Hi ya.
Back to the mundane stuff.
First off my first night-day in Nevis. First, I barely made it the pier before 8am just to find out that there wasn't a boat until 8:30. So I hung around with a few people and some tourists that were going over for golf and some sand. Different set of tourists.
I had a little nap on the way over and then got to work with about 10 mins to spear to find out that I was suppose to be at work at 9am. Now I'm told that on holidays you show up at 9am so you get to go home an hour earlier. Gee. Not that it would have done me much good anyway. Since it was a holiday, there was only one boat going over to Nevis that morning. I still couldn't have made it any earlier, and I wasn't going to come over day(s) earlier just to be there for 9am. Not for this job, or this island or this house.
Other than that, I told to hurry up like a little girl being pulled by a babysitter that wasn't a happy about having to babysit you, and trying to meet her boyfriend before he leaves work for home, and she had to make it there in 5 mins.
I couldn't move any faster. I already had log on issues because the rest and over hauled all the systems. I had to find all my user names and passwords for the 5 systems that we use, and then it was things were new to me again. I even forgot what code to use for part of the program. Then I lost an hour because everyone but me came in an hour earlier. I ended at 21 or so, everyone else sounded like they ended off in the 35-45 range.
Then I came home to a house that had no water, three out of seven light bulbs lite up. So have the house was in the dark, and there was no dinner. I took a piece of bread and put some dressing on it and ate that with some water. I guess I'm back on my diet again.
I had to go back outside and turn back on the water to use the bathroom. They can just use what's there and not think twice about it, but I can't. I found out the two reasons why she turned it off. One, the pipe for the sink couldn't turn off so water was just coming out. I went under the sink and turned it off there. Next, it was the toilet again. Some how the leak has gotten worst and if you turn around to long, the little bucket would be over flowing and the floor would be wet. That is what Lynn was really running from. She told me as much, but I thought that I did something to the toilet to stop it from leaking so much so that I could leave the water on, but Lynn got angry at me woke me up, then went outside and turned it off.
Oh, I had interesting accommodations last night. She took apart the bunk bed to make two beds in the boy's room. The guy that hates me and her oldest were not home that night, so I got to sleep in a really bed. I just had to take off the two layers of clothes , and sprayed it down with my body spray to get ride of the smell before I could sleep on it. I hate their smell.
Oh well. It would have been better is she didn't keep putting the lights on in the bathroom after I turned it off. I couldn't sleep. I would wake up every 2 or 4 hours, then 10-15 mins to fall asleep again. One reason why I stayed in bed as long as possible. I still made it to work on time. Even with waking up late, and having to turn the water main on and off.
Well I got to town, took money off the bank. $60 that I would like to make last until Friday. I got three noddles, for three more days off work, and I got some light bulbs. I got to work on time again, and I had all my passwords and such this time and I no longer had to make any call backs.
I didn't have breakfast again, but I got a better tasting packet of noddles for lunch. By the end of the day my count was 34. They were proud of me. I meet my set amount. If I keep this up, I'll be able to keep my job. I was also able to fix one of my orders that errored out in this program that so reminds me of DOS. It's a command based program. Anyway, I did it myself without asking for anyone's help. I wrote down the notes as to how to do it a few weeks before I left for Barbados.
Barbados, which by the way I seem to be missing. I would have liked it if I wasn't there alone, but it was really nice once I got over hating what the embassy did to me.
After work, I got off at town to put money on my phone. Oh, did I mention that I got a cable and wireless phone before I left so my sister could keep in touch with me, and I was tired of waisting so much money calling from a Digicel to a Cable and Wireless phone.
Well I went into the store, and another girl came in from work, and asked for a digicel card and I chimed in and asked for one too. I don't know why I did that. I didn't realize until I went to use it after waiting over 30 mins for a bus. It was too late to go back to where I got, they were already closed. So I started walking to see if I could find a place along the bus route to top up my phone before a bus came by. I didn't get that far. A local stopped for me. I got a ride to Jessup, and was about to walk over to the gas station to top up my phone when bus pulled in behind the guy that just gave me a lift. Lucky me.
Which turned out to be true. I got his phone number and he is willing to come and pick me up when I have to work late, and I can call him to see where he is when I've been waiting too long for a bus on a normal night. YA!
This way, I can go to interviews and just come in later on those Mondays. And then the Monday after my shot date, I can go to nurse to get the good kind of shot. I've had my cycle for over 2 weeks now. I think that I'm 2 days into week 3 now. I'm not happy.
Well I'm back at the waterless, empty plate house, and joy of joys, the "boys" are back, and one is sleeping on my pillow and wrapped in my blanket. EWWWWWW!!!!
Lynn went out to a party and took her oldest. The think the other thing finally left after he turned up his confounded cell phone to plague me for about 40 mins. The youngest was going to go to the party too, but by the time her ride showed up, he was already asleep, so she left him on her bed and left me on the computer.
Well that's mostly it.
Oh, here is something nice I found out tonight. On Dec 31st, the cast of Law and Order, all of them, were at The Four seasons for the fireworks. Lynn was ofcourse more upset about it then I was. I'm not a star struck person, but I do love the shows.
Ok. It's late, and I know that I'm not going to be able to sleep in tomorrow.
Night. Take care, and forgive the typos. Can't back check tonight.