Last night was Hayden's Birthday party. I ofcourse I was late. It was mostly due to the fact that there was no express train service, so I had to ride local from where I was in Brooklyn all the way up to 155th ST near the top of Manhattan. I also had 45 mins set aside for when Phillys combed my hair. All she had to do was replat what was already there. But she had to make it perfect. My bath and getting dressed was about 15mins. Despite the length of time she took, it came out a bit better than Jho's, but then they plat hair differently.
I almost didn't go, but I'm glad I did, because I don't think that Tanzi would have made it home if I wasn't there. The party was suppose to start at 6 pm, but it seems that most of the people started to show up after 8. Just about the time I was really planning to show up, but I didn't get there until 9:30.
It was a pot luck party, so I cooked up some rice. It was more or less the same kind of rice that I had made before since I've been here, I just added a bit more of a few things. It had alot of yellow and red sweet peppers, and I added some spinach, and red onions, and yellow onions, and some shredded carrots. I almost only cooked 2 cups of rice, but then I remembered that he said that about 6 people were coming so I made 3 cups instead. Good thing too. There were more like 20 people there. Everyone was really nice, expect maybe one girl, but I think it might have been because by the time I got around to being around her, she was buzzed and only let me one song that I knew and liked, before she wanted to hear her kind of music again.
But before that I was talking to this guy.

I have another pics to share. It's of me and the birthday boy.

This pic came out ok, not as good as the one of me and Tanzi, but I can't post that one because Tanzi doesn't want her pic on line. Go figure.
This is Hayden. I was once again reminded that he has a daughter. An 11 year old daughter. I guess that since he doesn't have any other children, he learned how to use a condom.
I got to leave about 1:20 or so. I was waiting for Tanzi. She wanted to sit for a bit before leaving. She was suppose to have gotten to the party like and hour before me but she ran into the same train issue, and ended up on local service on the 1 line, then had to walk back like 10 blocks to Hayden's place. By the time I got off at my stop it was like 3:05 and my mom was just about to go down and called out to me. She said that she was almost late. I guess with out me there to wake her up, she didn't wake up on time, but she made it.
Although I was yawning as I walked down the street, when I got home I made a sandwich and finished watched the movie that I had on when I was getting ready for the party. I didn't go to sleep until 5:30 or so.
I was suppose to go the children's museum with Jhodie and Nika, but I was just to tired.
Around 12:30 or so my Aunty Phillys called and woke me up, and I decided to stay up. She called to let us know that there was a fair at the end of her street and that it was free, and that we could bring Nika. They had bouncy castles and rides. Ok, I know that I haven't really been there in a while, but doesn't that sound like a lot to hold on a sidewalk?
I called Jhodie and told her before I got some breakfast. Then I spent about an hour or so putting some music together and renaming a bunch of songs. Then it was blog time, so I got the pics off the phone and came here.
There, my last 15 or so hours.
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