July 28, 2007


The worst papsmare that I've ever had.

The man didn't have clue when he heard me cry out in pain, or from the other noises I made when he was poking around down there.

If I could have avoided that, I would have.

It didn't help that I sat in there freezing by but off for I don't know how long while I waited for him. It's like there are alot of aids, but one real nurse and maybe two doctors.

I was suppose to be there at 12:30, but I got there 10 mins late. By the time I walking out it was after 4 I'm sure. I just came for a shot, but since I'm new I had to get a whole work up. Urine test, blood test, papsmare, breast exam, and then there was all the paper work to see about "floating" my fee since this wasn't a free clinic like I was told, and to start a chart for me.

To top it off I almost felt like they forgot to give me my shot. The only thing I came there for, but it turned out to be the very last thing I got. I was almost given it in my butt. I told her I always got it in my arm. So she let me get it that way, and I got another ban aid to on that arm to go with the one that I got from the blood test.

When I was leaving, I was reminded that I had to bring back a few things for the next time I came to help determine how they were going to be paid. So I have to bring back my SSN, a letter to verify my address, and my mom's pay slip.

Well I'm outside the building now, and I think that I'll see how far from Fulton Mall I was since it wasn't as far in the other direction as I thought it was. At the end of the block before I even crossed the street, I see a subway entrance. It couldn't have been that close. I walked 4 blocks to get here from the subway I found the other day to find out that I passed the stop?!?! I walked on, and what? The main subway entrance/exit was just a block away. And the block away was Dekab, and that was a block from the start of Fulton Mall. I did all that walking around for nothing. I could have had all this done yesterday.

The only good thing is that I might have found my college.

I came home, and mom told me that someone called for me. At first I wondered who it could have been, then I asked her if was Tanzi. We kind of went to school together. Either which way, she couldn't remember, and when we called back the number that she thought she called from, no one answered and we didn't leave a message.

AAAHHhhhhh..... (yawn)

I think that I'll go back to bed for a bit. I'm only up because my mom woke me up while she was getting ready, then I had to use the bathroom. Then I folded up the air bed for my brother. Yea, my brother. He showed up last night. He's staying for 10 days.

He went to get ready, and I wasn't going to church or out, so I did it. Then Mom asked me to iron her outfit for her. Then I was suppose to finish get Nika ready. Phillys was doing her hair because Jhodie wasn't feeling well and still asleep.

The girl took forever doing her hair. She said that she started at 9am, it was 10:16 when she finished. We all expected her to do a quick pony tail thing. Oh no. She had to make it fancy. I'm surprised that Nika didn't go back to sleep on her.

I did a quick wipe and get dressed of her while she ate breakfast. She didn't eat that much, and I got mom to take some crackers for her for when she gets hungry later.

Well I think I'll go back to bed now and watch a bit of tv.

See ya.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks :)
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