Let's see. The day before thanksgiving, Jhodie went and got the turkey. That was put in tub of cold water to defrost for a like a day, than it sat in the same tub for like 6 or so hours I'm sure in green seasoning and such. Then they did a little bit more shopping for a few bits here and there for stuff. Then Jhodie and Phillys cooked for the next 6 or so hours on Thanksgiving Day.
Jhodie took time out to take Nika to the Macy's Parade. That might be one of the reasons why it took so long to cook everything. The cooking was just Phillys and Jhodie. I wasn't in any part of it other then when I was asked to help lift something, and taste something else.
We had, ofcourse, the turkey but no stuffing. *sniff, sniff (sad)*. As I think about it, it would have been one of the few things I could have eaten that wouldn't have hurt me. It's that whole can't drink or eat milk products thing. There were two small pumpkin pies. One with crust, one without. Then there was the mash potato. That was the last things to be made. It was suppose to be potato salad, but the potatoes boiled too soft. By the time the got around to making that dish, we were out of soy milk. Then there was the next biggest thing in the oven. Macaroni Pie. I have no clue how much boxes where used for that. I was told that the soy milk was used in that one, but for some reason I still thought that something was wrong with it. It wasn't until my mom asked me a question that I remembered that there was still the two sticks of cheese in there to hurt me. It didn't matter that they used soy milk. It barely made a difference to my insides. Which is way, most of it is still in the fridge. My mom won't let me eat any. There was also a store bought frozen green bean thing that was heated up in the oven. There were some mini apple pies and one bunt cake. Don't remember what kind that was. What else??...Oh, the token can of cranberry jelly. Jhodie tried her hand at gray gravy, I think it came out quite well the second time around. Did I miss anything? Oh, three bottles of sparkling cider. That wasn't made ofcourse, but it went with the meal all the same.
Then they went out shopping, mostly window shopping, for black Friday. They were gone for the whole day, starting somewhere around 7 or 8am. I know that's not as early as some people, but they went to bed late, and since they didn't have that much money, it wasn't like they were beating anyone to something they wanted to make sure that they got. In fact, there were only three things that they went out to buy. One was a 50 pack of DVD-R. Next was some CD-R, and some AAA batteries. I got my DVD's. *ya*.. but they were out of the CD's. Jhodie and Phillys said that no one was buying the DVD's but the CD's were long gone. I don't know why, but Jhodie told me to think of the computers that I've been seeing that were tossed out. But doesn't that mean that they now have the DVD burners?????? Oh well. The batteries weren't found or weren't remembered to be looked for. While I was trying to sleep they called and woke me up to tell me about a mp3 player that they saw that was for $35. It was only a gig. She, Phillys, said that it looked like it was a bit better than the one she has, but it's too late. I didn't have that kind of money anymore. I just had limp along money until I get my next job, and I know it wont' last me that long. I gave them my second to last $20 to get the DVD's so I could make some space on my mom's computer. That was only $4. Then they spent another $5 on a gift for me. Ya, they spent my own money on a gift for me, but I do like the gift. Every since I got back, heck, every since I was home I've been wanting a normal pop up toaster and this one is wide enough for bagels. They even got two other things from the same maker that were also $5 each. One is for mom, and the other one is for Lynn.
While they were off shopping and having their own little adventures, I was home cleaning with mom. Nika slept, woke up, ate, then went back to sleep. I was told not to push her, so when she went back to sleep after I told her to get some home work, I didn't bother her, and saved myself a headache.
We did the kitchen. I was in the cupboard most of the time taking stuff down, cleaning them out and then packing them back in. Oh, that cupboard held the dishes and mugs. Mom wanted me to clean it since the second month I was here, so I didn't make fuss. We got most of the rest of the kitchen cleaned also. When they got back they were studded at all the white they walked into since the front door opens into the hall half a foot from the kitchen. The table was cleaned off and fixed up, and mom mopped the whole floor and moved a few things to other places.
Then before she went to bed, we moved the bed. Mom wanted to change up the room. So we moved the bed 90 degrees and pushed it up to the wall between the two windows. Most the mess was left for me to clean up. Then she reminded me about moving around a few other things in the room tomorrow. I had to move the bed by the way to do that.
I was so tired from cleaning up and watching some anime that I didn't even hear anyone get ready for church that morning. I woke up some time around 11amI think. I finished watching the anime I was watching the night before, and had something to eat. Then I told myself to get going with the rearranging and cleaning so she wouldn't come home and not find it finished. She showed up just as I was finishing up by sorting though some more of her piled up mail. I even found two more shop cards. One from PetCo and one for OfficeMax which I'm sure she has forgotten about. They are both in my wallet now.
AAAHHhhhhhhhhh......*yawn*... I'm so tired. I want to go to sleep, but I can't. I don't have anywhere to sleep. Ms. Brown is back tonight, and Nika is asleep on the couch, and the air bed Jhodie is sleeping on is a mess. So I have to stay up until I get my mom up for work at 3am. I have been up and at-um since what? 7am? 7:30am? We were going to a dentist convention with Phillys. Mom was up and out of here before all of us. She left at 8:10 I think. We didn't leave until maybe 9:30. Jhodie and Nika were slow in getting ready. Mostly Jhodie. She had maybe 4 hours of sleep. She was up way too late and she knew that we were going out. It's odd since she was reminding me about today and asking me if I was coming the night before.
Mom then reminded her that want to or not, Phillys was going to make me come. Then she goes and stays up late and was grouchy for most of the morning.
I took my pill on the train on the way to manhattan. Then about 30 mins before we left I took another one. I'm taking them every 5 hours now. Phillys said that I can take them 5 to 6 hours apart. We walked and walked and walked. I got to sit down twice while I was there. One was in the bathroom and the other time was when I took Nika to get some lunch down stairs. I hadn't eaten all day, and it was after 2pm by the time I sat down to eat anything. I got a small chicken rice noodle soup, and one egg roll. That came to $8. The roll was a dollar.
Nika was a pain. A pure pain up until we sat down to eat. She nagged and nagged me to find something to eat quickly, then when she said that she already had something to eat, and she was just waiting for me to get something I told her to quit her nagging. I was willing to sit her down and let her eat, but she wanted to eat with me. She is darn lucky that I'm not her mother. I wanted to find somewhere that had something I could easily pay for and find a seat. She was just telling me every other section. Walk faster, pick sometime, I want to eat, buy something. AAH! If I could have hit her I would have. Then I would be the lady that hit the cute girl who was now crying her eyes out at the Javits Center.
Ok.. the time is just about here for me to wake up mom. I'm going to use the last 10mins to proof read.
Oh, I crashed after I got home, but my mom got me up to help her move a few things before Ms. Brown got here. Then I fell asleep, then my alarm went off tell me to take my meds at 7:30, then I really crashed. Then Jhodie woke me up to come get her about 2 hours later. The card that I had gotten mostly for her last week was already up. So I was suppose to show up with Phillys' card and swipe her into the station. That is why I'm awake at all right now. Granted, if I was still asleep when Ms. Brown got here, mom would have woken me up so she could use the bed, so I would have been here anyway.
Ok.. off to proof read.