July 29, 2009
July 27, 2009
The weather is something to talk about.
Hi ya boys and girls.
I'm enjoying the fall in temperature right now. I'm thinking of getting a drink to help with that before I head back.
I have a picture here to show you what we are currently dealing with.

I was late for my class today, but I think I've found out how to do a kind of problem that I have just not really understood until now. Tomorrow will be my last class then I'm left to fend for myself until I go to take the test.
I woke up late because I didn't want to wake up when I told my alarm to go off, because I stayed up late watching movies and soaking my feet. Then when I did get up I made dinner which was garlic mash potatoes and some carrots with collar greens and opened a can of tuna for something that looked like 'meat' to go with it. I know some people don't consider fish to be a meat, but ha.
I seem to be going though a silent time with Tanzi. I don't know why. If it wasn't for the fact that we didn't go any of the places we said we were going to go, I wouldn't be thinking that much about it now.
Right now I'm getting my chapters ready for posting for tomorrow and looking up some information to help the story along. Come 9pm I'm heading home. After that the buses start to dry up.
Well, see ya. :)
I'm enjoying the fall in temperature right now. I'm thinking of getting a drink to help with that before I head back.
I have a picture here to show you what we are currently dealing with.

I was late for my class today, but I think I've found out how to do a kind of problem that I have just not really understood until now. Tomorrow will be my last class then I'm left to fend for myself until I go to take the test.
I woke up late because I didn't want to wake up when I told my alarm to go off, because I stayed up late watching movies and soaking my feet. Then when I did get up I made dinner which was garlic mash potatoes and some carrots with collar greens and opened a can of tuna for something that looked like 'meat' to go with it. I know some people don't consider fish to be a meat, but ha.
I seem to be going though a silent time with Tanzi. I don't know why. If it wasn't for the fact that we didn't go any of the places we said we were going to go, I wouldn't be thinking that much about it now.
Right now I'm getting my chapters ready for posting for tomorrow and looking up some information to help the story along. Come 9pm I'm heading home. After that the buses start to dry up.
Well, see ya. :)
July 26, 2009
It's Sara...
You remember that girl I told you about what I met back when I went to my first volunteer thing for SIFF? Well I got in contact with her and we are going to see a movie this week before I leave the state.
We are going to catch up and officially part ways until we get a chance to meet up again. It will be nice to see her.
'My' guy is here today. I was late in leaving the house, but I finally pulled myself away so I wouldn't finish the book before the sun set considering I ordered it. Then just now I'm looking at what other books this author has written and maybe get my hands on one of them since I was wrong about long it was going to take me to read this one. I then find out that this book is more or less a continuation of another book he wrote and it's more or less a part two. Great. Now I'm upset, and out of spite of not knowing, I don't want to read the first book to this story.
I have two more classes of math, I'm going back to that place I went about my foot to more or less complain, then have a day free. I'll be here at Healeo I'm sure. Then Thursday I'll be out with Sara looking for a movie and grabbing something to eat. It's a good thing I found a very cheep way to get to Portland.
See ya next blip.
We are going to catch up and officially part ways until we get a chance to meet up again. It will be nice to see her.
'My' guy is here today. I was late in leaving the house, but I finally pulled myself away so I wouldn't finish the book before the sun set considering I ordered it. Then just now I'm looking at what other books this author has written and maybe get my hands on one of them since I was wrong about long it was going to take me to read this one. I then find out that this book is more or less a continuation of another book he wrote and it's more or less a part two. Great. Now I'm upset, and out of spite of not knowing, I don't want to read the first book to this story.
I have two more classes of math, I'm going back to that place I went about my foot to more or less complain, then have a day free. I'll be here at Healeo I'm sure. Then Thursday I'll be out with Sara looking for a movie and grabbing something to eat. It's a good thing I found a very cheep way to get to Portland.
See ya next blip.
July 24, 2009
I've found out a few things in the last few days.
One, I think that guy may like me, but he's not here today. :(
Two, I'm not going back home this Wednesday coming. I'm going to Portland. Something else I already told you I think.
Three... Oh. I've lost readers because of my KagomeXSess couple in my story. I think I hinted at it before, but I checked my stats and they are way down from the same time last week after that update of chapters. To think that Kagome would cause me so much trouble. :(
Well, I've made calls and it seems like I'll be taking like 7 buses to get from here to Portland. Three buses to get from here to Olympia, then one bus to TubWater, then from there another bus. Now I'm not completely sure if I stay on the bus and pay for each leg of the trip, or change buses to continue on to Portland, but I think it's just one bus. *cross my fingers* I hope it's one bus.
I just called my sister to let her know that I won't be coming back the Wednesday like I first told her.
I started to read this book, and there is no way I'll be able to take it with me since it belongs to the library, so I've ordered it. Hopefully it gets here before I leave for Portland. It has about a week to get here. If I knew I could have found it for $1.99 and it's a huge hard cover, I would have gotten it yesterday to make sure I got it in time for my long trip south.
Last night I had a nagging feeling like I was suppose to get back to something. Turns out it was the book. I would read, then leave it, then want to keep on reading it. (a sign of a good book)
Oh, in case you might be interested it's call "Where The Boys Are". I think I got the last one at that price. I just went back to look and I couldn't find the link again. Lucky me. But it's a big book and I'll let you know what I think of it. This will be my third book from B&N. I'm going to have an interesting library for my apt. :)
I have "Ultimate Gay Erotica 2008" and "Erotic Fairy Tales: A Romp Through the Classics" I think I liked the first book better then the second one. There were maybe 4 stories out of the lot that I was really happy with how it was told and or ended. If you don't mind alot of double talk, then you should like it way better than me. I just read a review that someone left for it, and he or she, wasn't happy with it. For some reason I thought that it was a guy. He gave good reasons. One or two were why I was able to leave the book alone and read something else. But like I said. You might like it.
Ok, I think I'll go over and talk a bit on JemPages. :)
I've kinda ran out of things to write here. Isn't that nice. :) I think I caught you up. I hope Cat has internet at her house or I'm going to miss my upload time for Tuesday and it will have to wait until I'm back home on Thursday.
Ok. See ya.
One, I think that guy may like me, but he's not here today. :(
Two, I'm not going back home this Wednesday coming. I'm going to Portland. Something else I already told you I think.
Three... Oh. I've lost readers because of my KagomeXSess couple in my story. I think I hinted at it before, but I checked my stats and they are way down from the same time last week after that update of chapters. To think that Kagome would cause me so much trouble. :(
Well, I've made calls and it seems like I'll be taking like 7 buses to get from here to Portland. Three buses to get from here to Olympia, then one bus to TubWater, then from there another bus. Now I'm not completely sure if I stay on the bus and pay for each leg of the trip, or change buses to continue on to Portland, but I think it's just one bus. *cross my fingers* I hope it's one bus.
I just called my sister to let her know that I won't be coming back the Wednesday like I first told her.
I started to read this book, and there is no way I'll be able to take it with me since it belongs to the library, so I've ordered it. Hopefully it gets here before I leave for Portland. It has about a week to get here. If I knew I could have found it for $1.99 and it's a huge hard cover, I would have gotten it yesterday to make sure I got it in time for my long trip south.
Last night I had a nagging feeling like I was suppose to get back to something. Turns out it was the book. I would read, then leave it, then want to keep on reading it. (a sign of a good book)
Oh, in case you might be interested it's call "Where The Boys Are". I think I got the last one at that price. I just went back to look and I couldn't find the link again. Lucky me. But it's a big book and I'll let you know what I think of it. This will be my third book from B&N. I'm going to have an interesting library for my apt. :)
I have "Ultimate Gay Erotica 2008" and "Erotic Fairy Tales: A Romp Through the Classics" I think I liked the first book better then the second one. There were maybe 4 stories out of the lot that I was really happy with how it was told and or ended. If you don't mind alot of double talk, then you should like it way better than me. I just read a review that someone left for it, and he or she, wasn't happy with it. For some reason I thought that it was a guy. He gave good reasons. One or two were why I was able to leave the book alone and read something else. But like I said. You might like it.
Ok, I think I'll go over and talk a bit on JemPages. :)
I've kinda ran out of things to write here. Isn't that nice. :) I think I caught you up. I hope Cat has internet at her house or I'm going to miss my upload time for Tuesday and it will have to wait until I'm back home on Thursday.
Ok. See ya.
July 23, 2009
I'm a sad person.
I think that I may have a shot with Justin and I'm leaving.
He thought that I was 23. I'm happy that I could look that young to everyone else.
We've exchanged e-mail addresses and he's bookmarked my deviantart page. I know. I'm putting alot out there at the last minute, but I won't be here to chat him up, and he said that he would contact me when he gets in NY this year.
It's just like me to start a long distance something. It would be nice if this one worked out. He said he didn't care that I was so old and said that I wasn't that old. As if I didn't already like him.
Well, let's see. (trying to move on to another topic)
There is the week that I said I would tell you about. I'll call the friend S.
Well she showed up the same day I went to see the doctor about my foot. (it's mostly better now by the way). Tanzi brought her home around 11pm and she hugged me and kissed my cheek and said that she heard so many good things about me. I asked her from who because Tanzi and I were just getting over a fight. Our first one ever as far as I know. She said Tanzi and we looked at each other and kinda smiled.
The next day I went out with S and I think we ended up at Healeo. She got a drink or smoothly of some kind. I think I got a black berry sparking water. I was trying to not walk much, but we seemed to have had a hard time communicating for the whole week she was here. Either way, we walked around for a while until we came back home and I had to leave for my Tuesday math class and my time on the internet at the library across the street.
All my math classes were good, and I got chapters posted over at Fanfiction, but after class I hung out picking up wi-fi from somewhere else until later than I should. S had told me that we were going out and I had forgotten. So when I came home, I had to go find them instead of going inside. They were at a bar called 'The Wild Rose'. Technically it's a lesbian bar, but they seem to let other people in. S danced most of the night away with a very gay Asian guy. I had to pull her out of the bar at the end of it all.
They were happy with themselves. They got to dance my foot wasn't hurting me that bad yet, and they found a guy for me to chat up, but he seemed to have liked them better than me. I got the keys to take my computer home and by the time I came back he was in a flesh sandwich with Tanzi and S. I then accused him of not thinking that I was cute. He said no, just that he was now off the clock and that he was waiting for his friend to come pick him up.
I still didn't believe him and he was still there after we left, and came back and then left at closing sometime around 2am I think. It might have been 1am. Like I said, I had to pull S out of the Asian guy's arms so she could close her tab and leave. No I didn't drink.
We went home and she woke me up around 10am to leave for brunch. :) Brunch turned into Lunch by the time we left. We got a coupon from Tanzi and we at at this place called "Pacific Place" On Pike and 5th I think. It was good. I think that night we went back to the Rose and took part in Karaoke night. Some were good and ofcouse some were bad. Tanzi wanted us to sing, so we looked though a major book of songs they had for us to choose from.
Some blond came over and sat down next to me. She talked to me and asked if I was going to sing and I told her yes, and then Tanzi them came back from wherever they went and took me down the street to this other place saying that we would be back later. So we bar hoped it seemed. We did it the night before. But this time we had Spence with us.
We walked down the block and went to this place called "The Cha Cha Louge". I don't know why it's called that. They have mucha lucha, and Mexican stuff all over the walls and even in a vending machine down stairs.
Well we made it back around 12:30 or so, and we put our songs in. It turned out to be just me and Tanzi who sang. S was fell asleep sitting upright. We got a pic to prove it. I sang after Tanzi. I honest don't know the song she sang so I can't tell you, but I tried to sing "Queen - We Will Rock You". She said that I did well, but I think I sucked. I missed some lines, and I heard my voice going wrong as I tried to beat out the loud speakers and most of the place empty by the time my turn came, so I didn't have that many people to clap or anything when I was done. But I'm still kinda happy I did it.
We went home then the next day we went walking again and I think I got her a memory card for camera because she was only walking around with a 512 mg and it was full. So we went into CircitCity and got her a 4gig one for $10. She was very happy. :) I couldn't do anything about the battires because she was just to impatient about finding somewhere to go and eat and wanted to walk faster than we were. At this point my foot was really hurting and I had to tell her a few times after she pulled me out of the library over at 4th and Spring.
We had some 'Thai' food, she got a nice hoodie with a nice design on it that she choose and had altered a bit. We then went back home. Of the next two days I was mostly saved. I was pulled out twice. Once to go walking to help make a St.Kitts dish that got killed and to go to the beach which turned out to be a cold day and then that night we had some boys come to the apt and make us veggie sushi. It seems that the only person who like the guy cooking was S. Tanzi didn't like him and Spence didn't like him either. In fact Spence bailed before the food was done.
Afterwards we tried to get some star gazing in. I thought I liked him, but I didn't get to be alone with him at all. S wouldn't get the hint and leave even thought she was tired. Later Taniz told me why she didn't like him, but I still kinda want to see him.
Well S didn't sleep the night she went home. She texted me and thanked me for spending time with her, and she said that she had fun. Over all it was fun, and I got to take some good pics because of her. :) You should check out my deviantart page. :)
Ok... that's it. I have to leav now. :)
see ya guys. (sorry.. no time to back check) *hug you for understanding*. :)
I think that I may have a shot with Justin and I'm leaving.
He thought that I was 23. I'm happy that I could look that young to everyone else.
We've exchanged e-mail addresses and he's bookmarked my deviantart page. I know. I'm putting alot out there at the last minute, but I won't be here to chat him up, and he said that he would contact me when he gets in NY this year.
It's just like me to start a long distance something. It would be nice if this one worked out. He said he didn't care that I was so old and said that I wasn't that old. As if I didn't already like him.
Well, let's see. (trying to move on to another topic)
There is the week that I said I would tell you about. I'll call the friend S.
Well she showed up the same day I went to see the doctor about my foot. (it's mostly better now by the way). Tanzi brought her home around 11pm and she hugged me and kissed my cheek and said that she heard so many good things about me. I asked her from who because Tanzi and I were just getting over a fight. Our first one ever as far as I know. She said Tanzi and we looked at each other and kinda smiled.
The next day I went out with S and I think we ended up at Healeo. She got a drink or smoothly of some kind. I think I got a black berry sparking water. I was trying to not walk much, but we seemed to have had a hard time communicating for the whole week she was here. Either way, we walked around for a while until we came back home and I had to leave for my Tuesday math class and my time on the internet at the library across the street.
All my math classes were good, and I got chapters posted over at Fanfiction, but after class I hung out picking up wi-fi from somewhere else until later than I should. S had told me that we were going out and I had forgotten. So when I came home, I had to go find them instead of going inside. They were at a bar called 'The Wild Rose'. Technically it's a lesbian bar, but they seem to let other people in. S danced most of the night away with a very gay Asian guy. I had to pull her out of the bar at the end of it all.
They were happy with themselves. They got to dance my foot wasn't hurting me that bad yet, and they found a guy for me to chat up, but he seemed to have liked them better than me. I got the keys to take my computer home and by the time I came back he was in a flesh sandwich with Tanzi and S. I then accused him of not thinking that I was cute. He said no, just that he was now off the clock and that he was waiting for his friend to come pick him up.
I still didn't believe him and he was still there after we left, and came back and then left at closing sometime around 2am I think. It might have been 1am. Like I said, I had to pull S out of the Asian guy's arms so she could close her tab and leave. No I didn't drink.
We went home and she woke me up around 10am to leave for brunch. :) Brunch turned into Lunch by the time we left. We got a coupon from Tanzi and we at at this place called "Pacific Place" On Pike and 5th I think. It was good. I think that night we went back to the Rose and took part in Karaoke night. Some were good and ofcouse some were bad. Tanzi wanted us to sing, so we looked though a major book of songs they had for us to choose from.
Some blond came over and sat down next to me. She talked to me and asked if I was going to sing and I told her yes, and then Tanzi them came back from wherever they went and took me down the street to this other place saying that we would be back later. So we bar hoped it seemed. We did it the night before. But this time we had Spence with us.
We walked down the block and went to this place called "The Cha Cha Louge". I don't know why it's called that. They have mucha lucha, and Mexican stuff all over the walls and even in a vending machine down stairs.
Well we made it back around 12:30 or so, and we put our songs in. It turned out to be just me and Tanzi who sang. S was fell asleep sitting upright. We got a pic to prove it. I sang after Tanzi. I honest don't know the song she sang so I can't tell you, but I tried to sing "Queen - We Will Rock You". She said that I did well, but I think I sucked. I missed some lines, and I heard my voice going wrong as I tried to beat out the loud speakers and most of the place empty by the time my turn came, so I didn't have that many people to clap or anything when I was done. But I'm still kinda happy I did it.
We went home then the next day we went walking again and I think I got her a memory card for camera because she was only walking around with a 512 mg and it was full. So we went into CircitCity and got her a 4gig one for $10. She was very happy. :) I couldn't do anything about the battires because she was just to impatient about finding somewhere to go and eat and wanted to walk faster than we were. At this point my foot was really hurting and I had to tell her a few times after she pulled me out of the library over at 4th and Spring.
We had some 'Thai' food, she got a nice hoodie with a nice design on it that she choose and had altered a bit. We then went back home. Of the next two days I was mostly saved. I was pulled out twice. Once to go walking to help make a St.Kitts dish that got killed and to go to the beach which turned out to be a cold day and then that night we had some boys come to the apt and make us veggie sushi. It seems that the only person who like the guy cooking was S. Tanzi didn't like him and Spence didn't like him either. In fact Spence bailed before the food was done.
Afterwards we tried to get some star gazing in. I thought I liked him, but I didn't get to be alone with him at all. S wouldn't get the hint and leave even thought she was tired. Later Taniz told me why she didn't like him, but I still kinda want to see him.
Well S didn't sleep the night she went home. She texted me and thanked me for spending time with her, and she said that she had fun. Over all it was fun, and I got to take some good pics because of her. :) You should check out my deviantart page. :)
Ok... that's it. I have to leav now. :)
see ya guys. (sorry.. no time to back check) *hug you for understanding*. :)
July 20, 2009
I messed up Oatmeal
Ya, last night. Just before Tanzi got back.
Too much cinnamon and not enough sugar. Yes, you can have too much cinnamon.
She had a good time. The said that Canada was beautiful and that he cam doesn't do it justice. I agreed. I'm sure it was.
The thing on my foot has started to itch. I'm taking it that as a sign that things are going well. I also think the pain from last time was my fault. I read the paper that came with my ointment and it said that I wasn't suppose to combine it with any other anti-bacterial, which I was kinda doing.
I just finished my math class about 35 mins ago. That last thing that I did looked something like this 4x - 3 = 2x + 4 . I just made that up so I don't know if it can even be worked out right, but it was stuff that looked like that. I had fractions too in there sometimes.
I've picked a day for going back. It will be next week Wednesday. I told Tanzi this before I came for class, now she's saying if I can't stay till the weekend. I told she was the one who told me leave before her. *grin*
I may change it for the next Monday. I haven't gotten the ticket yet. But I will not live on Friday, Saturday or Sunday. I'm not all that crazy about Monday either. And I'm leaving in the afternoon.
Well my time is already up. I bearly got anything done. I got two downloads, I answered one e-mail from Fanfaction.com and I got this bloog out, so it wasn't all bad.
Well I'm sorry for any typos and such that you will come across. I don't really have time to fix them all if any.
So I'll see you tomorrow. Maybe then I'll be able to let you know about the odd week when Tanzi's friend was here while I can still remember. :)
Too much cinnamon and not enough sugar. Yes, you can have too much cinnamon.
She had a good time. The said that Canada was beautiful and that he cam doesn't do it justice. I agreed. I'm sure it was.
The thing on my foot has started to itch. I'm taking it that as a sign that things are going well. I also think the pain from last time was my fault. I read the paper that came with my ointment and it said that I wasn't suppose to combine it with any other anti-bacterial, which I was kinda doing.
I just finished my math class about 35 mins ago. That last thing that I did looked something like this 4x - 3 = 2x + 4 . I just made that up so I don't know if it can even be worked out right, but it was stuff that looked like that. I had fractions too in there sometimes.
I've picked a day for going back. It will be next week Wednesday. I told Tanzi this before I came for class, now she's saying if I can't stay till the weekend. I told she was the one who told me leave before her. *grin*
I may change it for the next Monday. I haven't gotten the ticket yet. But I will not live on Friday, Saturday or Sunday. I'm not all that crazy about Monday either. And I'm leaving in the afternoon.
Well my time is already up. I bearly got anything done. I got two downloads, I answered one e-mail from Fanfaction.com and I got this bloog out, so it wasn't all bad.
Well I'm sorry for any typos and such that you will come across. I don't really have time to fix them all if any.
So I'll see you tomorrow. Maybe then I'll be able to let you know about the odd week when Tanzi's friend was here while I can still remember. :)
July 19, 2009
I work up late...
I know... I sounds like an excuse from when I had a job.
But It's true.
I was trying this garlic compress on the part of my foot that was bothering and created so much pain that I couldn't go to sleep and ended up getting up and washing it off before being able to go back to bed and falling asleep around 6am.
I think I woke up sometime around 4 in the afternoon. Nope. I'm wrong. That happened Friday night. I didn't do it again last night, but I woke up so late, and had to clean the house, that by the time I was able to go to the library, it closed 5 mins later.
So I left my laptop home and went on a ride on the 48 bus. Ended up at a place called Green Lake. I took that buss to see the that I was suppose to meet Tanzi at on Thursday. It seems that I had seen it before, but it was so early in my time being here that I forgot. The MontLake Library that is.
I also found the Green Lake library when I was walking back to the bus stop after I had very slowly walked around part of the lake taking pics.
Well I got up rather well today. Didn't eat breakfast, but soaked my feet, put on the gel I got from the dr and left the house at 2. I had watched two movies last night. One that Tanzi had, that looked one I was looking for or at least took note of to one day watch, and the other was mine. Mine was "3-Iron". It was a great movie. Koran great. When I saw the cover I remember how I had heard of it and wanted to see from a very long time ago. :) The other one was an American movie named "The Painted Vail". When it got close to the end I know how it was going to end. I was hoping it wasn't going to turn out that way, but it did. But I'm glad I watched it all the same.
Now, on among the trailers that were 3-Iron, I found another movie that I've looked for and asked people the name of for years. The title is "2046" I'm going to see if I can find it here at the library before I leave. Along with a few more disks of "Tsubasa" that I'm catching up on. I found disk 8 here, I was lucky to find that. I have to place on hold the next one or two in the set.
Well, I got here around 2:30pm, and by 3 I had found 8 dvds and one novel. I need a book to keep me company while I'm soaking my foot. I'll be lucky if I finish it before I have to go home. If I don't and I like it that much, I'll see about being able to buy it when I get back to NY.
Oh, ahm... I looked up to see the garlic did anything for my foot or not, it was danging my foot like it felt like it was doing. From what I found, it is an antibacterial and a very good one at that. It kills e-coli, and a very wide rage of other bacterias.
I think it just found something that it wanted to attack in my foot that was somehow connect to what I was trying to treat for the pain that I felt that almost reached my knee. I haven't used any since the "nail raking" pain that night, and I might have gotten a bit better. Abit. But I'm going to try and see the dr again on Monday before my class.
Well, for the last 35mins I've been on the phone with Jhodie. She called to let me know what was going on and that Delma was 'keeping' Nika until the middle of August. It seemed that the same say Tanzi went north, so did Phillys, Mom and Nika. The the both of us have been on our own for the past two days or so.
I cleaned up yesterday because I wasn't sure what time Tanzi would be home today if today at all. For all I know she's coming back Monday morning if not in the afternoon. I have her number so I could call and find out if I really wanted to.
Well the library just gave us/me a 30 min closing announcement. I might make it over to Pike Market to see if I get the tee for Nika, but it's a ways, and I think I should go back to soak my foot before eating a very late lunch... which would be dinner before supper. :)
I'm not sure if it was the hobbits alone, but I think somewhere else ate supper then dinner. :)
See ya.
But It's true.
I was trying this garlic compress on the part of my foot that was bothering and created so much pain that I couldn't go to sleep and ended up getting up and washing it off before being able to go back to bed and falling asleep around 6am.
I think I woke up sometime around 4 in the afternoon. Nope. I'm wrong. That happened Friday night. I didn't do it again last night, but I woke up so late, and had to clean the house, that by the time I was able to go to the library, it closed 5 mins later.
So I left my laptop home and went on a ride on the 48 bus. Ended up at a place called Green Lake. I took that buss to see the that I was suppose to meet Tanzi at on Thursday. It seems that I had seen it before, but it was so early in my time being here that I forgot. The MontLake Library that is.
I also found the Green Lake library when I was walking back to the bus stop after I had very slowly walked around part of the lake taking pics.
Well I got up rather well today. Didn't eat breakfast, but soaked my feet, put on the gel I got from the dr and left the house at 2. I had watched two movies last night. One that Tanzi had, that looked one I was looking for or at least took note of to one day watch, and the other was mine. Mine was "3-Iron". It was a great movie. Koran great. When I saw the cover I remember how I had heard of it and wanted to see from a very long time ago. :) The other one was an American movie named "The Painted Vail". When it got close to the end I know how it was going to end. I was hoping it wasn't going to turn out that way, but it did. But I'm glad I watched it all the same.
Now, on among the trailers that were 3-Iron, I found another movie that I've looked for and asked people the name of for years. The title is "2046" I'm going to see if I can find it here at the library before I leave. Along with a few more disks of "Tsubasa" that I'm catching up on. I found disk 8 here, I was lucky to find that. I have to place on hold the next one or two in the set.
Well, I got here around 2:30pm, and by 3 I had found 8 dvds and one novel. I need a book to keep me company while I'm soaking my foot. I'll be lucky if I finish it before I have to go home. If I don't and I like it that much, I'll see about being able to buy it when I get back to NY.
Oh, ahm... I looked up to see the garlic did anything for my foot or not, it was danging my foot like it felt like it was doing. From what I found, it is an antibacterial and a very good one at that. It kills e-coli, and a very wide rage of other bacterias.
I think it just found something that it wanted to attack in my foot that was somehow connect to what I was trying to treat for the pain that I felt that almost reached my knee. I haven't used any since the "nail raking" pain that night, and I might have gotten a bit better. Abit. But I'm going to try and see the dr again on Monday before my class.
Well, for the last 35mins I've been on the phone with Jhodie. She called to let me know what was going on and that Delma was 'keeping' Nika until the middle of August. It seemed that the same say Tanzi went north, so did Phillys, Mom and Nika. The the both of us have been on our own for the past two days or so.
I cleaned up yesterday because I wasn't sure what time Tanzi would be home today if today at all. For all I know she's coming back Monday morning if not in the afternoon. I have her number so I could call and find out if I really wanted to.
Well the library just gave us/me a 30 min closing announcement. I might make it over to Pike Market to see if I get the tee for Nika, but it's a ways, and I think I should go back to soak my foot before eating a very late lunch... which would be dinner before supper. :)
I'm not sure if it was the hobbits alone, but I think somewhere else ate supper then dinner. :)
See ya.
July 17, 2009
I know I'm a disgrace
I haven't blogged in so long.
I have to tell you the play I went to see. I have to tell you about how I got myself unknowing injured. Then there is the update of my math class, and the week I spent with Tannzi's friend who was here for a week.
Now I'm on my own for two days. Tanzi has gone on a trip for the weekend. It was a planed thing, so I have keys for two days. I can't blame anyone for the trash not being taken out now. :)
I'm hanging out at this place called Healeo. It's not bad. I like it and Tanzi has found a number of good points about here for herself to keep coming back.
Personally, I'm waiting for the soft serve vegan ice cream to change from chocolate. Nope I don't like chocolate incase I haven't told you yet.
I'm about to go riding on a bus for a few hours. Just to see where it goes and such. I'm just going back to an empty house so there is no rush to head back and I'm sure I locked up it up right. :)
Wednesday I thought I didn't lock the front door when I know I should have, but I couldn't recall the memory. It was nerve racking not knowing and hoping that I did really do it. The building has been broken into twice. One 'attack' was on the rent box, the other was to an apartment that the tenant forgot to close their window.
Well, tomorrow I'll be back to tell you about some if not all about the other stuff that I've just haven't had a chance to tell you about.
But last week I have a very good excuse. The friend that I had to accompany for most of the week she was here was very impatient and thought that she was doing me a favor by sparating me from my computer.
Well my stay here is just up. I head back at the end of the month. For some reason I'm still thinking of trying to see Cat them down in Oragon before I head back to the East cost. I'll see. If I find a cheep bus ticket and they say it's ok, I might go.
Well take care world.
Oh.... one last thing.... I'm still posting over at Deviantart, and I've started to post my Inuyasha yaoi story. It seems to be very well recived so far. Lucky me. I have made one person unhappy, but I can't talk about it. I hope she continues to read the story. I think I'll post new chapters tomorrow to test that out.
Now I'm gone. :) *wave*
I have to tell you the play I went to see. I have to tell you about how I got myself unknowing injured. Then there is the update of my math class, and the week I spent with Tannzi's friend who was here for a week.
Now I'm on my own for two days. Tanzi has gone on a trip for the weekend. It was a planed thing, so I have keys for two days. I can't blame anyone for the trash not being taken out now. :)
I'm hanging out at this place called Healeo. It's not bad. I like it and Tanzi has found a number of good points about here for herself to keep coming back.
Personally, I'm waiting for the soft serve vegan ice cream to change from chocolate. Nope I don't like chocolate incase I haven't told you yet.
I'm about to go riding on a bus for a few hours. Just to see where it goes and such. I'm just going back to an empty house so there is no rush to head back and I'm sure I locked up it up right. :)
Wednesday I thought I didn't lock the front door when I know I should have, but I couldn't recall the memory. It was nerve racking not knowing and hoping that I did really do it. The building has been broken into twice. One 'attack' was on the rent box, the other was to an apartment that the tenant forgot to close their window.
Well, tomorrow I'll be back to tell you about some if not all about the other stuff that I've just haven't had a chance to tell you about.
But last week I have a very good excuse. The friend that I had to accompany for most of the week she was here was very impatient and thought that she was doing me a favor by sparating me from my computer.
Well my stay here is just up. I head back at the end of the month. For some reason I'm still thinking of trying to see Cat them down in Oragon before I head back to the East cost. I'll see. If I find a cheep bus ticket and they say it's ok, I might go.
Well take care world.
Oh.... one last thing.... I'm still posting over at Deviantart, and I've started to post my Inuyasha yaoi story. It seems to be very well recived so far. Lucky me. I have made one person unhappy, but I can't talk about it. I hope she continues to read the story. I think I'll post new chapters tomorrow to test that out.
Now I'm gone. :) *wave*
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