November 13, 2008

Ya... I'm still alive.

I was able to get out of the house the next two days since that pic I sent you. I forgot what I did the next day, the on the last day I went to pick up Nika from school and help her look for her umbrella that she seemed to have lost.

I didn't quit understand that I had to meet her in her class before school let out, so I wasn't any help in getting her umbrella.

Ah, I remember now. I was sent out Thursday to buy some cheese. I took Nika with me. Her little nagging voice came back to me. She didn't want to walk around the building to get to the store.

The day I took the picture it was raining since the moment I stepped out the door. It was a good walk. I made it as far as Fulton Mall. I went out to pay a bill for my sister. I had enough fare for one subway ride. I didn't know it at the time, so it was a good thing that I only thought of using it once to get home.

Before last week, I almost sliced off one of my fingers.

Sorry, didn't feel like easing you into that one. I only lost a shaving off the side, near the top. Jhodie found some stuff that people were giving away and in there was a V slicer. I keep saying that I wanted one, so she got it for me.

The day I tried it out, I nicked myself. My got knocked off the guard when it jammed and I got my finger when it moved again. There was a nice blood trail to the bathroom.

My story just about came to a halt for three days while it healed. When I couldn't not type anymore, I hunted and picked for two more days until I didn't feel any pain to type normal again.

Speaking of my story, I reached chapter 40 last night. I just added some complications to it after realizing I couldn't really do it. So now I have to come up with a darn good reason why that was able to happen in the first place.

Other than that, nothing happened. I've been filling out job apps on line, and cleaning and cooking. Also, do you remember the lady next door that I have issues with? Well I've been giving her the silent treatment for a few weeks now. She came over here demanding I do stuff for her and I was not in the mood for it.

At least she doesn't pester me now. I'll never make up with her I think. It wasn't like she was my friend to begin with.

Well I should get back to my story.

Oh, one last thing.

MSN Groups is closing up shop come Feb next year and they are having everyone who still manages their group to move them over to a place called

Here is a link to my site. I've already replaced my link over at the side with the new link. I found out last month about the move, but I decided to wait until a week after I posted this month's wallpaper set. Which I have. It looks pretty good.

Well that's it. :)

See ya next time.

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