October 29, 2007

Nice Weekend

Hi Ya.

I know I've been a bit quite lately, but I'm ok. Still working, still here and such, and I've had a nice weekend. It hasn't really been what I expected. At least not Saturday.

I cashed my check at this place up the street for $3 and then my sisters took me around the place. I was taken to Times Square to go M&M World and The Hershey's store. And they just happen to be next to each other. I was so hungry that I ate M&Ms for a few hours until I was able to get home to eat the dinner that we got. They ate theirs as they walked, while I waited, and I thought that I was the hungry one.

We got the food at Fulton Grill at Fulton Mall. We got out at Nevins Street, thinking of going to KFC, but I wanted real food. So I went in there to get some. I got stir-fry noodles, potatoes and some kind of sweet chicken bits. Once they saw real food they wanted that more then the KFC, and since Phillys got paid for my M&Ms that was for $9 a LB I paid for dinner. No drinks considering that we were then headed to Target and Pathmark. Oh, speaking of which, did I ever tell you about some coupons I got for free Snapple? Well they worked at Pathmark.

Well we went to Target to really get some containers for the kitchen. Some how, mom melted one of the containers in the frying pan when she was cleaning out the fridge. That would explain why my left over cereal that I put in the fridge was gone the day before.

OH. Back tracking. On Thursday I hung out with AM for about 2 or so hours. She's a friend of mine from Ross. She came to NJ to get some papers so that she could finish up college in Costa Rica. She thought that she would have been finished with what she had to do in NJ at 2. Ha, she wasn't back in her car to come to NY until 5pm - 6pm. I then went out in the cold to look for a parking place for her. I walked around a bit, then came back to find a good spot outside the pharmacy. I called her to let her know that I had found her a spot to park, and she passed me two times. I had the spot for her on Franklyn, and she thought that the spot was in Carroll. So she went around in a circle twice looking for me, and each time she passed me as I wanted to see a pink car coming towards me.

She told me that her car was kinda pink. That is why I didn't see her past me the two times before. She was the one that called me to find out where this parking spot was. That is how I found out that she wasn't in a pink car, but a grey one.

Well she came around and this time found me easy. When she pulled in some said that she had nice seat covers. I don't know if I would have thought much about them if they didn't say anything.

Well she came down to the apartment, said hi to my mom. Clipped the cat's claws, and said hi to Nika. We then went to Dojo's for dinner, which was really nice and we tried the Japanese ginger ale or something like that, then we went to target, which she thought was odd. She's kinda like me, if you go somewhere different, don't go looking up the stuff that are down your street at home. But I was looking for some soy milk so I could get my calcium. They were out of Silk, so we went down stairs to Pathmark and got their soy milk and she paid so she could get some money back. They wiped her out of most of her money over the document place in NJ. They told her one price over the phone, and when she got there, they tacked on like $15 per document.

I would have liked it if I didn't have to pay her back the $3 since I was so low on money and wasn't sure if I was going to get paid the next day. I was kinda sure, but with my luck, who knew.

Now she had to drive her way back to Philly, or somewhere around there. She had a place to stay there. As much as she would have liked to have crashed in the city for the nigth, they didn't leave her that much money. Oh, I did give her back the $3. It mostly for her tolls. I helped her get mostly out of Brooklyn, and Jhodie got her day pass to come home. Jhodie called when I was walking her back to her car, and I got her onto flatbush av, and she dropped me off at Nevins where I was to meet Jhodie. The girl tried to stop in the middle of the street during a green light. I told her it was a good thing she didn't like here.

Ok, back to the weekend.

We got a bunch of stuff, but all on the cheep side, and we split the up between the three of us. At least up in Target. Down in Pathmark, it was between me and Phillys. We even got some rain checks for some floor that they were out of. Today it occurred to me that they shouldn't have given me the rain check until the last day of the special. But hey, mom got two rain checks. Phillys went to get one two. It was buy one get one free 5LB unbleached flour. That should keep her baking for a while. Heck, she could make it there, while the special is still going, pick up one, then use the rain checks a week or so later.

BTW, AM told me about the rain check thing. Phillys said that she knew, but she keep forgetting to get any.

What else. Oh, we got a taxi home, and it was $9. We came home to find that mom had found a garden some where. There were turnips and carrots, and spinch, and parsly, and , and... something else. Oh. Corn. Which I cleaned and cut and put in the fridge. We had already shoped the fridge full, then these thing showed. I couldn't get everything in. I was up until 4 when mom left. I was up till 3 to wake her up, but I had to wait until 4 so I could get her place on the bed. Ms Brown was here this weekend. So there was no free place on any bed for me this weekend for the whole night.

Then there was today. I got up officially at noon. Then I hung out on line for a bit doing something and then trying out some new software. Now I remember. I was getting my thumb drive ready for Dashawn. Ya, I spelled his name wrong. I'm not getting my phone to get the spelling, I want to finish up this blog before 4am.

Well, I was heading his way to work on this computer that he swore came with XP on it. I don't believe it because of two things. One, it has a 20gig hard drive in there along with just a 128 stick of ram. How???? Coming from Dell?????? I'm very sure it came with another OS on it, but now it was trying to live with XP.

So I got some updated stuff, looked to see if there was any new versions of some stuff and then moved all of that over to the drive. Then I tested out the clip finder before getting ready to leave. I took Nika with me. It was half meant to help tire her out, which it did.

It was far colder then I thought it was going to be, and it got colder in the three hours that we were there. Well the damage to the computer wasn't that bad. It was bad, it stalled out on me, and because I had to get Nika back here before 10pm I left before doing something a few more things. So it looks like I might be going back there next weekend.

Actually, we weren't there that long. I just forgot to take out the hour's time or so that it took us to get there. Because we left there like 8:15 or so, and we got there mins after 9. I just don't know how much mins. But it wasn't that bad. We almost slept past our stop. Which would have been really bad. On the good side, an 2 train pulled up just about the same time as our train. And guess who walks out and sees us as we walk towards them and the stairs? Jhodie. Cool. We all went home together, and Jhodie saw the extra jacket that Nika got from Aunty Janice to help her fight the cold. Nika didn't believe me when I told her that it was cold out. Maybe now she will believe me and dress warmer next time. Not that I was all that toasty myself. I had gotten this cool sweeter from mom, but with the new bigger jean jacket, I was still so cold.

Jhodie thought that it she was meant to leave the time she did, considering she was suppose to leave alot earlier, and then ran back to use the bathroom before leave work. I would say that to. We found some computer parts. It was near the end of putting the parts into one thing, that I realized that all but one cable ribbon was missing. So I pulled out the computer that I saved way back when and took one of it's cable. I wanted to used all the ribbons and the sound wire from the cdrom, but two of them were two short. So no sound wire and no floppy disk cable. On well. I will only miss the sound cable.

Well it's after 3am. I went and go mom up for work. I looked at the computer and it hit me that besides the side panel that wasn't there, I had everything connected and in. I hope it all works. I'm just doing this to test out everything. I can't really keep it. I don't have another monitor, and Dashawn needs the memory stick. It's the right kind. I made sure when we were looking at getting some from http://www.tigerdirect.com/.

The boy needs a intro class to computers. He had no concept of the amount of space a gig was.

I think that the only thing that will cause any real problems will be how I get stuff off the computer before installing a new hard drive. By the way I'm talking about Dashawn's computer, which is really his mom's. Their computer didn't have a burner. Another reason I don't think that it came with XP on it.

Well I have to start looking at bed now. My mom is ready to leave, and I have to get some sleep. I can't stay in bed until 12 tomorrow. I have to be up way early. I have to wash my hair. No is here to really comb it for me, and I’ve already combed it out.

Ok... spell check then I'm out of here.

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