I started to answer adds on Craigslist again, and someone called me today. I have an interview for tomorrow. It's close, so I might be taking the bus. I just have to look up the address to make sure that I know where I'm going so I don't get lost in the cold and get there late.
The other day Phillys hot combed my hair and I've had it wrapped for two days. I took out the pins and such today to see how much of it would need touching up and it doesn't look that bad. Better than I was expecting really. I just have to curl the ends and I'll be good for the interview.
On the way there I will have to think of some interesting answers to those dumb questions that they all ask you.
I damaged the fish tonight. Ya, my mom got fish and she seasoned it up and baked it, and she had the cover on then took it off and told me to check it like 5 mins later. I forgot that fish isn't suppose to be dry. I haven't baked fish in a while. Well I saw what little bit of water there was in there bubbling away and I said that there was still water in there. And there was fish eggs in there too. That will have to mashed with mayo or something so it can be eaten with bread. I can always try to get them to be moist again by steaming them. Right?
Back to my BIOS. Have even told you about this yet?
[Tina Turner - I Don't Want To Fight]
Well before December there was a great price for a dvd burner at Tigerdirect.com and mom let me buy it, because what we thought was a dvd burner that was already in the computer wasn't acting like a burner at all. We then thought that it was just a dvd rom or it was broken. When I got the new one, and put in, it acted the same way. So I thought that the mother board needed updating, and I thought I found a place where I could get a flash update for the BIOS. That was on the 5th of December. I believe that I paid them $39 for the update. It didn't work. I was sent another update. That didn't work. Had changes made. Got another update, got another error. Sent them back the error message and asked what to do now. They have now come to the conclusion that I need to have the actual BIOS chip shipped to me with the new BIOS on it. But that is going to cost about $19 more. Which isn't bad. Ofcourse I'm left to take out my old chip and put in the new one. So this weekend I will be cracking open the computer to see if it removable and not brake it in the process. Then I have to check my mom's invoice to see how much we paid for the update the first time. They said that it was $29, but I'm pretty sure we paid $39 for it. if so, we will then give them permission to take off another $9 for the shipping.
I half think about just stopping before I make the computer unusable, but it's working off a BIOS that is over 10 years old. It should be updated. If I get this job at least I'll be able to buy back a new one if do something wrong.
Well my interview is set for 2pm Friday over in park slop. I have moisturizing and such to do due to the cold. Then I was going to run the hot comb thought my hair to just fix a few things and then make sure I have my clothes set out. Well I know that they are clean, I just don't know if I hung them up or not. And if not, I have to air them out.
Another thing to do after I get the job. I have to get some new clothes that are meant for work.
[Marc Antony - I Need To Know]
Oh, as you can see, if you have been here before, I've updated my picture at the top of the page. I thought that it was about time since that wasn't really me anymore. I took this back in September I think.
Today it was like 12 degrees out. I so hope that it's a bit warmer tomorrow for me. Yes, I really don't like the cold. But we aren't the only ones suffering. I heard that there was frost warnings for the FL. It reaches that far.
[Smashmouth - All Stars]
Well that's it. I have to try and go to bed early so I wake up before noon. :) Night.
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