August 21, 2008


Oh, I'm so full. Why did I try to clean my plate?? I got dinner from the Chinese place around the corner. It was beef with black bean sauce over white rice and a side of 10 onion rings. I only ate 3 of the onion rings. I couldn't eat any more. I was so sure that I asked for a pt, it looks like so much more. I got a lot of veggies and for some reason the black bean sauce wasn't black.

Well work wasn't that great. We all got a little talk about what we are suppose to be doing to get surveys, but I just smiled and paid attention, since that was all I could do.

I was let go after an hour and half. Not one person wanted to take the survey. I called almost 100 numbers.

Oh, that story that I was telling you about that I was reading? He needed a beta. You get the idea of what he's trying to say, but at times it's very fragmented. I don't think that he will ever fix it. It's been posted since 2004. I'm going to see if he answers my review when I get to the end of it. For some reason I think it's a guy. I don't know why.

As it stands, I'm going to be having a busy day tomorrow. I have to go see the sister who works at a dental office to get an x-ray, and I have to go trade in my busted cable box for one that works and then I'm going to IKIA to see about applying for a job.

Well back to reading that story "Barter" over at I want to see how it ends, then I'll see about adding to my story, and I kinda want to do another wallpaper for +Anima. My last one was received well. It was a brown one.

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