I put $100 on my bank account to pay a few things. T-mobile because I couldn't pay it in person with out people asking for my brother's SS# which I do not know.
The other $100 went to my mom to help with paying on of the bills. The cable/phone/internet bill. It's the optimum thing.
I had already spent like $50 on little things for myself when I was running around trying to get my check cashed and such.
I thought that I talked about this already, but I just checked and I hadn't gotten that far yet.
Let's see.
That day I had to shred the stuff for my mom.. I think I did tell you about that. Well , when I was done, and changed and everything, it was late in the day. I first tried to find the Wacovia Bank that my mom said she saw at Bowling Green. Ha! The only thing I found there besides near frozen fingers and cheeks, were the gloves to protect my hands. I paid $5 for them. They are a little big, but I finger if I get tighter gloves, they can go under for the really cold days. I had asked for big gloves, because I didn't want to buy gloves and have them be too small.
Then I ran back the station to try and get to the branch I knew about on broadway. I got a bit turned around and lost. I have to practice getting around Manhattan more. Well I made it there with about 20 mins to spear. They closed at 6pm. After cashing my check, I had to work out how to get to my mom's bank that was over at the Washington bridge. I knew that I had to walk along Cannal Street, but which direction? I asked this lady that just gave direction to someone else before she moved off, and I got pointed in the right direction. It was already dark and I was thinking that I had like 30 mins to get there. After I deposited the amount on the bank, I looked at my phone and it was telling me that it wasn't 6pm yet, and I check the date:time stamp on the deposit slip and it was telling me the same thing. Gref!
I called my mom and told her that I was going to get something hot to warm me up. She told me not to fill up because she was making cookup for dinner. I said fine. I walked around abit, but I didn't get anything to eat, then I thought that I didn't really want to eat anything on the subway anyway. On my way to finding a subway that I believed was that-a-way, I saw a t-moblie place. I walked in and asked about paying my bill there. The told me that I had to buy this card and I could use it to pay my bill because they would attach my account information to the card, and I just have to say how much money I was paying on my bill and use it almost anywhere. I couldn't find what I needed for the account informaion to put on the card, so I didn't buy it. Ok.. back out into the cold, and off to find the subway. I was ready to just go home and pay my bill later.
On my way to the subway I came across the shop that sold the rice noodles that I liked, and I got some rice cake from them also. That was about $4 there. I then continued to walk in the direction that I thought the subway was in. When I hit this 4 lain road, I had a feeling that I had already passed it, but I continued to walk. Then I looked to my side like a block further, and I was a few blocks up from Broadway and Lafayette, on Houston Street. I was standing next to Whole Foods. The one that Tanzi took me took that day we went out int he rain. I went in just to get out of cold. I walked around for abit, and really thawed out when I stopped by the soup station trying to find one that I would like and could eat. I ended up not getting any after all, but I did get a goat cheese and some crackers to eat it one. That came up to like $8. Goat cheese isn't cheep.
I then went out an exit that I hadn't used before simply because this was the first time that I brought anything here. And as I stepped out I hit a subway. It was for the F line. Fine I'll take it. I didn't feel like walking anymore right now. I would just have to change at Jay Street.
So I rested my feet for like 3 stops then I got off at Jay Street and took my dear time walking up the steps. I wasn't looking forward to going back out into the cold. But out I went. Then on the corner was another t-mobile place. I tried my luck again, hoping that I could do it. But no, I was hit with "Do you know the account holder's SS#?" question again. Nope. Fine. I then remembered that I had the paper bill with me when I went to pay it last time at the T-mobile store. That is why I was never asked all this before.
Ok... mmmuumm. Do you have any covers/skins for a razr? She said yes and came back with a bunch on a string. I asked for one that most people didn't buy. I was tired of seeing people with my phone. Did I tell you that I don't share well? I'm not as bad as that sounds, but I always had this feeling that the phone they had was mine, because it looked like mine. I knew it wasn't, and I was never like on the verge of taking theirs, but I always felt a bit odd when I saw one, and I thought that I would just get a skin for mine, and it wouldn't be like their's anymore. I got... a light brown allagater skin case. It reminds me of the boots from this movie "Romancing the Stone", or Corcadile DunDee comes to mind when I see it. So what was the price for this? Well it was $20. I said that I would have to come back for it after I paid my phone bill. She asked her manager if I could get a discount on it since I was already a t-moblie client. He dropped it to $15. I told the girl again, that I would have to wait until I paid my phone bill. She said Ohhh, like she didn't hear me the first time, then talked to him again. I was trying to pull the case off my phone when I heard him say that I can get it for $10 without extra for tax. Ok. This thing must be cheep if he can go that low, with out looking like he cared that much. Or maybe I was just lucky because it was at the end of the day, and they were closing up and he wanted to get rid of something that wasn't selling well.
I hunted and hunted for a pic on line to show you, but I ended up scanning my phone instead. since it doesn't fold flat, the tips are blurry.

I paid the $10 and I went to catch the bus down to where Jhodie worked. I was going to try once more to pay this bill before going home. I waited until she was free to ask her for the tito's SS# so I could try at the t-moblie place next door. She said that she didn't have it or knew it. She paid over the phone and wasn't asked that. Great. Now I'm thinking that I should have put the money on my mom's account so we could use her card to pay it, but then I said that I'll just put the money on my account and pay with my new card another day.
Did I tell you about my WaMu card? Ya I got one like the middle of last week. It comes with a MasterCard logo on it.
Jhodie asked what time it was when I came to see her. It was like mins to 8pm I think. She said that she didn't get off until 9pm. I told her that she didn't need to bring anything home for dinner because mom was cooking. She didn't look like I told her anything good.
Off I went. I don't remember how I got home. I might have taken the bus, or taken the train. I just don't remember.
Now I remember, I was walking past the Fulton Gill when I called mom to ask her what side dish she wanted to go with the cookup. I told her that I could bring some plantain. First she told me to get what I wanted. I told her that I called her to find out what she wanted. She asked where I was, I told her, she told me to get the plantain. There. Then I took the subway home.
The cook up was ok. The plantains could have used some more cooking I thought. Either which way I thought that it was a good dinner. Jhodie wasn't anywhere near impressed. No clove smell, where was the onion smell, and she didn't use the right part of the chicken. It wasn't the way she would have made it.
That was the end of that day. I think that was Monday, but don't hold me to it.
Ok... since I can't remember, another day that week, my mother made me go out into the cold. I first went down the pharmacy to buy a full box of that vitamin C thing. It cost me about $19. I also found out that I can't just buy Codeine up there like I do at home. I have to get a scrip from a doctor to get it. Then I went on to Western Beef to get some cassava and coconut milk and sweet potato for mom. I picked up one thing for me. I was going to get a ginger ale, but I couldn't carry all that.
Mom did her stuff early this week, but we lost one of the cakes. One of them went bad before we could bag it. They were left out to cool one night, then the next night my mom went cut them, and one wasn't any good. Mom said that she mustn't have baked it long enough.
The next day she did the patties, and I ran out of the sandwich bags, so I just put the rest in a big bag to buy some smaller bags later to put them in and label them.
Then it was Friday and Jhodie took me out with her to get her cashed checked, and I got to put $100 on my bank account. It was quick and easy. I went to ask T-mobile a question about paying the bill, but the line was taking too long and Jhodie called me just after I walked out to meet her at the corner. We tried to catch a bus to Pathmark to meet mom, but Jhodie got side tracked by a hat. So we waited really long for another bus to show up. Like 5 mins after we found mom in the store, Jhodie had to leave because she had to be home for Nika.
Mom and I did some shopping, got a few things, looked for a few things, and decided to try a few things. We had a coupon book from Jhodie, but barely used it. Like only one came out. I gave $30 to the shopping list, but after we left, I remembered that I was suppose to get some TP and Paper Towels. Later I said. We then went out side and got a taxi to get us home. He wanted $12, but he took $10.
We now had drinks, milk, a few cereals, and a few odd things here and there. We have now reached the 300 points for a free turkey. Phillys will be happy. I don't think that I've told her yet.
Ok, once again I'm up late, and I want to watch "Tech Now" On pod cast, so I'm off before this crashes one me and I loose all this.
Night/ morning, what ever. :)
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