Got my butt out of the house just long enough to go down town and get some milk. Well I went out for milk, but got some pasta, some pasta sauce, some rice cakes, some hard noddles to munch on, and ...... what else???? And the milk. :)
I had to go to another store to get it. Target actually.
Well with all my reading of yaoi based stories of Miroku & Inuyasha, I remembered my fav opening song from the show. I happen to find a few on Youtube, and this isn't the one I first picked, but I somehow lost that one and found this instead to test with.
I was trying to find the song itself to download, but so far no luck, but I'll try again when I wake up. It's time I went to bed before my mom comes home from work and wake me up.
Let's see who is going to cook lunch today.
Oh, the name of the song if you are intrested is "Come" by Namie Amuro.
See ya.
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