June 22, 2009

Lunch and Some Art.

Hi ya.

Yesterday I somehow got invited to spend the afternoon or at least the rest of the daylight hours with a friend of a friend's family. It turned out to be two or three things rolled up into one.

I didn't think I should go since I was so removed from the family, but that connection talked me into it. They seemed happy that I was there and it did turn out to be  a bit of fun.

After we ate a really good meal around 4:30 or so, we went to walk around the art fair that was a block away. They said that every day but today, they have had music coming from over there. It seems that the husband was keeping the wife away until that late, to make sure she didn't have enough time to buy anything that she really liked. Or had enough time to find something that she really wanted.

That said, I don't think she was a shopper, but then I was just there for that afternoon.

I got a few pics of the art show.







That last one was just to show you how many there were. Just before I took that pic, I started to feel rain, so we went back to the house to have cake and chit chat until people had to leave. Just because the sun was up doesn't mean that it wasn't late in the day.

The father had picked us up at the friends place, the the mom drove us back. We went through two counties to reach their home. They said it was a 30 mins ride. I didn't make sure.

As you guess I'm in the library today/now. Ya, needed to check a few things, and get out for the day. She likes it when I leave the house for a bit. After all what is the point of coming/going some where if you never go out side. But that aside, Seattle is not a warm place.

Sunday Tanzi took me to a thing that was going on in Fairmont. I think that is how you spell it. Over by the bridge troll. Speaking of which. I got a pic of it and the people that came to take pics of it.


You can't see it, but in his hand that is higher in the front is actually holding a car. A VW Bug.

Well, they had face painting, expensive food, jewelry, and a couple of bands at two stages I think. That day turned out to be very cold. We saw some cool stuff. We also wished that we had some money to buy a few things, but soon Tanzi's shoes were hurting her feet for some reason and she sat down while I went to get us some thing to eat.

I said the food was expensive right? I keep forgetting that they are. Anyway. The cheaper stuff that I went back to get was gone, so asked for an elephant ear with little sugar on it. It was nothing more than elongated fried dough with sugar tossed over it. Rip off for $5.

We were cold and didn't get a guy to kiss me even though I thought he was drunk enough to do it. So we left and Tanzi got a burger from PCC and I got some milk.

At first I was upset that I didn't get one, but I didn't want to spend the money on a soup to begin with. Besides, I needed that money for the stuff I got today. We have some spinach in the fridge going dry on us, so I thought of making those puff  things that my mom makes for church before they are too far gone. But she only has like a cup or two of floor, no spices, and I almost finished all the sugar just to sweeten my tea. So I got most of that stuff just now. I was also hoping to get some more milk at the bargain place, but they didn't have any, as well as the floor, so I had to get the floor at QFC. 

First I was walking with some weight tacked on to my laptop when I went to hand in my application for Trader Joe, and then to the library to drop off those books. They didn't feel that heavy by themselves, but add them up and they hurt my back and shoulder.

Now I've traded the books for over 10lbs of food stuff. The floor is 5lbs and the sugar is 5lbs, then the other little things...I don't feel guilty for taking the bus everywhere today.

I think I'll cook up the corn beef for myself when I get home today. I got a corned beef myself like the third day I was here I think. I needed some meat, or at least something I knew would fill me up. I got it with some turkey hotdogs that I thought we could share, but it had something in it she couldn't eat. Not didn't want it, but really couldn't eat.

I've been wearing a wing for like three days now. This is the first day since Friday that I haven't worn it. Tanzi and the friend says that it suits me. I just have a slightly hard time thinking that it really mates my hair that well, but so far, a few people have acted like it was. I have a pic of that too. That is my last pic, and I'm done. :)


She has a big kitchen. They have closest space that a NY're would pay blood for. Walk in rooms.


See ya. :)

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