I went out window shopping and such until 10, ate something at MickyD's until 10:35, then had to ride local on the trains all the way from Queens. I didn't get home until midnight.
We went to JCPenny's. At first I wasn't suppose to go at all. It was suppose to be Jhodie, Phillys, my Mom and a Friend. The friend and my mom both pulled out and I was pulled along. Second, I was told that they close at 9pm. As we were on the train, I learn that JCPenny's wasn't in Manhattan but in Queens. I brought it to their attention the current time. Then I was told that it was 9:30 that they closed.
Then I was told that they were part of a mall. Mall? If I had known that it was going to take an hour to get there in the first place I would have brought a book along. Oh, Nika came with us. She was ok until the trip back.
It turned out to be like the Staten Island Mall, except it was above ground. Just one level was below ground and that was where the food court was. And by the time we made it there just about 10pm, most of the stalls had already closed. There were two that were barely open by the time we walked around the food court.
This is Saturday night. Where were the people? Granted this is Queens, but this was a mall. Or am I talking 2 decades too late?
At least we got something for Nika from JCPenny's. They are having a very nice 70% off some items. We got them at about $2.99 from a price of $19 or so each. We got three tops for her. We had a coupon for so much off what we got, but we didn't have it on us. I think mommy took it with her, and that is why they thought that she was going to go with them. When we got home, Phillys looked for it, and saw that it was only good for one day. Tomorrow. Jhodie has work tomorrow. 1-5pm. She is trying to figure out how to get over there and use it and get to work on time. I think she is going to do it before work, then go to work right after and not come home.
After we tried to leave the mall, and I say that because our first try failed. We walked into locked doors and had to walk around to another side to get out. We then went to MickyD's. I walked around to see if I could find something better, but had no luck. I was next to a tunnel. So I got a snack wrap. I didn't think that I was that hungry and that, that would be enough. Wrong, but I couldn't get anything else, I was saving my money for something. I knew what it was then, I just can't now. That is annoying.
Before I was dragged off to Queens, I made a fruit smoothie. It was nice, at least I thought it was. A little bit of ginger, two cactus fruits, three apples, with some water and a little sugar. I thought about adding some milk, but the last time I added milk to a drink like that, it didn't turn out so well so I stopped myself. Does it have to have milk in it to call it a smoothie? Either which way, I left some for mom, but I forgot to call her and let her know that it was there in the first place. When I got home, I got her some to taste. She didn't like how thick it was was. Oh well, more for me.I finished it off with some 15 grain bread and egg plant.
Now yesterday I did the staying out late thing also, but Phillys wasn't invited to this one. Firstly mommy had me look up Babies R' Us so that she could get a gift for a lady at church. I think it was the lady that helped get us here, I'm not sure. But she wanted me to go with her, and Jhodie and Nika ended up coming.
We got her a very nice bottle warmer. Here is a picture and link to where you can look up the specks if you need to get something like it for someone you know.

The store was on Union Sq, and after we went with mom and got the gift, mom went back home since it was just past sunset, and she isn't suppose to be out and about, unless it had to do with church stuff. The three of us, checked out the stores around the square. First we walked around and saw two performing groups, then we went to Whole Foods. I got some rice milk just for me, and some honey roasted nuts that we turned into peanut butter then and there for Nika. I almost took some garlic bread with me, and I so wanted some of the food from the buffet. But I was trying not to spend the whole $10 that Jhodie gave me. The milks were 2 for $3. So I got the two. Nika had a dollar, and spent $ .50 on one butterfly chocolate piece. It was being sold at $25 for a lb of this sweet I think. *grin* It was in house, made formed, milk chocolate.
After there we went to Virgin Mega store. Now I remember what I'm saving my money for. A head set. Mom has one here, but one ear is dead. I remember because I tried to find a cheap set in the mega store. For the first 10 mins I saw everything but a head set. There were books, belts, shirts, bags, and ofcourse the movies and cds. Near the end in a corner, I saw some speakers, and blank disks, and some expensive soft buds head sets. When we were leaving, I saw the more normal head sets next to the door. Ofcourse! But they were still just a bit too much. I'm looking of about $2-$4.
After there we went home. We got home by 10pm or so. I didn't cook that day, or did I cook today, but I have to do something for tomorrow.
For some reason, I started thinking that mom needed something else to sell just to have something new and to have only for winter time. I saw some pumpkin cookies, and they look good, but it asks for one Libby's can pumpkin. My mom said that I could just use the raw pumpkin that we have here. I told her that it's a different kind. Either which way, I had already decided to try out this other one. Flax Oatmeal Cookies.
I'll post both of them later and you can pick which one you think you would like most. I only found comments on the first one, so I'll tell you how the flax one turns out when I post the recipes.
Well it's after 4am, and I need to get some sleep.
See ya.
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