November 07, 2007

Have I Told You about This Yet?

I found this like what? 3 years ago? Maybe 2 years back.

Either which way, I was digging up mangas to read, and I came across this program when I was looking for another chapter for a story. I just spent an hour or so hunting it down since I got some more mangas to read, and I didn't want to unzip them all to read them.

My memory has so much holes it's sad, but come on. I haven't had to use that piece of information in ages.

Here is the link if you have some pictures that you want to keep in a zip file but still view. You have to right click to use this program once you have it open. Other than that menu that pops up, you see nothing else. The pictures fill your screen and you just click your way to the next one

Link - CDisplay.

As for the rest of things,

I lost my week metro pass. I've spent most of two days looking for it and I haven't found it yet. Yesterday I got my last check from Linda's. It was enough to pay two or so bills and I might be able to pick up some new shoes for when I start the interview thing all back over again. I hate going on interviews. I also got a very nice letter of reference /recommendation. I thought that it was great how he wrote it, my sister and her outrageous standers didn't like, but I don't care.

Yesterday I went out an got my state ID. I had been meaning to get one for two weeks now, but I thought that I may not such a great a time as now again to do this. I got there around 3pm, so I was there for the lock down at 4pm. I don't know how this works in other places, but there is a line to get into the DMV, and when 4pm comes around everyone is told that if they leave for anything, they would not be let back in, and anyone outside in the line are shuffled inside, and watched as they are locked in. And it wasn't just a simple close one door with a little key and I guard stands there to let you out. Oh no. You saw two big steel doors close, then a roll down steel gate came down from the celling over the doors. I felt like I was in lock down. Then we just stood there and continued to wait for our turn to get whatever we came to get. Standing in line was the longest part. And ofcourse you don't want to use the bathroom until you are told you can't use it.

Once your turn comes up, you spend maybe 15 mins moving between two booths and waiting for your number to be called. At least you were now able to sit down while you waited between booths. Yesterday while I was there, they seemed to be closing down that part, and had like the last 15 or so people move to another part of the building so they could get processed. I felt lucky that I didn't have to move for some reason. I signed that donor part of the application, and paid an extra dollar on top of what I had to pay to get my ID that would be good for 4 years. If I had already gotten my check I would have gone for the 8 year one. Oh well, in 4 years times I will deal with that one.

I was suppose to call my mom so that she could meet me over at OfficeMax, but I got no signal in that place. So as soon as I got out, I called my mom to let her know that I was finished. She thought that she couldn't come at first, then I reminded her that Jhodie had  keys and she didn't have to wait for them. Monday Nika was sick and didn't go to school, and mom told Jhodie to take her to the doctor. Later I found out that Nika had started to throw up, and that helped in getting her to the doctor a bit sooner.

But before mom could meet me at OfficeMax, she had to go to the bank to get some money and something else. We were getting a new shredder. My mom stock piles mail just because she doesn't want to read it, so I'm left to sort thought it, but she won't let me throw away anything that hasn't been torn up or shredded. So today before I made myself  leave to cash my check, put money on my mom's account so she could pay a bill and try to pay on my own cell bill, I shredded three bags of letters. Not big bags, it's a small personal shredder. Around a foot tall or so.

Either which way. At first I sat in the center outside of pathmark, but inside the building for a while. I actually fell asleep. I was there for like 20 mins at least I'm sure. I didn't check my watch. I was suppose to go inside pathmark, but I didn't feel like spending anymore of the little money I had left. Besides we were just there a few days go, I didn't think  that we needed anything.

After a while, I thought that, that was enough of sitting there after I had woken myself up and stayed awake for about 5 mins. Next to me two ladies were talking. Their stories I think is what kept me awake. Well I got up, braced myself for the outdoors, and walked down to OfficeMax. I thought that I might as well have a really good walk around the store until my mom called to find me. I found a few things, and just as I reached the end of the normal set of shelfs, she showed up.

We picked the shredder that wanted, but we asked around for a few things, and even ended up upstairs at
CircuitCity to see if they had something that we couldn't find down there. We then went back down to get the shredder. We also got some paper for the printer, and we were talked into getting some kind of warranty for the shredder. I so far haven't been able to get into that part of their website to register it, so I might be calling this one in sometime this week since I don't really think that the site will be fixed before then.

Then wouldn't you know it. As I was here shredding away to my mom's delight, I came across a $10 off coupon for OfficeMax. We could have used this yesterday when she was digging the last bits of money to pay for the warranty. Now she says that they send them all the time, and I could use it and go get the new speakers for the computer. The speakers for this computer doesn't have a jack in for the head set, so my bother somehow got this go between that plugs into the sound card, and on the other end you can plug in your speakers, headset, mic, and it had it's own volume control. The problem is, both
CircuitCity and OfficeMax don't sell that go between, but OfficeMax has the cheapest set of speakers at $27 or so with a subwoofer. I may just do that tomorrow on my way back from paying the cell phone bill. The reason why we were looking for that go between is because ours has a short or something in it and it needs to be replaced. Since we couldn't find that, next would be to get a new set of speakers with a jackin somewhere on it.

I have more to write, but it's almost 5am and I want to go to bed.

I'll try and write some more tomorrow.


- There I share my life.

- There I have links to what use to be my life.

- There you can find out what I might want out of life.

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