I hate it. I hate the whole thing. Why don't they just do the honest way. Have an idea that can make money, and take care of the people that work for you, instead of hiring and firing to make pay someone a lower wage so you can get more money.

Although things have gotten a bit better with the bills we have to pay, we have lost our home phone. We didn't mind so much since we have cell phones now, and people can call us on them.

Last week we for sure found out that someone with a key for the house has been coming in when Jhodie was at work and more or less went shopping though our house. Besides the missing things, the thing that really told us was that they were here was that they took a key or something like that and scratched up a spot on our computer monitor. Jhodie just found out that something else was missing from the pantry last night. If we ever get our hands on this person, we are going to really hurt them. Jhodie thinks that it's Pearl, or Peter, or someone else who may have found, or made a copy of our keys. We just don't know, but if it's someone we do know, they are so dead. Either which way. Around Wednesday she got a new dead blot for the front door, and changed out the door knob with it. Right now only her and Nika have a copy. I just don't where in town to get a copy made or I would spend the $8 to get one made for myself.

Oh get this. I found out that a bus is paid every night to take the 9pm shift workers home. I didn't know this. Why was I asked to make my own plans to get home when working that shift? Why have I been having an old tired guy drive me home each night for that week when I didn't have to?? I asked someone else this time to find out why the bus wouldn't go to New Castle. I was told that they hadn't talked to the driver, but as far as they know, it should take me home, since the company was paying it to take the works home. So I'm going to find out and if it's true, Solo wouldn't have to come for me anymore, and he can stay home.

The other thing that I ran into this week was a commission work. A guy at work, asked me to write a poem for him for a girl he liked. I have issues with this. One, she's currently with someone. He swears it's going down hill, but to know guys down here, they would just say that to get help. Two, he doesn't see this as long term. Not even long term enough to see them living together. He doesn't know much about her, and most of what he can tell me is that she likes this song, and that every time he hears it, he thinks of her. Great, but that's not much for anything. Poem or relationship. But I have to be objective about this a bit. Just because he is nowhere near what I would think a decent boyfriend should be, that doesn't mean that he shouldn't have someone and that someone else can't like him that much. I haven't written a thing down for him, but I have thought up a few things. But I'm coming from the girls end, and I have to make it sound like him. I don't want to sound like him. Him is what is I try to avoid. Great!

Well I got to go now. That seems like I nice catch up.

See ya.

Oh, get the new version of Firefox. You have to get it it seems it doesn't just update to it like the other updates. It's good. New set of icons, and a built in spell checker. :) Take care.

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