For a number of days in a row, I've been the one cooking.
Yesterday my mom said that she doesn't know what I was saying when I told her that I didn't cook, when she knows I could.
Well yesterday and the day before I made a pasta stir fry with egg plant, shredded carrots and onions. The first time, that went with left over chicken and some fish that Nika picked out on Monday when we went to China Town with my mom who had the day off.
The next day I did the pasta again to finish it off, but added some spinach this time, and just heated up the rest of the fish, and and the last of the chicken.
Today it was suppose to be Jhodie cooking, but half way though I was left to finish it up. Saltfish with johnny cakes. Now the johnny cakes were going to be a bit different then we normally did it to more or less try out something. The last week we were in St. Kitts we found this lady that had triangle johnny cakes. Jhodie wanted to try and do that, so she did the normal mix for the johnny cakes and rolled it out, then cut them into odd shapes, with a few of them coming out as triangles. She left me to mix a next batch with a few changes. She wanted me to use some more butter and baking soda. I added the three table spoons of flax seed flour myself. They both came out well once I got it going with the heat and the oil in the pan.
I was also left to finish up the saltfish. She did the gravy before she left, but I had to de-bone the fish and flake it and then put them in the gravy and cook it for abit, before cooking out the gravy she left behind. That was easy compared to johnny cake part.
I think everyone liked it. I heard no complaints.
Before mom came home I vacuumed up the bedroom. Last night I looked down at the carpet and I just had too.
Let's back track for bit since I got myself in here for the first time in about a week.
On Monday.
Monday was Labor Day for NY. That means we have a holiday and a big Caribbean type parade on Eastern Parkway, with food everywhere. If we had money we might have hung out there for a bit.
Mom did have some money and was going to get some fish from somewhere, and she thought about getting some smaller fish for Nika from China Town, and she needed carrots for a some cakes that some friends ordered from her.
So the three of us, Mommy, Nika and I went out to get fish and carrots. We didn't really come back with that.
First we got off at China Town, on Grand street for the D train. As you come up, you are next to fish shop with live fish. Then across the street they had some also. Nika picked out a few that she liked, but once we passed them, she was "tired". That just means that she didn't see anything that was fun anymore. She liked seeing the live fish, and this cat that sat outside one of them.
We stopped and watched the fish, and the crabs trying to make a run for it. Nika, the little drama queen, over acted to seeing the live lobsters. While we were out, Phillys had asked mommy to get Nika a school bag since school started the next day. We went looking for a bag on wheels for her. We ended up going thought a part of China Town that mommy hadn't gone though yet. She said that she talked about going that way, but hadn't made it there until now.
We even found this inside mall place right under the bridge that she didn't know was there. Nika got to run around the play ground that was there. That perked her up for the rest of the trip. On our whole walk, we saw moon cakes on sale, but we didn't get any. We did get a few other things. First, when Nika got hungry, we went over to bakery, and mom got her this cheese stuffed thing, and some kind of shaved melon drink. There were some nice things there, but I didn't know how much we could spend, and we didn't know what was in most of them.
We stayed and waited for Nika to finish eating before leaving. Mom and Nika got a seat, but I had to stand next to the door. It was a small place, and it was full when we came in. Nika ate the whole thing. Mom didn't really expect her to eat all of it since she doesn't eat that much at home, but she was hungry and ate the whole thing, and it was kinda big for her size too.
When that was done, we walked out and down the street some more. We checked out a few more places for Nika's bag, but mom said that they still cost too much. Then we found this place that sold snacks and sweets and such. Well I saw something that I was looking for and we went in. They were in little clear plastic boxes with lids. They had the name of what was inside, in english, with how much it cost at a set weight. One had how much this was cost at 1/2 lb, and some had how much it would cost at 1/4 lb and some were by each unit. There was jerky, dried fish, mini candy bars, chocolate rocks, wasabe/wasabi peas, and some dried fruit.
I got the mixed nuts that was more like Asian trail mix, because there was more then just nuts in there, but the covered nuts did make up most of the mix. Nika got some beef jerky. She likes beef jerky. Mom just got bits from all over the place, and a little bit of the wasabi peas. Oh, my nuts were not cheep. I saw $8 on the box, and thought that it was for 1/2 lb. So I asked for 1/2 lb. When the lady was weighing it out, I realized that it said it was for 1/4 lb, so she had to be put back half of that. We left with $10 worth of stuff.
Oh, something else we found out. Most of China Town still runs on cash. So show up with money and not plastic, but incase you do, there are few banks around so you can get some cash.
We left there then turned up a block. There we saw her back back with wheels. We saw a Barbie one a while back, but when I told Nika how much it cost, she said that it was too expensive. I told mom that she know about money from when she had to do stuff to get money and then she had to spend it and realized how much things cost. When she saw this last bag, she was all smiles and said that she liked it. I think that she really does like the bag. It's not all that flashy, and I'm pretty sure that she is the only one that has a bag that looks like that. Mommy doesn't think that the bag will last that long. Well come tomorrow it will would have lived though the first week of school.
We didn't get the bag then and there because mom needed to get money from the bank. There was a Case Bank right across the street, but mom said that they charge too much to use their things, so she was going to walk about 5 blocks to her bank just across from the Washington Bridge. Then walk back and get the bag.
Now, on the way to the bank we walked by a few places. One was a lady selling water. We heard one thing, but when mom sent me back to get two bottles of water for a dollar, we found out that she was saying two warm waters for a dollar or one frozen one for a dollar. So we got a frozen one, after giving her back the two warm ones. My mom also walked into a restaurant supply store and picked up three bamboo steamers that were on sale. She said that she has been wanting some for the longest while. We also got some fresh pumpkin from a guy next to the lady selling to the water.
Now after we picked up Nika's bag, we got the bus to go past the bank we just came from and when we got off, we were back where we started on Grand street. I didn't even know we were there until I walked up to the fish stand. Mom picked up the fish that Nika had picked out earlier, and while they were gutting and cleaning the fish, she walked next door to get some fruit. The tank that had the live fish was now empty. That was quick, and there as alot of fish in there like 3 or so hours ago.
We came back home, but we didn't have any carrots. I tried to remind mom about the carrots, but she seemed to not have heard me, so we had to get them from the supermarket. Mom didn't like the price she saw, considering the price she saw for some in China Town before she forgot about buying some. But it was too late now.
Now, as we were about to walk out the supermarket we saw people running and a bunch of them ran into the store. I honestly thought that someone fired a gun. Some of the people that ran into the store looked scared. One guy said that it was a false alarm and then everyone started to leave. some went back the way they came, out the wrong door, we went out the right way, and someone told mom that it wasn't safe, and she told them that she was going home. It sounded a bit odd, but we walked out, and walked home.
That's about it for Monday. :) I'm off to bed. It's like 2:15 now. I need to go to bed. Mom wants to do some washing tomorrow, then we are off to get her salmon by 10 am that we didn't get on Monday with Nika.
Oh, one more thing before I leave. I'll try and come back to spell check this either tomorrow when my mom is taking a nap, not likely, but on Saturday when she's at church. ***stayed around and checked it. It should be ok... it's 2:43am now....***
Jhodie got hired today. It wasn't a job that she was really looking for, but we need work. She is working at KFC. She will be working night shift, and she will start in a week. That is why I was left to cook. She went for and interview. Next week I'm off to the temp agencies, but if that doesn't pan out, I'm thinking of cleaning train carts for the metro. It's $11 an hour and it's full time.
Wait, that might be a problem. I'm not suppose to work full time. The reason why I'm even thinking about this, is that I will never have to pay for a train or bus ride again while I work for them.
Oh, one more thing, since I'm still up. I was up at 6 something this morning and out the house with mom, after Jhodie and Nika, and just before Phillys to get milk from Target in down town Brooklyn at Atlantic Ave. We were told that we had to be there early since they have the best price for Silk Milk. It's $2 cheaper then everywhere else. So I was walking though their doors at 4 past 8, and they open at 8 am. I was one of three people there I think.
I got two milks, some popcorn and some juices for Nika with a store coupon that I got from their site.
Now for the reason I really came here. I almost forgot about it too.
Popcorn Lungs. I'm sure you might have heard about it, but incase you haven't, here you go. I said all that butter on the popcorn wasn't good for you. Also read the comment at the end, there is something in there too.
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