I didn't throw anything away. The girl who is teaching me is ok. ... I'm pretty sure that I'm older than her, but she's very nice.
I got just about everything. I still have alot to learn, and I have to speed up and learn a bunch of names and style codes, ya... those style codes are going to hurt. I'm hoping they just sink in over time. Oh for those of you who know about me and how early I use to get to work *joking*.... I'm happy to say that I got there on time. I amazed myself since I barely got any sleep and had to tell myself that I had to get up because it was my first day of work.
My new boss got me lunch. They were doing a lunch run and he offered to get me something when I said that I only had $2. That was nice.
I took a very short brake to eat the sandwich that he got me since I didn't want to keep the girl back from getting her/our stuff done on time. We have to have all orders for the store ready to be shipped out by 5 if they are going to be shipped there and nothing last minute shows up. We were just about there, but we did get a last minute set of requests from the store, and the boss was going to take them there himself, so we went until about 6:10pm getting every squared away.
For some reason I think that Friday is going to be worst, although I'm sure it's going to be Monday if we get shipments everyday.
I had found one of the bathrooms on my own when I was coming back from my quick lunch/brake, but near the end when we were taking out the trash from all the stuff we got and the broken down boxes that they came in and such, the girl showed me the other one that was close to the bar. I did tell you that there was a bar on the second floor of the building right? *grin*
When I was leaving I had to log out... and I don't mean log out of the computer we were using. With in the program that we use to set prices, transfer items, and say that we got stuff, also has a part where we say that we have arrived at work and when you you let it know that you are now leaving work.
Since I have worked with a programmer, I can tell that this piece of software could use a revamp, and that it cost alot of money to start with.
Then I went to the office to do what everyone does when they get a new job. They say where to send their money. :) That and give the job information so that they can pay taxes and not be taken over by the IRS or jailed.
I have to get a bank account. I think I said that before. Well while I was writing this I actually stopped a few times for up to 10 mins at least one time. One of those breaks was spent holding my sister up as she changed the light in our bathroom that seemed to have blown early this morning.
Another break was for me to find out where I could cash my check. I looked up the bank that was on my check. He said cash when it gave it to me, and it says cash on the check. .. But it's a check?
Either which way, I looked for a branch and there is said to be on in the middle of Madison Square Garden. We may go there. Then I looked to see if I would like to have an account with them. It looked ok, but I still think that I will still get the WaMu account. They have this Automatic Savings Plan thing that I like. I think it's set at $5 every month, I'll up to $10 every paycheck. I'm already old. When I get more in my pay check, I'll add more to the savings.
Well I got home ok. I was happy to get off the F train when I did. It may have been around 7pm, but it was full of people getting home from work. I called mom to let her know I was on my way home, and to ask her about the bus route. I wanted to take the bus home, but she wanted to go out, so I told her that I would take the 4 or 5 train home. I decided to walk down the Nevins St. and maybe say hi to Jhodie as I passed by if they weren't busy. But when I looked in, she was busy and not looking like it was going well with her current order she was doing.
So I just walked on by and went to the train station. I got there, got the 5 home, and called mom to let her know I had just come up on Franklyn. It had taken me longer than I thought to walk from Hoyt to Nevins. And since she said that she wanted to go out, I was letting her know how far away I was. But wouldn't you know it? As I got here expecting her to fly by me, she stuck around and played a game on the computer. Hum. I could have taken the bus ride(s) home.
Now for the bad news. Believe it or not, my sister was robbed while she was at work. No. No one came in and held the place up. An employee went into her bag that was locked in the office and took her metro card and the bare $20 she had. So now when I was going to buy some Asian food in China town with about $20, I have to give her so she can at least get to a new metro card for the rest of the week.
Oh well.
Now, if I'm getting about $60 a day, three days for two week, then it's 60x3x2= $360 more or less. If work a little over I get a little extra. I do not expect to finish early anytime soon. Maybe 4 months in on a light day. :)
Not bad for my first job in the US.
Well See ya.
- There I share my life.
- There I have links to what use to be my life.
- There you can find out what I might want out of life.
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