Ok.. I know that I would have been a wreck if I had gotten to Barbados today, and I'm kinda glad that I stayed the day to get a few things fixed and sorted.
Now I don't feel like I'm being thrown into a hole with wishes of landing well.
I have a flight booked for tomorrow at 2 or so. I have to be there like 11:30am or something for booking and getting my bags checked.
I got copies made of somethings. I got three shots here for $10 EC each when it would have cost me $15 or $25 US each for them down there. I've gotten to walk around town with Jhodie and Nika and Jhodie was able to get her shots too and got Nika's birth paper. I we had to talk to a public DA about being able to take Nika to the US and that the father was now saying that she can't go and won't sign papers to let her go, when all the time up until now he knew she was going to the US and was fine by it.
I'm going to go fill out some more paper work. Get my hair greased and combed since I'll be wearing my wig there as far as I know. I just looked up the cheapest places I could find on line after I realized it was getting late. We got back around 3:30 or so. We were talking with Little Ray about getting a C&W phone so I could talk to Jhodie without spending $10 for every 10 mins of phone time. He wanted my phone. My nice Nokia Digi phone. The first phone wasn't enough for me to part with it. So he was able to get me a C&W phone, and a Digi phone that he didn't want that was brand new, that he didn't want, that someone got for him. I came with ear pieces and mic, and a radio soft cooler. I even liked the feel of the phone. So he got it for that. He really wanted a Nokia phone. Lucky me. The one he gave me has an FM tuner in it. I just have to get a $25 chip from C&W and my sister can call me on it, and we can talk until Jan for 1 cent for every min after 8. I'll use my Digi phone when I have to call a Digi phone. Believe it or not, a lot of people do that down here. First there was the divide Digi verses C&W then people got fed up with paying the prices between both, so they got one of the other kind so they could use the deals and offers for people using that phone service.
Well we just got off the phone with one of the places I sent and I have a place to stay. The cheapest of the cheap that I could find. I get the price I want until the boxing day, then I have to change over to another room for $5 more because the room is booked from that day for someone else. I don't mind moving.
Ok.. just a few things left and I'll feel completely ready for this thing. I'm going to have about $5 left for food per day. I may just take some soups with me to help cut down on that. I heard there is a MickyDs there. I'm looking at the dollar menu trust me.
Well I have to go now. No grammar check tonight. I have to do some stuff now. Sorry.
Night. :)
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