October 30, 2017

Not home yet.

I spent too much time looking at shoes after work, but then I was able to meet with my sister at Penn station.

We then went to Shoprite to get my fix of fruit and yogurt. I ended getting a little more than I intended.

Now we are at Sonics getting"dinner". Well I am. My sister isn't hungry.

Ok, going now.


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October 29, 2017

See the rain?

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Rain, Rain

I think I has been raining for almost 24 hours now, and it will be raining on my way in to work too.

I had almost a week off, due to us not making day for a while. I think it's a little messed up. If we don't don't "make day" constantly, the store owes the company money and shifts/work days are cut.

I was actually thinking that I would get some writing done, but the bad chair and the cold weather which is setting in, help snuff out my will to write.

I actually got around to opening the files and seeing where I left off and copying a few bits into it, but I had no drive to continue.

I had a feeling this might happen. I did so much to get the rough draft for the book, that somewhere in my head, I think it got labeled as finished even thought it clearly isn't.

Maybe I should stop thinking about it. Easier said than done. I've been thinking about my two incomplete stories and one I was reminded about that I haven't started at all.

And maybe I should post this on my other blog that is about my stories.


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October 20, 2017

I don't know if I'm a lier or if I saved a situation.

There was no way for me to meet my friends on this trip even though I tried with the first one and ran out of time, money and needing to actually feel like I was on vacation/holiday. 

The first friend understand and I told him I would just try another time. Then I realized I was being too ambitious considering how much time and money I had. So I was going to take a trip to just see each friend and spend the rest of my time here with my sister. It wasn't so bad. It was cold in the convention center and I ended up walking so much, that I just laid in bed the next day to let them heal up. I almost made it to the pool that I didn't know was there until I looked out. Not that I even owned a swimming suit. But it was nice to think I could have floated out there for a bit if I did.

So I started to think about the next time I could try this. And I remembered how someone at work said that they were talking their birthday off. So I think I could do the same and do this around mid January. I hate winter and I would get away from it for a week or so, and I will book well in advance for a cheap flight and then the bus to go down to the Keys. 

So then I did the scariest thing so far this trip and it beats out sleeping on the street in Atlanta waiting for the 8am bus to Orlando. I called my friend in the Keys. My poor heart. That statement alone must clue you in to the fat that I don't just think of him as a friend. Would he remember me. Would he want to see me. 

I believe the answer is yes. He honestly sounded happy to hear from me. He said he would make time to see me. I was so nervous that once I told him that I was thinking of coming down around my birthday after asking how he weathered the hurricane, I said goodbye without leaving him my number. So now that I'm siting in greyhound station waiting for my bus, called to leave my number and he answers the phone and I'm a wreak again at hearing him not to mention that he called called me something endearing like Dear or Sweets. Too surprised that he answered to note what he called me other than he called me something sweet and I could hear the smile in his voice as he talked with me and took my number. He once again confirmed when I was coming and I melted and rocked on my chair at his intrest. 

Next will be my friend in Milton. It just about goes without saying, but depending on what happens in the Keys, will dictate what happens in Milton. 

At least now I have more time to make myself plan how to get to and from each place. Maybe instead of going through Mobile, Alabama like I was trying to do for my friend in Milton, I will come from the right this time. As for the Keys, greyhound can't be the only way in. If it is, maybe I just get as close as I can and he can come pick me up. 

At least it is all possible now. I all I have to do is survive Black Friday through new years. I think I'll put in for that week when I get back. As for my Milton trip, I'm thinking about 4 months after my Keys trip would be a good time. Maybe 5 months. I still have bills to payoff and I really don't think I would have gott n them to where I want them before then. 

So. How was my trip(s) over all? Not bad. Once I stopped looking at it as a destination thing and a travel thing, it was mostly good. Could have done without sleeping outside, I survived. :)

I like FL even if people think they need to live in AC all the time. I liked the heat. I liked the sun and short buildings. I even saw a lizard. I didn't realize I hadn't seen one since I left home. It was a small little one. I like how you pay for the buses here and how parts of it is set up.

The transit people in NJ need to talk to other states and cities to improve themselves. I think I touched on that a bit with the pic I posted two days ago of the bus I took to meet up with my sister.

I was suppose to have oatmeal at the hotel, but I came down too late, so I had a chicken sandwich with fries instead 2 hours later. I got an apple and a muffin for later too. 

I think I will be queuing up in about 10 mins for my bus, but there is still a line there for another bus I think. If not, they started early. 


Look what is at our mall

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October 17, 2017

I am still not home yet. Yet!

Delays. Delays. Delays. And another delay for good measure.

Now. Now I'm heading to Newark. We skimmed the outskirts on our way to NYC so we are mostly back tracking to a place we were over an hour ago so I can get off greyhound once and for all.

I was suppose to be home since 2:30-ish this afternoon. I was going to defrost some ground turkey and make some chili with a boat load of veggies in it and make some vegan cornbread to go with it.

I would put back some of the stuff into the bathroom. Oh, I may not have said this, and of I did, I'm saying it again. The first reason for me going to FL was so our landlord could fix/repair /renovate our bathroom. I took my time to clear it out. Take out trash and even swept the floor knowing that they were going to be ripped up and what happens?

Nothing. NOTHING.

My sister called him the night before we were leaving to ask how things were going. We expected them to not be done and we would be using the bathroom upstairs.

But no. He says that he wants to deal with the people upstairs first. I thought that they had already moved out. But it seems like they have turned into squatters.

Fine, it makes sense, but he did not tell us this. He has our phone numbers. He lives below us. He should have said something.

Would I have still gone to FL? Maybe. Most likely. But I wouldn't have been dreaming of a new bathroom the whole time. It wouldn't have been a listed reason for the trip.

... (breathing)

So when I was told about our next and hopefully last delay getting to Newark, I left the line. I said I was going upstairs to pay for the 107 to take me home. But my fist stop was the bathroom. It was better than I expected. Then at the top of the escalator I saw something that reminded me that I had to buy a new power cord for my phone. The other one isn't working and my phone died on the way. I had to ask this guy who got on back in Baltimore if he had a charging cable I could use. Lucky for me he did.

That is how I have power now and when my brother called to chat. We are all bad at keeping in touch.

So, I spent $23 on a new power cord and went back down to wait for greyhound since already paid them to get me to Newark. I am now looking at the night time skyline of NYC as we head into Jersey.


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Now I'm hanging out here.

Don't know for how long.

Odd thing is, I was waiting to get off, after he woke us up and I fell back to sleep. I dreamed of Arish, Tanzie and some other girl I seem to know. We were at this out door thing. There were hundreds if not thousands of people there so we were surprised to see each other. Well Tanzie, the girl and I were. I just looked over at Arish were he was dancing.

Anyway, I found myself telling the girl that I was clean and only did something, in someway, once in a while. I had a feeling I was making a joke or talking about food, but it's starting to fade.

The shocking part was that Tanzie didn't believe me and just produced a handful of cobras and held them up as if daring me not to take a hit. I stood still and it looked like they were going to strike but didn't.

Then I woke up and realized everyone left me on the bus. I then spent about 5 mins trying to get inside since all the doors seemed to be locked, remembering that I had to get my suitcase and then trying to find it, in that order before coming inside and out of the cold.

So cold.

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Just getting back on the bus.

They say this will eliminate the other layover we were going to lave later.

We shall see.

I'm eating my snicker bar.


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I looked up where I was

So. North Carolina. It's cold here. My body was so ready to stay in FL where it's warm.

Did I mention that I saw squirrels in FL? Yep, they beat me in moving down there first.


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What is missing in this picture?

I'm not even sure what state I'm in right now.

We were woken up for a safety check that he cancelled or delayed since we were 20 mins out from this stop.

I'm pretty sure it was because he smelled smoke. Someone was smoking o the bus.

And there is a guy back where I am who doesn't own or want to use ear buds so I'm hearing all the stuff he's playing on his phone.


I feel like I should eat something, but at the same time I really don't think I should. I was going to walk around for a bit, but we seem to be in the middle of houses. I don't know how they worked that one out.

I have another 12 - 14 hours to go before I get off in NJ. Oh, unlike Megabus, everytime we stop, everyone has to get off. Upside, you get to stretch, on the downside, you are woken up at 1 am

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October 13, 2017

This is a bus

This is what our long buses in NJ should look like. Three sets of doors and they can print passes on the bus. ON THE BUS!
Yes, I made it to FL. How I'm heading down to mu sister. The mega bus stop was 13 miles away from where she is.

So it looks like I will be spending about 2 days in FL with her. I'm not even going to bother trying to see my friend in the Keys.  I just don't have enough time.

I will just dedicate a trip to each of them. 😏


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Guess where I am not?

I'm not on the bus going to Orlando. I missed I. I somehow picked the longest running movie to watch, then get off at the wrong stop on the train. So when o got to where I should I have been I was at the wrong end of the block and looking at the tail lights of my bus leaving without me.

One person said that she has missed her bus with Megabus before, and they let her get on the next one. So I'm waiting for the next one. At 8 am.

If they say no, I'm going back to NJ on greyhound.

At least I"m not the only one camping out down here. And no, I'm not including the homeless.

My sister has had her own misadventures in FL without me. But I wong go into it now since I need to save power on my phone. I'm going to turn it off and read from my iPad.

Only 6 hours to go. 😳

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October 12, 2017


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I packed too much clothes.

The only how I get to wear all of what I have is if I just stay with Phillys and she will make me change mu clothes, or I get to Key Largo and my friend there wants me to stay with him and he pays for a flight back for me to get to work on time.

Why do I bring this up. I'm not in Orlando yet. Heck, I just got to Atlanta. And my connecting bus is at midnight. I tried to get one sooner, but there seems to only be two bus people in town. Greyhound and mega bus. Greyhound wants more money for a much longer ride time.

I couldn't do it. I needed to walk about. So I booked one of the lat 5 tickets for megabus.

So I have some webcomic work to take care off then I'm exploring. I got a day pass so getting around shouldn't be an issue as far as paying fare.


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Hey. 😊

Well, my "vacation" has started. I waited a little late to book my first two buses to make sure I would make them.

I was hungry on the first one but I had a fruit cup with me. When we pulled into Washington almost an hour late, I didn't have much time to use the bathroom and find something to eat, so once I did find food, I brought it back with me to wait for my next bus.

I was still able to be impressed by DC as we were leaving. I would like to see more of it and in better light.

We then had our first stop between here and Atlanta. Richmond VA. That was just to gain and loose a few passengers.

Now we are stopped at this .. What is this?  A Travel Center. I took a screen shot, but it went tot he top and I can't move it. Oh well.

So, I didn't get anything to drink back in D.C. so I got off to get some water and got two juices two. Then as I get back to the bus the driver starts to hand out bottled water. Great.

Now we are off again. It was just a 20 mins stop. Next sop, I will get something hot to eat, or just get up to stretch my legs.


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October 09, 2017

This Saturday past

So, I thought my day was going well and when I left to catch the 59 bus into Elizabeth I saw this little thing sitting at the bus stop. I don't know if I noticed it before or after I saw a guy driving by slow down to look at it.

I didn't get a chance to take a pic of the side he saw though. My bus showed before I could even start to walk around the car to that side. But I did get a look at it.

It looked like he had that famous Asian wave picture in white and sliver on that side. I hope to se it again so I could take a pic to show you.

Then, when I was going to send these photos to Blogger I saw that I had a voice message. I didn't expect it to be much since my sister normally wouldn't she had called me in the house phone when I didn't pick up my cell.

It was work. They were asking where I was. I was convinced that my sift was from 5 till 11 pm that day. But I checked the photo I took of my hours and I was wrong. I was suppose to start at 1:30 and work till 9.

So two calls later I ended up going in to work for the time I thought I was going to be working. But we a few of us were sent home a little early because we didn't make day.

Saturday we missed day by a mile and a half. But considering how much they were asking, I wasn't surprised. We did better on Sunday, but still didn't make day either. 

Speaking of yesterday. My shift was 12 till 7pm. I got cash rep, which I was grateful for since that meant I would leave almost on time, but I helped out a bit as I was waiting to be cashed out and I think, since I didn't say anything, that they forgot I was suppose to leave at 7. I was just going to help out the girl who was stuck there cleaning up cash rep by herself until I was cleared to leave, but I ended up staying 2 more hours instead.

I tried to see the upside but when she asked me to do something after I kept seeing others leave, I was too tired to saw what I want, but upset enough to say that I stayed back to help.

Then I almost forgot right away that I even said anything since I didn't saw everything that wanted to say, but she had a right to take it the way she did even if I didn't understand why at the moment.

We aren't really friends, but I don't want her to be upset with me, so I'm going to apologize to her I see her next.

Almost at work. Got a late start today. Tried from yesterday, as you might imagine, but I still made it here early if not very on time.


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October 05, 2017

Spending Spree.

I'm sure by a lot of other people's markers I did no such thing, but for a person making as much as I do, I sure did.

I shopped at work before leaving on Monday. I spent about $25.

I then paid to get on the bus. $2.75 I think. But I was prepared for that. I stopped off at Cold Stone's next door to break a $20 that I got the week before.

Once I was in town I made my way to Penn Station. I actually decided to walk down Market St since my feet were pretty well off from just standing at Cash Rep that day. Penn Station got $58 I think for a monthly bus pass. I don't even know since it's an expense I have to pay.

Then I decided to do a little grocery shopping. I tried to go to Whole Foods, but I ended up going to ShopRite instead due to where the bus I jumped on dropped me off at. I kept myself in check and even put back a box of pasta and some spaghetti sauce. I think I made it out under $30.

Now, my upcoming 'vacation'. It starts on the 11th and I'll be back about 17th. No idea about my internet connection during that time. But considering how often I update here, you won't miss me at all.

There are two people in that state that I want to see, but one is further away than I thought, and I still have to look up the other one. They lived in Key West. Yeah. Heck, I should start looking at how much Amtrack cost's to get down there. I was and still is, thinking about taking the bus, but someone said that the train may cost the same. I'll see.


October 02, 2017

Guess What?

It's October.

News flash right? I haven't bought my October bus pass and the driver for the 24B told me my pass wasn't good.

It took me a while to understand what he was saying. But a min later a 24A showed up and I decided to try my luck. It was that or miss it completely and be late. Get an uber and spend more than I wanted to this week, or miss this bus, get change and miss another bus and who knows when I get in to work.

My luck, kinda, held. The driver didn't call me on I. Now to see if I can get to Penn station with this pass after work so I can get a new one.


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I Ran!

I didn't think I would catch the 59 bus since it would show up about 4mins after I checked the bus text, but I still stopped to locked the top lock on my apt door.

Anyway, I still hoped that something, someone, held it up for a few seconds since I knew it would just fly by as I'm nearing the corner.

And it did, but I flagged it down thinking that if bus driver was kind he would think I was close enough to wait for me. I didn't think it was going to happen, but he did stop, and I ran for it.

I was about to praise his soul when I saw someone get off the bus. Ok, so he may not have stopped for me, but then again he might have. All I know is that I'm on time for work.

I was a little surprised that my feet let me run. I have looked at a number of buses  go by because I knew I couldn't make my legs move into a run. But today I just took off and I did it without any pain pills in my system.

So, it looks like I may be having tuna again for breakfast and lunch today. I could try and get a subway sandwich between buses since I have to change over to the 24 but I have to be at work at least 15 mins before we open our doors at 10 for a meeting. So a little less too to be late.

It's almost time to switch.


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