She just got here.
Besides the time he came down to St. Kitts to see us, I haven't seen him since he was what? 12 years old.
And now I have to deal with the fact that he is going to get married and all that. A new person to add to this part of the family. If G ever liked me enough after we really get to spend some time for me to bring him to see my mom, I wouldn't have a clue how to go about it.
In the words of "Back To The Future Mary McFly", "The is heavy".
Got to go before she comes back in here to be nice to me.
I did not put on extra stuff when I heard she was coming. If she wants to meet me, then she will meet me. I have something on, I just didn't get all dressed up for the visit.
Oh... before I bale, I did make it out to see the farmer's market this afternoon. I passed two book stalls and something else in a small park between the museum and my old high school. I think it's call McNair Park, but don't hold me to it.
I walked around, but since I showed up so late in the day, most of them showed that they were in the sun for a while and even the living flowers needed some watering. There was some organic bread and baked goods, beets, onions, berries, greens of all kinds and one winery. I have their card. Here it is.

They have a nice name and so does their wines. "Tickle Me Pink" I was told was good for cooking with. They were out of that one by the time I came by. They all sounded nice, shame I don't drink. Darn! I just thought of some thing. I could have gotten one for Aresh for his birthday. Darn! But it couldn't be helped. I didn't have $10 for a bottle anyway. I'll get one for him when I get a job. It will be a belated gift. A very belated gift.
I then decided to walk the other way home. That took me way the other way. I ended up over at Western Beef. Just for old time shake and maybe for a bottle of water I went inside. It was ok, I ended up with the little boxes of soy milk flavored with carrot. It's not bad. It's a Grace brand named Jus Soy. Right now they are having a sale. The large one and the three pack little boxes were .99cents each.
I then walked it all the way back up Franklyn until I got home. I even passed a park that I forgot was there. It looked like it had nice set of slides and stuff for Nika.
I got home about 5:30.
Oh, I came home to find some cards all over the place. It seems one of my aunts were here. My aunt Margaret. It seems that she is a paster now, and was spreading the news. She either owns or works for Meg Ministries.
Well you are so up to date that I could not blog for like.... 12 hours. *grin*
I'm off to get ready for the party. I'm thinking of wearing my new wrap shirt, and my wig since my hair hasn't been done since Monday.
See ya.
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