I'm not at the point I want to be with both computers right now.
I haven't tested ou any games on the new computer yet to see how well they run, not to mension any movies, and I don't have as much RAM as I would like.
And I'm accutally considering putting XP on the next computer. It will get the 2something of RAM that the origanl computer had, but with XP being on there, it might just end up being like the 2000 now with just the 128 stick.
My sister has a cold, so she isn't in a very helping mood right now. All day Nika was looking for company... ok, not all day, when she woke up after Jhodie left, she watched TV and wasn't hungrey. But when I woke up at 11:30, all she wanted was to play with either one of us. I wanted to get the computer up to snuff before I took down the other, and Jhodie had her cold.
I found more stuff that I had to copy over, and there was a hunt for a few things, and stuff. So I won't see if the memory is even compatable until I get home tonight. I half wish that it isn't so I wouldn't have to take it apart. Just take out a few hard drives, put back in the floppy drive, swap the cdrw with a cdrom, and let Nika have it. Then when I get the rest of my memory, I'll add it to the 2000 then get craccking with building the next one.
Oh, another sad find today. For some reason I thought that the new computers were going to have pIII 900 chips. Well I was only partly wrong. They are pIII but not 900. They are 450s. :( Let's see if being a pIII makes up for the other part. I still need the RAM.
Yesterday at work was ok. I was able to keep myself more or less busy for most of the day. I got the book from the teachers, so I'm currely up in the Media Center about to scan as much as I can of like 60 noted pics out of a book.
They are changing the outside lights of the buildings, and Gary acutally got two. I didn't know that they were giving them away. I guess they are trying not to keep things that they won't be using again. When I showed my dissapointment at not getting any, he said that he will get me one for when I come back on Wednesday. Cool. That will be the last light and I just have to get wire so they can set up. I all ready have the other light for the other side of the house. I just keep forgetting to get wire.
Last night was the end of it all for StarGate and Battle Star. Intresting set of endings for all of them.
Well back to work if I want to make any head way with this.
See ya.
Spell check and such later, maybe.
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