Mine isn't until Monday, but I should be getting a far better one than my last two or three.
Ya, I heard that on the last day of camp, if not the last week, they have fun things at camps and such. I've only been to summer school during the summer when I was in senior high. Twice. I didn't need it, it was something to do one summer, and the other summer it was in a college prep summer school. It was nice. We pretended to be NYU students. At the time a real NYU student was paying $25 grand a semester to go there, and $500 to use their gym, and $75 a week I think for the cafeteria. We got everything for free. Ofcourse the classes weren't the same, but we were told to realy behave ourselves because we were getting so much for free. It was nice. If I had gone to that school they were willing to find college money for me. There's a lone I would still be paying back. :)
Well I just got a call from my sister, the dentist visit is a no go. I was suppose to show up when one of the dentists had free time, but she got booked up. So now I have to get ready and take in the damaged cable boxes. I wasn't expecting to be back there so soon, or at least not until we got another HDTV in the apartment. Oh well.
I'll be taking Nika with me. I just have to go take a bath. Mother woke me up at 9:30 to get going after I went in bed around 4:15. I'm just so happy I don't have work.
I bumped into a guy that use to work at the survey place at the chinese store last night. He said that he lived one block over, more or less and he quit and was now driving. I almost asked him for his head set, but for some reason I didn't. If I see him again I'll make sure to ask for it. He was the guy that I saw with it weeks ago, and that got me trying to find my own.
No, most of them were not polite to me. I had mayebe 10 people who didn't hang up on me in mid sentence. Who didn't swear at me when I said marketing. Who didn't bang the hand set down a few times before hanging up. I guess you can say the people who lied to me were trying to be polite, but it didn't help when I knew that they were lying when they could just say that they didn't want to take the survey and to put them on our own "do not call list".
Since I've started to talk about this. This is what you should do when someone who wants to do survey with you calls.
1. You listen to all that they have to say. When they start to ask you questions you then stop them. - we are to at least make sure that you hear the whole intro to the survey so that if we are offering money for participation you know about it before you go run and hide. We may want females, or males, or anyone between the ages of 16-75, or someone over the age of 55, or someone who isn't you.
2. After you had said that you don't want to, we are still suppose to try and get you take it the survey. I'm not as pushy as some people, but we are to find out if it's because you are tired, in the middle of something, think that survey is going to take a long time when it isn't, something. Then try and let you know that we can call back when you want us to so we can get it done then and, or let you know that it's a short survey if it is a shot one.
3. We aren't really allowed to tell you what most of the surveys are about because half the times we don't know. We may have an idea, but they don't tell us. For the ones we do know, we still can't tell because you may change your answers thinking that is what we want to hear. What we want to hear is what you really think.
4. We will try and call you until one of two things happens. One, we reach a person we want for that survey who will take it with us, or until you say "Never to call again" and , or "Please put me on your do not call list". Most of our calls are taped so you can fight it if we call again. If you want to make sure that we don't all you again ask for our company info and call them directly when you have a chance.
5. Saying that you aren't interested does not count as don't call again. It just means that you aren't interested at the moment. We will then try and call back no sooner than in 2 days time. That is if you are polite. I'm not saying it's allowed, but when you are rude to some of us, not me, we then to put you back for a call back the next day, or a time that would bug you. They have started to tell a few people not to this because they still see you as a potential survey taker and don't want to get on your bad side.
6. We haven't a clue when you are having dinner or when you are entertaining or busier than God. We are calling across 49 states and all their time zones.
7. There isn't just one company out there calling you. We didn't call you everyday this week. Most of us make sure to give you at least 2 days between call. A few of us gives you a week,
I think that's it.
I'm going for my bath. I have to get going.
Have good day. :)
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