I'm enjoying the fall in temperature right now. I'm thinking of getting a drink to help with that before I head back.
I have a picture here to show you what we are currently dealing with.

I was late for my class today, but I think I've found out how to do a kind of problem that I have just not really understood until now. Tomorrow will be my last class then I'm left to fend for myself until I go to take the test.
I woke up late because I didn't want to wake up when I told my alarm to go off, because I stayed up late watching movies and soaking my feet. Then when I did get up I made dinner which was garlic mash potatoes and some carrots with collar greens and opened a can of tuna for something that looked like 'meat' to go with it. I know some people don't consider fish to be a meat, but ha.
I seem to be going though a silent time with Tanzi. I don't know why. If it wasn't for the fact that we didn't go any of the places we said we were going to go, I wouldn't be thinking that much about it now.
Right now I'm getting my chapters ready for posting for tomorrow and looking up some information to help the story along. Come 9pm I'm heading home. After that the buses start to dry up.
Well, see ya. :)
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