I know... I sounds like an excuse from when I had a job.
But It's true.
I was trying this garlic compress on the part of my foot that was bothering and created so much pain that I couldn't go to sleep and ended up getting up and washing it off before being able to go back to bed and falling asleep around 6am.
I think I woke up sometime around 4 in the afternoon. Nope. I'm wrong. That happened Friday night. I didn't do it again last night, but I woke up so late, and had to clean the house, that by the time I was able to go to the library, it closed 5 mins later.
So I left my laptop home and went on a ride on the 48 bus. Ended up at a place called Green Lake. I took that buss to see the that I was suppose to meet Tanzi at on Thursday. It seems that I had seen it before, but it was so early in my time being here that I forgot. The MontLake Library that is.
I also found the Green Lake library when I was walking back to the bus stop after I had very slowly walked around part of the lake taking pics.
Well I got up rather well today. Didn't eat breakfast, but soaked my feet, put on the gel I got from the dr and left the house at 2. I had watched two movies last night. One that Tanzi had, that looked one I was looking for or at least took note of to one day watch, and the other was mine. Mine was "3-Iron". It was a great movie. Koran great. When I saw the cover I remember how I had heard of it and wanted to see from a very long time ago. :) The other one was an American movie named "The Painted Vail". When it got close to the end I know how it was going to end. I was hoping it wasn't going to turn out that way, but it did. But I'm glad I watched it all the same.
Now, on among the trailers that were 3-Iron, I found another movie that I've looked for and asked people the name of for years. The title is "2046" I'm going to see if I can find it here at the library before I leave. Along with a few more disks of "Tsubasa" that I'm catching up on. I found disk 8 here, I was lucky to find that. I have to place on hold the next one or two in the set.
Well, I got here around 2:30pm, and by 3 I had found 8 dvds and one novel. I need a book to keep me company while I'm soaking my foot. I'll be lucky if I finish it before I have to go home. If I don't and I like it that much, I'll see about being able to buy it when I get back to NY.
Oh, ahm... I looked up to see the garlic did anything for my foot or not, it was danging my foot like it felt like it was doing. From what I found, it is an antibacterial and a very good one at that. It kills e-coli, and a very wide rage of other bacterias.
I think it just found something that it wanted to attack in my foot that was somehow connect to what I was trying to treat for the pain that I felt that almost reached my knee. I haven't used any since the "nail raking" pain that night, and I might have gotten a bit better. Abit. But I'm going to try and see the dr again on Monday before my class.
Well, for the last 35mins I've been on the phone with Jhodie. She called to let me know what was going on and that Delma was 'keeping' Nika until the middle of August. It seemed that the same say Tanzi went north, so did Phillys, Mom and Nika. The the both of us have been on our own for the past two days or so.
I cleaned up yesterday because I wasn't sure what time Tanzi would be home today if today at all. For all I know she's coming back Monday morning if not in the afternoon. I have her number so I could call and find out if I really wanted to.
Well the library just gave us/me a 30 min closing announcement. I might make it over to Pike Market to see if I get the tee for Nika, but it's a ways, and I think I should go back to soak my foot before eating a very late lunch... which would be dinner before supper. :)
I'm not sure if it was the hobbits alone, but I think somewhere else ate supper then dinner. :)
See ya.
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