Nika before her party, holding her(old, tatered, and torn) baby blanket.
Today she is 5 years old.
Hi ya, *kiss*
We had a nice black out tonight. Lasted for over 3hours. Just as we steped out of the
house to go walking, the lights came back on. Just like I said 20 mins or so before.
It's 1:17am now and everyone is asleep but me.
I had a check from a side job to cash today, but the bank it was issued from wouldn't
cash it because the 5 looked a little funny. Well, not outright not chash it. They wanted
the person who wrote it up to put their name next to the "mistake". But how would they
know that it was just me doing it?? That occured to me just now. Anyway, all our plans
for the day, never mind the week were shot because of it. The person I got the check from
left the island Friday day. She won't be back for 2 weeks. Then after walking over to my
back and taking off $20 from a $60 balance, and starting to walk away it occured to me to
cash it at my bank, or at least try. Well before I got in line, my sister thought it was
a long line, I asked the inquries desk about cashing the check. If I had the money in my
account they can give me that while the check cleared. But if I didn't have that much
money in my account I will just have to deposit it to my account and wait for it to
clear, in 3 days. Fine. It would be alot sooner than sending and e-mail to the lady and
having her send me a new one by snail mail. The three days start from tomorrow. So my
week off was mostly shot.
Then my sister pointed out that she still had the lights money still on her, so we could
use that to at least do part of around the island tour, and we just take the money out of
the check once it get's cleared. Oh, the teller at my bank just took it, no problems.
So taking my tv in to be fixed has been really delayed, along with our trip to Nevis. It
was suppose to be Wednesday, but now it has been pushed back to Friday, and then is when
we will be getting the last things for Nika's birthday party. I keep forgeting to print
up the invites for it.
Just watched something intresting. TimeCop II. I didn't even know that they did another
one. Ofcourse it's not up to par with the first one with VanDam's movie, I think. I
haven't seen that movie in a while. Anyway, I liked it after everything started to go
"wrong". :) It's just slightly a B movie. Here is what other people had to say about the
Here is another link that might tell you abit more of the movie.
Let's see, what else do I have to say? Oh, I found out from AM that there is a zoo in
town. Well not the big kinda zoo that you would think about when you think the word zoo,
but they have animals. I'm going to take Nika tomorrow when Jhodie is off working. I just
have to remember to get the money from Jhodie before she leaves for work, or we can't go
anywhere. I have $2 in quarters on me.
I didn't get to call AM and tell her about our change in plans to go to Nevis yet. I had
asked her earlyer when we were going to town if she wanted to come to Nevis with us. She
I was suppose to call her and let her know about the tv and the Nevis trip.
Ok, I think that's it. It's almost 2:30am and I have to get my sleep to get up with Nika
tomorrow, but I want to watch at least one ep of Anime before I go to sleep. Last night I
was so tired I fell asleep while trying to watch and ep. Or was that the night before???
On a parting note we had pasta bake tonight. We got the eggplants today in town. We were
on our way to the farmer's market to get some after we saw that the super market didn't
have any, but we didn't get the far to get some. A lady on the side of the street was
selling some so my sister got them from her. She made the sauce from scrach. It's a
1960's recipe for itailan pizza or tomato sauce. Then their's the riatoni pasta to boil,
and the browning of the chicken to turn it up all and cover in cheese to bake. Not bad
ha? :)
After that was when we went out for walk. It was a nice little walk. I have to get some
informaion on the new building going up on the other side of the school and pasture.
Ok... leaving now.
Take care.
Love Jhoy.
250 gig hard drive - discounted until the end of the month.
Item #: THD-250A
===========================================Hello again.
Trying to get back on the horse.
I tried to sleep as long as I could since I was up late putting Nika to sleep, but I got
up at 10am anyway.
Got a bunch of phone calls today. At the most we normally get one a day, and that is from
Lynn just calling to chat with Jhodie. Today I got two from Jhodie. One to see if I was
up yet, and the next one was to remind me that I was picking up Nika from school at 4. I
hadn't forgotten. Then there was the one from the lady that I'm doing the project for.
I'm thinking of going in tomorrow and helping with it since it is 'officially' and
outside job for me. Besides it turns out that I will be getting paid quite a bit for it,
so I should help as much as I can. Anyway, she called because she was worried about the
size of the tables. I tried to set it so that the width of the tables all fit one page
and just rolled on from there, but she wants the all to be same size no matter how big
the table is for consistency. That is one of the reasons I want to go and see her
tomorrow. I have two days off, but she is suppose to be leaving with a completed project
on Friday. If I was really thinking about it, I would have gone in today. Can't do
anything about that now.
Then there was the landlady that hired Jhodie to clean a house for her every 2 weeks. She
wanted to know where we lived so that she could bring Jhodie her money. She called a
second time when she said no one was answering. I fell asleep and my room is in the back
of the house. I didn't hear anything. Considering the phone wakes me up, I don't know how
I didn't hear her. She had a big car. It could have been an SUV. The sun was blinding me,
so I my eyes werent that open. *grin*.
I downloaded some anime porn, but I can't really call it porn, since when I look for it,
it's under Hentai, which means pervert. I tried to find some "happy ones"... but that
isn't easy either. I got to see one today before ever one came home. It's a new and
popular one. Some got downloaded after that, and I think I have 3 left to get. They are
short things. 30 mins if that much.
Right after I got back with Nika, I was sent out to get bread and to bring back Jhodie
three chicken wings for her to eat. It's baked bbq I think. Nika got her own money to buy
what she wanted. She left with just under $3. We got to the store, and I got the bread,
and Nika picked up the expensive corn curls and one of those shinny bag type drinks. She
put them up, then the money and I waited for the lady to say that she didn't have enough
for what she wanted, but she just took the money and bagged it for her. Well.
We went out then walked back in next door to ask if they had any chicken wings. She said
that none of the chicken was done yet. Ok.... then home we go. I walked the other way
home and we crossed the street to see if this store had any salt fish patties. She did,
so I asked for 3 not knowing how much they were going for. I thought maybe 75 cents. It
was a $1 each. No biggie. We walked home.
After licking the oil off my fingers after placing some in a piece of bread, I gave the
last one and half to Jhodie as I coughed from the heat and sting of the pepper. Ouch,
they were hot, but I was able to eat them in the bread with the honey mustard.
Now Nika wants to play Frisbee. So I got dressed again and took her out to the pasture. I
saw big bright lights coming from over there. Ohhh.. They are having a match. Football.
So we watched for a while and Nika cheered the team in white. Then we played some Frisbee
on the street next to the pasture. Then we came back and watched some more football then
we came home.
After that things were normal. Jhodie cooked and talked on line, then sent me to look
after the pot, then we ate, Nika stayed up a bit later than she should have. She got a
story and went to bed. I started watching You're Under Arrest around 11, and around 11:30
Jhodie called it quits and told me to put up what was left of dinner.
The time is now 12:30 and I took time out of watching You're Under Arrest to write my
blog tonight.
Tomorrow is shopping day and I'm going to get a small Windex or one if it's knock offs,
and buy back the rice crackers that I ate off. They were good. :)
Ok, that's it. I don't know when all of this is going to happen, shopping, going to see
the lady, so I have to be asleep by 2am.
See ya.
- There I share my life.
- There I have links to what use to be my life.
- There you can find out what I might want out of life.
Start your day with Yahoo! - make it your home page
(A pick up line?.. a pick up line?.. hummm?... Can't say I have one. I did have a nice conversation keeper. Let's see. It was a long time ago. It was back at TOTTS. He actually let me follow him home .... I'll leave it at that.)
5. A six-pack of good bottled beer
A prepared single girl is ready to host and toast at any time. If you want to make a guy-guest feel at home and your girlfriends feel special, skip the mass-produced swill and go for microbrews like the exotically-named Smuttynose Shoals Pale Ale from Portsmouth, New Hampshire or the grandfather of microbrews, Sam Adams Boston Lager.
- There I share my life.
- There I have links to what use to be my life.
- There you can find out what I might want out of life.
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Hello Larry..
*hug*.... I thought my day was going ok until I got an e-mail from my boss.
Yesterday a teacher came by with some work, and I told her that we couldn't get it done
by the time that was mensioned in the e-mail. I waited for her to think, then ask me how
much could be done by then, but she just turned off. I didn't expect her to leave.
Later my boss called me after getting a voice mail from the teacher, and I reminded him
that with one person working per shift over the weekend, we couldn't doing it for her. He
agreed wth me, then said that he was willing to come in and cover the desk so M could go
and do it on her shift. And that he had left a voice mail or e-mail for the teacher
saying so, and to drop the work off at the desk.
Today, I get and e-mail from him saying that I shoudln't have told a customer no, and
that I should have found another way to help her. And that it wasn't my place to tell her
no. I'm also suppose to call her up and say I'm sorry. The only thing that I'm sorry
about is that I didn't try harder to stop her before she left to tell her that we could
get about 10 or so pages done for her over the weekend. But at the time I didn't think
that was something she wanted to hear but I didn't get even get a chance to say it.
I couldn't have asked Ron (boss) anything since he left at 2. I think the only one that
stayed around any length of time was Collin. But right now I can't remember when he left.
People were leaving between 1 and 4 that afternoon. By the time the techer came I'm sure
I was the only one left. That won't help me now. It's not major, and I'm sure that he
would have liked it to have turned out differntly, me too, but for all I know She stayed
for over 4 hour yesterday upstairs and did them herself. At least four hours.
I haven't used that software all semester, so I'm a little fussy on how long it would
really take to scan 30 pages (single sided) But I know it would have taken longer then
the 2 hours I could given to the project.
Well I can't let myself feel too bad about it. I have another project to get done, and
that has brought up it's own problems that I have to work out, or she will miss her dead
line also.
Like I said my day seemed fine. Stayed in bed a bit, hung out with Nika until we went for
a walk into town. Came home had a drink, gave her a bath and got ready for work. My
sister called at 3:59 which is where part of the day started to go wrong. She was suppose
to be walking in the door so I could leave. She wasn't walking in the door. Time flew for
her, so I had to take Nika over to friends house two "blocks" away, and got her something
to eat. I called work to let the other girl know, since she had called earlyer to let me
know that she would be leaving at 4 today. Lucky me I got a bus quickly, and I walked on
to campus when she was walking out. But I had to go help a teacher right away since he
came looking for my help. I left his office after 4:30, so I was going to spend the money
on a juice since I was tired and hot and I thought I deserved it. He ended up buying me
lunch/dinner. Great. I got down here. No problems, I was even able to burn a cd for a
student in the burner that didn't on a cd yesterday. I was good. Ate lunch. Spilled a
little on shirt. Curry. Then I read the e-mail. I didn't feel as bad as I feel now when I
first read it.
Right now, I just want to write my e-mail to you, see if I understand what is going on
with the VNC and this computer, and do two projects. Finishing one and getting very far
in the other one.
Other than that, I've neglected to write my blog for over a week. Ya. This may be the
longest I've going without blogging. At one point I was busy, at another tired and didn't
want to. At another point my sister was using the computer. Another time I didn't want to
again even thought I knew I should.
Mostly I've just been looking forward to going on vactaion. I don't know if I've ever
looked forward to a vaction before. And it not like I'm currenly being run ragged either.
I might be even thinking of changing jobs if I could.
I thought that you might be getting tried of tell me what hurt that week. I thought that
was why you didn't write me so much.
Thursday felt odd for me. It felt like it was saturday. I showed up and everyone was
gone. Rick called 30 mins or so after I got there to see that I was there, since they all
left. I had fun, as much fun as I could, did some work, and got the project that I'm
going to have to leave you for soon.
I don't get space tv here, so I don't see all that you do. I haven't seen Capt. Janeway
for years now. I did catch an ep of Enterprise a few weeks ago by accdent on CityTv. As
for Next Gen and DS9 I see them every day on SpikeTv. Well, every week day. Two eps of
DS9 followed by 3 eps of Next Gen.
Have you see FireFly yet? I think only SciFi Channel has that one. I don't know what is
comeing on this fall. I haven't seen or heard of the line up. I've been watching
StarGate, SG Atlantis, Battlestar and watching anime on the computer. :)
Let me know how the doc thing goes. Oh, can you send me your address again. I just want
to make sure I have it.
Love Jhoy.
PS... why 7-4=3 ???
--- maysryan@execulink.com wrote:
> Hi Jhoy
> How are you doing today? Ever have trouble figuring out what to put in the
> subject line:) I'm doing ok. I'm tired of compaining so I'll just say I'm
> staying close to home and taking lots of pills. Maybe things will change
> when I go to the Dr. on Thursday.
> Do any of the new shows starting in the fall look interesting to you?
> There are two on CBS on Fridays but I can't think what they are called
> ofcourse. It seems strange with no Start Trek to look forward to. Trekies
> can catch all of them just about everyday if they want, mostly on Space
> Channel. Enterprise starts at 10 weeknights soon.
> This is turning out to be one of the hottest summers since they have
> started keeping records. July was the second hotest ever and August has
> been about the same. We haven't had much rain at all either.
> I'm still working on my pictures almost every day. I'm sending one here
> that isn't one of my favorites but turned out a little "strange" :)I was
> working on drop shaddows and positioned this one without looking to
> closely at a it. When I went back to it, the drop shaddow now looks like a
> hand holding an erect penis!!
> I'll go for now. Take care. Love ya.
> Larry
> ----------------------------
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- There I share my life.
- There I have links to what use to be my life.
- There you can find out what I might want out of life.
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